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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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Fred Wood (13)
BBC def BSHS 10+
TGS def BGS 15+
NC def ACGS by 7
GT def IGS by 5

At the risk of being criticised for telling the truth and provinding information by FFlanker: BBC team for weekend does not include :
Qld reps -Farrell and Simpson
Aussie reps -Veravis and J Farrell
2nd year -1stxv player Seabrook

16 A centre replaces Seabrook

The Guru

Fred Wood (13)
Just on half way through the 2015 season - in under age teams the undefeated teams remaining are:-

16A's - NC
15A's - NC, GT
14A's - GT, BBC, BSHS
13A's - GT, IGS, BSHS

Can I humbly suggest that at the end of the year the top 2 teams will be:
1sts TSS / NC
2nds TSS/ NC
16A NC / AcGS
14A BBC/ IGS- but GT have another new player
13A IGS /BSHS then 40 points to BBC
12A GT by 20 with their 2 new boys being very dominant .


Chris McKivat (8)
They are going out and picking good rugby players. Some of them happen to be big. They aren't going out and picking big players. The top players a IGS and BSHS aren't big. In fact, I consider the BSHS team quiet small. So this big player thing you keep referring to I don't know where you get it from.

Open your eyes and have a look it is pretty obvious when you see them run on and line up against the opposition.


Herbert Moran (7)
Open your eyes and have a look it is pretty obvious when you see them run on and line up against the opposition.
So far BSHS 13a's have played IGS (trials) , TGS. Both of these teams were of similar size to the BSHS team. BSHS 13 A's were bigger then BGS and Churchie. As you would expect given the amount of islander boys at the school. But so what. I don't get the point you are making? Should they only pick small players. Should I feel sorry for they teams that aren't big.


Chris McKivat (8)
So far BSHS 13a's have played IGS (trials) , TGS. Both of these teams were of similar size to the BSHS team. BSHS 13 A's were bigger then BGS and Churchie. As you would expect given the amount of islander boys at the school. But so what. I don't get the point you are making? Should they only pick small players. Should I feel sorry for they teams that aren't big.


Chris McKivat (8)
All my point is some people are getting carried away about how some teams and individuals are going in the underage teams. When you look at it size is a big factor. There is nothing wrong with this but as the boys get older this will change as the others catch up. So things just need to be kept in prospective when looking at 13 and 14 year olds and making a call on how they will perform when they turn 16 and 17.
Time and time again kids that are dominate in the early years just go missing when they get older. But there are exceptions.


Chris McKivat (8)
NC v ACGS First XV team list.
1. Ireland 1. Wagner
2. Schoupp 2. Williams
3. Luka 3. Kuchel
4. Dalle Cort 4. Hockings
5. Verryne 5. Whitehead
6. K Meni 6. Sharp
7. Zappala 7. Macmillan
8. Hewat 8. Wallis
9. Smith 9. Oberholzer
10. Rangihuna 10. Croft
11. Malala 11. Papa
12. Hunt 12. Su'a
13. Tupou 13. Stanghon
14. T Meni 14. Barakat
15. Armstrong 15. Mason

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Colin Windon (37)
Nudgee lead 7-0 after 10 minutes. Dropped ball in backline is scooped up by Semesi Tupou for a runaway try.

Churchie charge down a clearance kick, win race to ground the ball. Scores are tied 7-all.

Tupou nearly has his second after intercepting inside Churchie's 22, but just can't handle the ball. Crisis averted.

The Croft-and-Su'a show combine to send Croft over I the corner. Fluffs his conversion. Churchie lead 12-7

Croft hits a penalty. Churchie lead 15-7


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Colin Windon (37)
Churchie open the scoring in the second. Su'a has a 3 on 2 in Nudgee's red zone, outruns the first, bulldozes the second. Churchie lead 22-7, 25-minutes to play. Nudgee running to to the wind

Hewat is down, and he's taking his sweet time getting up. Looks like his shoulder is playing up. He does get up, but I think Nudgee are being out-Nudgee'd.

Rangihuna and Verryne have both been carted off as well.

Churchie score again after Nudgee knock on after a scrum. Reserve halfback scoots over after several phases of pressure. Croft misses. Churchie lead 27-7 with 10 to play.

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