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NZ Match Reports

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
Not that it was their only problem, but the Crusaders midfield was bog ordinary - nobody with a clue how to change the angle of attack or do better than shovel it laterally. They miss Dagg for sure.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Its times like this that I'm glad I'm a Blues supporter.:confused:

Pure shit from the Crusaders. No excuses.

Can't argue with the final 2/3rds of that. As for the other 1/3rd, as I used to remind my 'canes mates at least we'll be in the semis (yeah, they didn't give a rats either).

Very disappointed, we just played such dumb footy. Example: the scrum penalty with 2 to go & a decent blind for Nadolo, we take the low% shot instead of another scrum! shit even a lineout would've been a better option. Need to be better next week, Clan will be feeling pretty good right now I would think.


Cyril Towers (30)
Not that it was their only problem, but the Crusaders midfield was bog ordinary - nobody with a clue how to change the angle of attack or do better than shovel it laterally. They miss Dagg for sure.

This lateral bollocks was exactly like the start of the season for the Crusaders. Spent first few games going nowhere, and seemd clueless on how to go forward.
Is it time for GOAT to return to captain in Reid's absence? The Crotty experiment has done it's course.
For what it's worth, thought Slade was the only one to hold his head up. Solid game and 25 points. The rest can go and sit in the naughty corner and reflect.
Finally well done Shorks. They were the team to use the red card to their advantage. Don't think too long abut that statement as your head may explode.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Playing 14 vs 15 and 13 vs 15 for 10 minutes AND winning the game takes a special effort, and kudos to the Shorks for achieving victory.

With my tipping 0-2 for the weekend, what effect does the two "favoured" teams in NZ not winning have on the overall table? Chiefs must be happier with their position now.

Canes and Saders going down must be good for the Oz teams in the run in to the finals.


Peter Sullivan (51)
For mine Sharks deserve victory. I don't like their style but they were able to impose their game plan onto the Saders despite being down a player for most of the match & down to 13 for 10min. This on top of winning there for the first time is impressive. The sour note was the dog act earlier on but that doesnt mean they didnt deserve the win. Saders did not show any real grit & never imposed themselves on the game. I agree about Slade though he was soild. Our attitude was absolutely criminal given how bloody important this game was.

I'd say this shows that the Reds poor form last outing made the Saders win look a lot better than what it truly was. So Rebels fans should be feeling optimistic.


David Wilson (68)
Tried very hard to be a 'canes fan: drank enough Lion Red at the Cossie Club to win a jersey & have it signed by some of the players when they visited pre-season; went to the first-ever Super Rugby match in Palmy North;
Geez Waiopehu we were probably drinking at Cossie club at same time, was a member there up to 96!!

(Does anyone really give that crap anymore? Bit sad if they do. Apart from sparring on rugby sites, I enjoy finding some Kiwis to chinwag about rugby with. )

Na Cyclo in all honesty I don't think that happens bugger all anymore, as I explain to all my Aussie mates , if I wasn't here to explain what they do wrong in rugby they would be stuffed, and they explain straight back they would have noone to laugh at!! And as one mate says if all us useless kiwis buggered off home the price of housing would collapse so we better stay for another couple of years, or until his investments pay off;).

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Shawks D a big step up from that of the Reds last week.

A guileless vanilla effort from Cantabs.

Nadolo put himself about but managed to pull off absolutely nothing

Only bright spot was that nazi steroid psycho getting red-carded.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
This lateral bollocks was exactly like the start of the season for the Crusaders. Spent first few games going nowhere, and seemd clueless on how to go forward.
Is it time for GOAT to return to captain in Reid's absence? The Crotty experiment has done it's course.
For what it's worth, thought Slade was the only one to hold his head up. Solid game and 25 points. The rest can go and sit in the naughty corner and reflect.
Finally well done Shorks. They were the team to use the red card to their advantage. Don't think too long abut that statement as your head may explode.

I'd leave Crotty as stand-in captain but move him back to 13 & Taylor to 12, the back line works so much better with that config, Lee-Lo is just too lateral & Crotty can't kick as well as Taylor. More to the point Taylor can't kick as well as Dagg which meant we were always gonna lose a game of force back if we allowed the Shorks to suck us into it. Which we did. And duly lost. Reckon Whitelock did OK in Read's place, the guys we really missed tonight were Dagg & Romano. Anyhoo, tomorrow's another day & all that shit. If you need me I'll be drinking beer & trying to forget that we managed to lose v 14 men. At home.


Andrew Slack (58)
The Sharks players remain the dirtiest in this comp. Between Deysel and the "deaf" DuPlesis brothers who never seem to hear the words "ruck" or "hands off" its a wonder they ever finish a game with 15.

Deysel would be extremely lucky to play again before the EOYT, but this is the SANZAR lottery remember and he could get substantially more or even less.

All that said it is great to see the Crusaders haven't changed, tackling, impeding and holding players 5 metres away from a ruck. Good to know that something never change and they still get away with it.

Deserves a minimum of 6 months but who the hell knows what will happen. I always thought Deysel is a bit of a thug who tries makes up for a lack of skill with overdoing it. Lost one of his two marbles and everything started to twitch out of control.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Geez Waiopehu we were probably drinking at Cossie club at same time, was a member there up to 96!!


Pretty sure I got signed up in '92, can remember heading back to the Club after 'nua got robbed in the Div3 Final v Nelson Bays. Via COB club rooms, obviously. Followed by the Cobb & Co public bar & O'Malley's. Pre-match @ Oxford & New Levin. Happy days (apart from the result). Mind you, I was very, very drunk at the time.


David Wilson (68)
Lol I was in the stand in the Div 3 final as I was part of the HRU, mind you I surely wouldn't of been at Old Boys (spit ,spit) clubrooms, but seem to vaguely remember sinking a few at Cobb that night!!

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Lol I was in the stand in the Div 3 final as I was part of the HRU, mind you I surely wouldn't of been at Old Boys (spit ,spit) clubrooms, but seem to vaguely remember sinking a few at Cobb that night!!

Wanderers man, eh. I'm more or less Athletic so COB were kinda the common enemy but as I recall they put on a better feed & there were fewer guys at that end of the stand who wanted to smack my mates over hence that's where we tended to go for the quick beer after the game before moving on.


Mark Loane (55)
There have been instances where I've seen players held back hit the other player on the forearms to get them to release. I have a bit of empathy for that as I know how frustrating it is to be held off the ball. But a stomp to the head/neck is overkill. The forces you could generate from that kind of action could seriously stuff someone up.

Hopefully we can take advantage of the Sharks being one down & get the 12+ win & 4 tries.
Kiss of death often?
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