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QLD GPS Rugby 2021


Bob McCowan (2)
quote="Outofitguy, post: 1205707, member: 137166"]Wow! Taking the word of a player agent? You do know that’s in their job description right? To gas up players/teams. Lol that’s probably the same “leading” player agent that told me the Trans Tasman Super Rugby was going to be extremely close! Look how that’s turning out?
To have your mind made up about who the fittest teams are from trial games is pretty ridiculous. It’s trial games. All teams should be implementing crazy rotations from a pool of about 50 players, trialing different combinations etc. If you can gauge a team/players fitness from a trial game then they’re playing far too many minutes in a TRIAL game. Unless the coaches are trying to make a statement by winning these pointless games. That “statement” obviously worked on you and your “leading player agent” mate..
and let’s be real here, ALL teams are lacking depth!

Hey champ

I did say "at this stage"
1) the agent told me NC and BBC look the two fittest teams at this stage;

As for crazy rotations/50 players ???-
Any coach that dos not know the probable make up of his team -and is looking for combinations is way behind.
NC 1st xv squad now cut to 25-28

Lol so how do you build squad depth? By playing the “probable make up of your team” in trial matches? Chuck in some newbies with zero 1sts experience 6-7 weeks into the Comp when the seasons on the line? Lol

Of course the coach would know who his starters would be.. they’ve been training since January, some even since last year. Read what I wrote mate... “different combinations” “team chemistry” “player dynamics”

A few key injuries and the “probably make up of your team” turns into an ashtray on a motorbike.

Perfect example was BBC in the weekend. Zac Hough and Taj Annan played pretty much a full game!! Maybe 5-10 minutes to go they were subbed, WHY? Against a state high team missing 10 of their starters?? It’s not like the coaches don’t know what those 2 can do..


Dave Cowper (27)
You’re not wrong regarding website, I did make a error with TSS final score.

ScreenHunter 485 Jun. 01.jpg


Bob Loudon (25)
no, it's about the players developing themselves.

God I hope not - it should be about them getting exposure to coaching and development - not promoting or developing themselves - and equally it should be a showcase of the game and its young talent and giving a platform for that talent to sell the game at a grass roots level - but as you so eloquently put it originally - Rugby is happy slapping its own back and the back of the those in the know.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
God I hope not - it should be about them getting exposure to coaching and development - not promoting or developing themselves - and equally it should be a showcase of the game and its young talent and giving a platform for that talent to sell the game at a grass roots level - but as you so eloquently put it originally - Rugby is happy slapping its own back and the back of the those in the know.

that's not how I put it at all. I said those that need to know, know. As in the players. They are the most important in all of this.


Darby Loudon (17)
that's not how I put it at all. I said those that need to know, know. As in the players. They are the most important in all of this.
that's not how I put it at all. I said those that need to know, know. As in the players. They are the most important in all of this.
And bugger everyone else hey awesome, I’m sure many of the selected kids already knew before the tournament so no need for official announcements would just make it messy dealing with complaints of bias or relevance.

The Raging Potato 23

Allen Oxlade (6)
Ladies and gentleman I present to you the GPS First XV (yes i'm aware it's preseason and spots will definitely change)

1. Carsen Patu (TSS)
2. Oahu Davey-Phillips (Nudgee)
3. Lington Leli (BBC)
7. Zac Hough (BBC)
8. Tom Wheen (BBC)
10. Syris Schmit (TSS)
11. Jarrod Homan (BBC)
12. Harry MP (Moana Pasifika) (BBC)
13. Robert Toia (Nudgee)
14. Robert Mapa (Nudgee)
15. Taj Annan (captain) (BBC)

Let me know if you think people should be dropped, or picked up below!


Bob McCowan (2)
Ladies and gentleman I present to you the GPS First XV (yes i'm aware it's preseason and spots will definitely change)

1. Carsen Patu (TSS)
2. Oahu Davey-Phillips (Nudgee)
3. Lington Leli (BBC)
7. Zac Hough (BBC)
8. Tom Wheen (BBC)
10. Syris Schmit (TSS)
11. Jarrod Homan (BBC)
12. Harry MP (Moana Pasifika) (BBC)
13. Robert Toia (Nudgee)
14. Robert Mapa (Nudgee)
15. Taj Annan (captain) (BBC)

Let me know if you think people should be dropped, or picked up below!

Here is mine

1. Carsen Patu (TSS)
2. Cooper McGeary (TSS)
3. Lington Leli (BBC)
7. Zac Hough (BBC)
8. Tom Wheen (BBC)
9. Brayden Sullivan (IGS)
10. Syris Schmit (TSS)
11. Jarrod Homan (BBC)
12. Harry MP (Moana Pasifika) (BBC)
13. Robert Toia (Nudgee)
14. Malique Sjoberg (IGS)
15. Taj Annan (captain) (BBC)

I just added some that go under the radar but have made QLD with Annan and have impressive skills


Here is mine

1. Carsen Patu (TSS)
2. Cooper McGeary (TSS)
3. Lington Leli (BBC)
7. Zac Hough (BBC)
8. Tom Wheen (BBC)
9. Brayden Sullivan (IGS)
10. Syris Schmit (TSS)
11. Jarrod Homan (BBC)
12. Harry MP (Moana Pasifika) (BBC)
13. Robert Toia (Nudgee)
14. Malique Sjoberg (IGS)
15. Taj Annan (captain) (BBC)

I just added some that go under the radar but have made QLD with Annan and have impressive skills

Not sure about 7 havent seen him perform to make a rep side, IMO he could work a lot more at the breakdown and in collisions and seems to be fearful of contact

Wheen was a good dial in from the beaches of sydney great player should play schoolboys

15 is a lock great man


Schoolboys Backline

9. Nelson
10. Bowen.
11. ___
12. Odonnell
14. Homan
15. Taj


Bob McCowan (2)
Let me get in on this... Players that I have seen personally.

GPS School boys 2021:

1. Carsen Patu (TSS)
2. Aiden Taylor (BSHS)
3. Lington Leli (BBC)
4. Stuart Tualima (BSHS)
5. Ned Kendall (IGS)
6. Lolo Sekona (BSHS)
7. Zac Hough (BBC)
8. Matthias Maugatai (BSHS)
9. Brayden Sullivan (IGS)
10. Syris Schmit (TSS)
11. Delacruz Ripley (BBC)
12. Taj Annan (BBC)
13. Robert Toia (Nudgee)
14. Connor Simpson (AGS)
15. Jye Gray (TSS)

16. Uhila Senituli (BBC)
17. Ahmani Leilua (BSHS)
18. Massimo De Lutiis (TSS)
19. Peter James Su’a (GT)
20. Douglas Kennar (BSHS)
21. Fraser Cowan (TSS)
22. Wihan Kruger (TGS)
23. Kaleb Ngamanu (TSS)

Players to watch/Wider Squad:

24. Josiah Harrison (GT)
25. Campbell King (GT)
26. Blake Davis (BBC)
27. Thomas Wheen (BBC)
28. Macarius Pereira (NC)
29. Jack Hocking (IGS
30. Campbell Watchirs (BGS)
31. Xavier Craig (BGS)
32. Dre Pakeho (AGS)
33. Isaiah Harbottle (IGS)
34. Dredyn Takave Laban (BSHS)
35. Jonah Landbeck (IGS)