Love to hear news regarding the NSW selection trials and hearing of the talent being unearthed. Reading some of the other threads (GPS, CAS, ISA) it seems some are obsessed with results and consequent bragging rights for their association. They seem to treat these trials as an inter-assciation championship. and that teams need to be picked that will defeat the other associations (empahisis on team combinations etc).
These are NSW selection trials (with the emphasis on selection) - not an inter school association championship. Selection trial selections and processes should be designed to bring the best talent from each association to the fore. If it were an inter association championship you would be tempted to pick the best team in a particular association (eg have Riverview or Newington represent the GPS, Waverley or Trinity the CAS and Auggies or Oakhill the ISA) and substitute some of their weaker players with stars from other teams within their associations. Thus you would have established combinations and a cohesive team capable of beating non-cohesive teams filled with all stars, who are strangers to each other.
However the aim of these selection trials, and the selection of teams to compete at these trials, should to see all the best individuals competing at a higher level - even if this means, for example, breaking up a hot backline combination from one school, or combining two crash ball centres (because the two individuals are the best individual centres in their association), or combining a ball playing/passing No. 10 with a ball playing No, 12 (because they are the best in their position) even when knowing that picking a combination of the best with the second or third best might give a better result on the scoreboard.
As selection trials I hope this is the approach is adopted, and for this reason I applaud CCC changing the team at half time to give all those selected a platform in front of the NSW selectors.
Results in these selection trials should be treated as meaningless. I certainly don't subscribe to the theory the school, or the association, or even the state teams with the best results on the scoreboard in selection trials should neceesarily dominate selections at the next level - certainly when you are talking about school boy football anyway. Selection in school boy representative teams should be about recognition and development for the future - not the short term score board results.