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QLD Colts - 2016

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Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
With Nick Dobell still to come the sentiments are even at 3 a piece. No pressure on you Nick but which way is the boat gonna rock? By the way NCWK I heard from a friend of a friend 9 & 13 will be taking to the field on Sunday.

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Herbert Moran (7)
With Nick Dobell still to come the sentiments are even at 3 a piece. No pressure on you Nick but which way is the boat gonna rock? By the way NCWK I heard from a friend of a friend 9 & 13 will be taking to the field on Sunday.

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Ahhhh the old "friend of a friend".......

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Really good win to Bond today; 22-13. Controlled the game and the back play was just too good for a valiant Brothers team. Well done Bond

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Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
New Recruit :- Short and to the point Bond by 9 (must have had inside info) well done perfect tip.

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Ted Fahey (11)
Managed to see all of this one. Brothers played like 15 individuals, Bond like a team. From a Brothers perspective why kick the pill away the first time you get possession, and typically a selfish chip or nudge. Absolutely no confidence in your support to come and help build pressure. Which is exactly what Bond did very well. Very limited (nil) use of a Brothers bench that contained the core of a dominant Colts 1 team that had the week off.

Looking to next week if I were coming up against Bond I would be in the refs ear about support players binding on the ball carrier well prior to contact. The Bond forwards did it all game and not one mention from the ref. If he is not going to ping you why stop doing it.

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
It's a pity Harry N has had a bout of bad luck with injuries as he looked good in the first half. What does concern however is the discipline and the red card.

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The sage

Vay Wilson (31)

Spoke to a couple of people on the other side of the field. HEARSAY: They said that elbows were being used by a couple of players, with the #8 prominent. One of the Brothers players then tried to pull him aside and ended up pulling his hair to make matters worse. This then allowed the ruck to break up and the try scored.

Following this heard a discussion between a Bond supporter (maybe official) and a Brothers supporter on the main side of the field. The Bond supporter said that "they would get him off (#8) the charge", to which the Brothers supporter reminded him that an elbow is as dangerous as a fist.......

Something must of happened, as the touch judge thought it was bad enough to overrule the try and give a red card. If he saw that then IMO there should be zero tolerance for it and the Bond #8 must miss the GF.

For me only saw a ruckus from afar.

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The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Disagree somewhat Girt. Thought the pressure from the Bond backs and general game caused them to play more one out. There was a good team try (in about the 63? Min)... Lill too late really. Also a few excellent ones by Bond.

Brothers did use the bench and yes it was limited. But who else would you have put on? I don't think it would have mattered too much imo. I think there were some on their bench could have made our run on team.

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The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Well another great weekend of Rugby and we have our GRAND FINALISTS for 2016: The Bank v Bond (1 v 2).
This week we had quadruple jeopardy rules engaged and this resulted three perfect scores and one NEW LOWEST POINTS DIFFERENCE , well done New Recruit_Brissy with a score that only be equaled and never beaten.....Zero, Zip, Not a Squeak, Empty = 0.
The result gave us not only gave us an unbeatable lowest points difference but also a new leader with HTC coming out on top. Phatmik also clambered up two places going from 4th to 2nd....(see he does walk on water). It also gave us a confirmed KOD award (Kiss of Death - Refabit). There were three perfect scores (HTC, Phatmik and New Recruit_Brissy) and three dud selections Sage, NCWK and ofc KOD.
The Tally:
1 (=2) .-..- HTC .-..--.4/4.--.-50/68.-.(-955 points)- ..-73.53%
2 (4).--. Phatmik..-.-.4/4. -..34/48..-..(-718 points) - 70.83%
3 .(1).-.--..-Sage .-.. -.0/4.-..-48/68 .-..(-937 points) - 70.59%
4 (=2).-..Refabit..-.- 0/4..--. 46/68..- .(-982 points) - 67.65%
5..(3).--. .NCWK ..-. 0/4 -.-..37/56 .-.(-812 points) - -.66.07%
6 (5) .--..N Dobell..-. -/----. ..15/24.. ..(-400 points) - 62.50%
7 (6)..---New Rec. .-.*4/4-.-.21/36..- ..(-522 points) - 58.33%
The points difference was close again with New Recruit_Brissy with O, followed by HTC on -4 and Phatmik on -24 (more melt-downs for the others).
POINTS DIFFERENCE CHAMP: Sage -13.08 per game
(Regular Season)
HTC and Phatmik with -17
Last week this week of a really good season. GRAND FINAL WEEK. Keep your views, updates and tips coming in, there all appreciated. Remember this week again we will have "quadruple jeopardy" the win being worth 4 points and the points difference multiplied by 4.


Herbert Moran (7)
HTC, so how is everyone feeling at Bond??

Irrespective of losing your 8 to a red card, are there any injuries and will Harry N be taking the field??

I saw one of the Sunnybank lads on the weekend looking very relaxed and refreshed


Ward Prentice (10)
Long time follower first time poster! I too was on the main side of the field and spoke with sometimes QRU media commentator Peter Meares who advised the Bond #8 had been held around the throat and that he was throwing his elbow about more so to shrug off the hold of the Brother's player who was 'choking' him, however he didn't miss when he threw it back purposely when his hair was being pulled. Unfortunately I think he got the wrong man. However I understand that given the extenuating circumstances which were apparently clear on video, the Bond #8 will be deemed to have received sufficient punishment via the red card and the try being overturned.

Sunnybank are very confident that they have Bond's measure in talking to some of their club hierarchy.

I agree with an earlier post that too much possession was kicked away when early on I felt Brothers seemed dominant with their big pack easily getting over the gain line and Bond holding on for dear life. A little more composure and patience probably would have seen some more reward.

My thoughts

ps The Sage, I was right by that verbal stoush between the Bond official and I think a Brother's parent interjected in a conversation between the Bond Official and QRU representative and it was not about they would get him off the charge but more a case they would contest it. The Brothers parent interjected by saying 'it was an elbow which is more serious than a fist and you of all people should know that'! Don't think the Bond official took it too well and responded in kind which put an end to discussions.


Spoke to a couple of people on the other side of the field. HEARSAY: They said that elbows were being used by a couple of players, with the #8 prominent. One of the Brothers players then tried to pull him aside and ended up pulling his hair to make matters worse. This then allowed the ruck to break up and the try scored.

Following this heard a discussion between a Bond supporter (maybe official) and a Brothers supporter on the main side of the field. The Bond supporter said that "they would get him off (#8) the charge", to which the Brothers supporter reminded him that an elbow is as dangerous as a fist...

Something must of happened, as the touch judge thought it was bad enough to overrule the try and give a red card. If he saw that then IMO there should be zero tolerance for it and the Bond #8 must miss the GF.

For me only saw a ruckus from afar.

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The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Thanks Crusher for that, always need both sides of the argument.

Well if that account is correct sounds like the Bond #8 may have a reasonable explanation for his actions. I thought the account I got was a lill strange particularly the hair pulling.

Anyone know whether the charge was contested? If so what was the outcome?


Ward Prentice (10)
I would have thought he would still have struggled to have got off as his strike was still intentional regardless of provocation. We treat a retaliatory punch the same so I would have thought an elbow would be treated the same.

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
HTC, so how is everyone feeling at Bond??

Irrespective of losing your 8 to a red card, are there any injuries and will Harry N be taking the field??

I saw one of the Sunnybank lads on the weekend looking very relaxed and refreshed
Sunnybank will be confident on the back of the semi final win. Not sure on what the talk is at Bond but I don't think HN will be playing, looked more serious than a bit of physio.
Losing #8 for the finals is a big blow as he has a high work rate on the park. Don't know if there were any grounds for contesting the red card or if it was contested? Maybe the team should have discussed the repercussions of a red card before the game no matter what the circumstances. No use kicking your butt after hey.
The Bond boys will be up for the task no matter who plays, they do have a decent bench as seen with the impact #23 had when he came on (I thought he stepped up from Colts 1 and played well) and Gavin Luka off the bench made a difference and they held well with a man down.
Biggest loss though is Harry N, his control of the forwards and backs, speedy accurate delivery and decision making does change the pace of the game and is more suited for the Bond backline. Slow unpredictable ball caught the backs flat footed after he went off.
Hopefully they can work on these this week and take the Championship on Sunday.
Bond by 12

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Herbert Moran (7)
Hey Sage
You seem to know a bit about the inner workings of Brothers.
I noticed Connor Stork was left out of the Prem Colts during the finals.
Has he been injured or is he playing Colts
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