Garry Owens
Alan Cameron (40)
AIC lost 2 drew 1
Very poor
4 players selected
Only 1 x starter as well
AIC lost 2 drew 1
Very poor
4 players selected
My QLD Schoolboys predictions:
Queensland I
Queensland II
- Egan Siggs (TSS)
- Eugene Koorts (IGS)
- Moses Alo’Emile (BSHS)
- Harry Wilson (GT)
- Trevor Hosea (BBC)
- Lachlan Connors (SPC)
- Joe Small (NC)
- Joseph Faulalo (IGS)
- Josh Vuta (Somerset)
- Cooper Whiteside (IGS)
- Tiko Twist (SPLC)
- Noah Lolesio (TSS)
- Jordan Petaia (BSHS)
- Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow (BGS)
- Max Dowd (TSS)
- Rhys van Nek (BBC)
- Prynce Taugaele (BBC)
- Emosi Tuquiri (ASH)
- Harrison Cannon (NC)
- Kohan Herbert (Downlands)
- Phoenix Hunt (NC)
- Campbell Parata (TSS)
- Tyrone Metusela-Suapaia (GT)
My snubs: Isaac Crone, Reno Gerrard, Jeremy Kempston, Waiwai Raoren, Jangala Bennett, Harrison Fox
- Clinton Malolua (BSHS)
- Theo Fourie (Rocky Grammar)
- JP Tominiko (ACGS)
- Bruce Tevaga (PAD)
- MJ Havili (ACGS)
- Bailey Tautau (NC)
- Cam Howard (GT)
- Cullen Ngamanu (BBC)
- Billy Rutherford (SLC)
- Carter Gordon (BBC)
- JJ Oyelodi (GT)
- Harry McMahon (Sunny Coast Grammar)
- Clyde Rapilla (IGS)
- Shaun Anderson (ASH)
- Byron Ralston (GT)
- Tom Forde (NC)
- Emile Tuimavave (BGS)
- Josiah Taofinuu (St Francis)
- Fred Fewtrell (ACGS) / Harrison Fox (PAD)
- Jack Kibble (BBC)
- Rhine Stowers (Helensvale SHS)
- Larry Lofipo (St Francis)
- Mila Lalatoa (Aspley SHS)
I welcome criticism and am keen to see some other knowledgeable posters share their team predictions
Do you have pics from Day 1 & 2?
The 2017 Queensland Schoolboys sides have been selected following the culmination of the Queensland Rugby Football Schools Union trials at Ballymore.
Selected players are to assemble at Ballymore in the McLean Stand on Sunday 25th June at 8:45am for medicals and administration.
Training Times are as follows:
• Monday 26th June (10am-1:30pm)- Core, Unit and Individual skills
• Tuesday 27th June (10am-1:30pm) - Core, Unit and Individual skills
• Thursday 29th June (10am-1:30pm)
• Friday 30th June (10:30am-1:30pm)
• Saturday 1st July (10am-11:30am) Sunnybank Rugby Club. Followed by Jersey Presentation.
All training is at Ballymore except Saturday 1st July which is to be held at Sunnybank Rugby Club.
The National Schoolboys Championships will take place at St. Ignatius College Riverview in Sydney from Monday 3 July, to Saturday 8 July.
Queensland Teams Management 2017
Tour Manager: Gavin Hosking, St Laurence’s College
Queensland I
Manager: Gavin Hosking, St Laurence’s College
Coach: Michael Crank, Mt Maria College
Assistant Coach: Rod Seib, St Stephen’s College
Queensland II
Manager: Ben Cameron, Kingston State College
Coach: Mark Moxon, Ignatius Park College
Assistant Coach: David Cooke, Cleveland District State High School
Queensland 1 Queensland 2
Name School Name School
Egan Siggs The Southport School 1 Prynce Taugaele Brisbane Boys College
Eugene Koortz Ipswich Grammar School 2 Rhys Van Nek Brisbane Boys College
Moses Alo-Emile Brisbane State High School 3 Emile Tuimavave Brisbane Grammar School
Harry Wilson St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace 4 Ryan Gassman St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace
Trevor Hosea Brisbane Boys College 5 Kurt Kruwinnis Brisbane State High School
Tom Kibble Brisbane Boys College 6 Bailey Tautau St Joseph's, Nudgee College
Joseph Small St Joseph's, Nudgee College 7 Kohan Herbert Downlands College
Cullen Ngamanu Brisbane Boys College 8 Lachlan Connors St Patrick's College
Phoenix Hunt St Joseph's, Nudgee College 9 Josh Vuta Somerset College
Campbell Parata The Southport School 10 Cooper Whiteside Ipswich Grammar School
Clyde Rapilla Ipswich Grammar School 11 Villiami Lea Ipswich Grammar School
Noah Lolesio The Southport School 12 Hoani Ford-Stevens St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace
Jordan Petaia Brisbane State High School 13 Xavier Soli St Joseph's, Nudgee College
Hamiso Tabuai Brisbane Grammar School 14 Mila Lalatoa Aspley SHS
Max Dowd The Southport School 15 Byron Ralston St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace
Theo Fourie Rockhampton Grammar School 16 Nesta Mahina Brisbane State High School
Clinton Malolua Brisbane State High School 17 Tyrell Kopua The Southport School
John Paul Tominiko Anglican Church Grammar School 18 Sini Wolske Ipswich Grammar School
Fred Fewtrell Anglican Church Grammar School 19 Will Chaffey Toowoomba Grammar School
Joseph Faulalo Ipswich Grammar School 20 Brayden Law Marist College Ashgrove
Jaz Day Marist College Ashgrove 21 Rhiann Stowers Helensvale SHS
Harry McMahon Sunshine Coast Grammar 22 Carter Gordon Brisbane Boys College
Jangala Bennett St Joseph's, Nudgee College 23 Ben Bucknell Marist College Ashgrove
2017 Queensland Schoolboys teams announced
23 JUNE 2017
You need to ask The King and GO, the Qld selector their reasoning why a team undefeated get so few in, they know all...GPS 1 best at trials, undefeated
20 players selected
CSS clearly second best team at trials, undefeated
6 players selected
GPS 2 lost 2 won 1
GPS 3 win, draw, loss
Both below par
16 players selected
AIC lost 2 drew 1
Very poor
4 players selected
Hard yards if not in GPS system
No sorry. Could only make day 3Do you have pics from Day 1 & 2?
CSS how did they go against GPS 1?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well certainly GPS 1 were - by a country mile.You need to ask The King and GO, the Qld selector their reasoning why a team undefeated get so few in, they know all.
My guess ,GPS are the best full stop.
It was pretty clear the gap between GPS 1 and the other GPS teams
Combined State team Announced :
Charlie Baker The Scot’s College
Stewart Brown Central Coast Grammar
Harrison Cannon St Joseph’s College, Nudgee
Cooper Chambers Trinity Grammar School
Isaac Crone Brisbane State High School
Brady Dawson Knox Grammar School
Joel Ellis Waverley College
Dougal Hicks The King’s School
Ben Joseph The Scot’s College
Emmit Keepa Ipswich Grammar School
Jeremy Kempston Ipswich Grammar School
William Kirk St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace
Willie Manu St Augustine’s College
Will McCormick Waverley College
Michael Pavlakis Knox Grammar School
Tristan Reilly St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill
James Sidery St Augustine’s College
Davida Stowers Ipswich Grammar School
Bruce Tevaga Padua College
Emosi Tuqirie Marist College, Ashgrove
Harry Turner Epping Boys High School
Jack Walsh St Augustine’s College
Jack Winchester Bishop Druitt College
Great summary and perspective of the Schoolboy trials above Garry Owen.
I thought CSS seemed to have the most team cohesion. After that GPS 3 was probably next most cohesive.
GPS 1 just had too much talent across the park. Getting a couple of games together before next week will give them a leg up.
I thought the GPS 2 players played for themselves. Not everyone, but too many which sabotaged any ability to beat CSS on Thursday night.
AIC were disappointing, there was still a little selfishness and not a lot of team play. The continual rotation of props did the team or the props no favours. But I also thought that both all the players were tired from being at the end of their season and the step up in pace of play particularly on Thursday was too much with all but one or two going "missing" when the pressure was on.