Colin Windon (37)
barbarian said:I am quite happy with this response. Not overly confrontational, just a simple expression of surprise, raising the issue of consistency. Just looked on rugbyheaven and their article is the same except with this quote from the ARU- "The analysis of scrums is an inexact science and the ARU is happy to discuss the findings of its own analysis with Mr O'Brien."
Your move, Paddy.
It's a real, and sudden, return to form by the ARU, and in marked contrast to the megaphone tactlessness of last year. It's like a flashback to the days when JO'N really was the sharpest tool in the box and had the IRB, NZRU and SARU on speed-dial on his phone marked "Bitch 1" "Bitch 2" and "Bitch 3"...