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NSW Schools - Trial Games and Selections 2016

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Allen Oxlade (6)

Who cares are we meant to make selections based upon on what kids did at the age of 11 or 12?? Just the same as putting forward selection based on what they did in club land.. Not all kids play in club land. What about country kids who don't get that opportunity

Select on current performance not past reputation

Don't think there has been a suggested about this list of players and selections this year unless I missed something. But since its now raised, just about all those highlighted in the 2010 group have also been identified on the GPS thread as having strong chances of selection in GPS 1 & 2 this year. Knunzel hasn't because he has been out injured and Scott as well but he has been overshadowed by his team mate Rorke. Having said that the SIC back three (6,7,8) are all getting big wraps in a team doing well. It has also been highlighted that GPS selectors have 5 games this year to base their selections on, (as opposed to 2/3 rounds last few years) rather than look back at 2015 selections for inspiration. So agree with your sentiment.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana, The Life of Reason (1906) Vol 1 "Reason in Common Sense"


Alfred Walker (16)
I calculate around 40% of CHS squad come from schools outside of Sydney. That's a pretty good representation. Things have certainly changed in the last 20 years with a lot less high schools playing any rugby forcing players to look at private schools that have rugby programs.
Good points. CHS Country numbers are encouraging.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Who cares are we meant to make selections based upon on what kids did at the age of 11 or 12?? Just the same as putting forward selection based on what they did in club land.. Not all kids play in club land. What about country kids who don't get that opportunity

Select on current performance not past reputation
It seems rather interesting to me, that so many kids who were selected in the PSSA team are still playing rugby at a high level all these years later. I would be interested to see how many of the kids that were selected for the teams that make up the PSSA tournament are playing in the GPS & CAS comps.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Anyone get a copy of the CHS v CCC programme?

Keen to get the player numbers. Post a picture of the programme if you have a copy.


Ward Prentice (10)
Anyone get a copy of the CHS v CCC programme?

Keen to get the player numbers. Post a picture of the programme if you have a copy.

One change observed for CHS 1 - Daniel Bell in for Tre Finau (injured)


Ward Prentice (10)

U18s School Selection Trials on this Sunday have been moved to Hills Grammar Kenthurst (main field) from 12 noon. Expect a fair amount of rain.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The Aust Schools Website shows the draw for selection trials on 19 June at Rat Park:

In another innovative move by ISA (or NSW SRU or both), it is interesting that there will be 4 ISA teams with an ISA III XV playing a combined ISA Div 2/Div 3 team, as well as the usual ISA I v CHS I & ISA II v CCC fixtures. Wonder how that will happen?

Occasionally there is a player from an ISA Div 2 School who makes it to NSW I or NSW II. Will that player now be limited to the ISA Div 2/Div 3 team, and therefore only get 1 game in front of the selectors, or will they find themselves in ISA I or ISA II on merit and get a chance to impress the selectors on 2 occasions, against "better" quality opposition?
Anyone shed any light on the ISA III v ISA Div 2/3 game?

No mention of it in @Dingsaden's post above.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Anyone going to Hills Grammar on Sunday? If so is there any chance that you can post some scores, game updates and/or team lists (photo of the program will do) on here.

@Lee Grant is usually able to produce some photo's and a game report when this fixture is played in his back yard at Rat Park, but I'm not sure if Uncle @Lee Grant has permission from Northern Beaches LGA Passport Control to cross the Roseville or Spit Bridges. Hopefully he picks up notification of the change of venue, and doesn't stand around in the rain by himself at Rat Park waiting for some rugby action to take place.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
@Lee Grant is usually able to produce some photo's and a game report when this fixture is played in his back yard at Rat Park, but I'm not sure if Uncle @Lee Grant has permission from Northern Beaches LGA Passport Control to cross the Roseville or Spit Bridges. Hopefully he picks up notification of the change of venue, and doesn't stand around in the rain by himself at Rat Park waiting for some rugby action to take place.

I went last year but didn't do a blog on it. Just as well I wasn't going this year else I would have gone to Rat Park.

I've got six CAS and GPS matches to get out in two blogs over the weekend and, as per last weekend, a blog on the three tests involving the Boks, Pumas and All Blacks.

A busy weekend coming up for an old bloke and no time for going to rugby matches on Sunday.


Herbert Moran (7)
Saw the AICES vs CHSII game at Hills Grammar. CHS ended up winning 34 - 0 in a waterlogged odd game that never really hit the heights. AICES despite their enthusiasm and effort suffered from a distinct lack of size. The CHS forwards and wingers just continuously hit it up the middle and made big yards. Then only boys who could match up with them were the big number 8 - Bai Rabuku who if in a stronger outfit would be at least looked at by NSW Selectors, the number 22 - Robert Afele and number 4 William Buster. The rest put in a huge effort but just couldn't bring the lads down. The number 8 for CHS II was everywhere and got some deserving meat in the second half. Other great players for CHS II were the4, 10 and the 14. It will be great to see CHS I on Friday!


Dick Tooth (41)
Watched 16s ISA1s v CHS1s at Oak Hill. CHS got away to a great start, leading 19-0 at half time thanks to brutal defence and some expansive play despite torrential rain. The second half was a totally different story with ISA totally dominating the breakdown and making big yards down the middle. It was like watching the Wallabies..All the pressure and territorial advantage couldn't be converted into points. Very entertaining and high standard. CHS held on for a 19-12 win

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Alfred Walker (16)
AICES u/16s, giving away height and weight across the park, few Schools to draw on, and no Rugby competitions in those schools, were the big surprise. Defeated CHS2 and only beaten 7 nil by a big and impressively coached and very confident (rightly so) CCC. CCC are scarily big and powerful.
I worried that the Country Schools folding would be a disaster for country kids - not so. Lots of country kids played today, and did well.
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