Actually what is interesting is the trend in numbers over the last say 5 years , where , between 30% to 40 % of the uptake in Schoolboys and U20's are Brisbane GPS Schools.
A greater range of Brisbane GPS Schools are recruiting out of Country Areas ( and specifically in NSW ) and in other States ( WA )
Sydney GPS and CAS Schools have a much thinner recruitment policy with a seeming attitude of "if they are lining up around the block to pay full freight why discount for faux glory / bragging rights"
Therefore , whether we like it or not , want to admit it or not , Brisbane GPS Rugby has become an even bloody bigger Combine Harvester that operates on different dynamics ( social and economic , and in the combination of the two ) than what School Associations operate under in NSW , ACT , Victoria and WA
And that Combine Harvester has gotten exponentially bigger in the last 5 to 6 years
The problem - again , whether it wants to be acknowledged or not , is that the Schools are consolidating the talent where the reach of the game's administrative bodies is challenged ( principally because of financing / available resources ) ......yet , in order to attract Government grant money , the game's administrators are focused more than ever on diversity
Conceptually, this is wonderful .
Practically ( and literally ) there are only a few needles in a zillion haystacks
You just don't want to see a situation where you have the tail wagging the dog in the pathways where we overfeed the "diversity for funding beast" - at the expense of true talent and merit , just because , of an ill thought out position of how Rugby in the Private School Associations is bad for the game and is responsible for its decline.