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NSW Schools -Trial Games and Selections 2010

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Pleasssse! On the same day that Kevin Rudd got it right on not going to a ballot we have some nong trying to tell David Lolohea how to pack into a scrum correctly!

When I played prop I was told to get under the LHP and disrupt the opposition ball because I was THP. The LHP's role is to make sure his hooker gets a good look at the ball and that means packing higher than the other side. Please explain?

Clearly to do this you have to get under your THP so that u can lift him and all that so that the hooker can get a good look. How are u supposed to give the hooker a good look if you are over the opposite prop?? This clearly means the tight head is under you blocking the view of the hooker.


Tom Lawton (22)
Clearly to do this you have to get under your THP so that u can lift him and all that so that the hooker can get a good look. How are u supposed to give the hooker a good look if you are over the opposite prop?? This clearly means the tight head is under you blocking the view of the hooker.

We agree to disagree PTB

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
CHS Twos 24 CCC 17

Country 21 CAS Twos 10

GPS Twos 40 ISA Twos 5

CAS Ones 25 ISA Ones 19 (On the bell)

GPS Ones 38 CHS Ones 5


Alex Ross (28)
CHS Twos 24 CCC 17

Country 21 CAS Twos 10

GPS Twos 40 ISA Twos 5

CAS Ones 25 ISA Ones 19 (On the bell)

GPS Ones 38 CHS Ones 5

Yes! At long last all 15 gps players will be the nsw 1s! Congratulations boys and the selectors.


Congratulations to Waverley players:
Jack Wallace
Jed Holloway
Asipeli Fine

All making NSW Schoolboys First XV :D


I saw the following games yesterday afternoon and last night:


I stood on the upper terrace to watch the game and really missed the replay of critical scrums on the big screen that spoils us in Super 14 and Test Match Rugby.

This was the only time I have seen either CHS or ISA play. Based on yesterday's matches I make the following observations;

1. For a team that comprises its majority from St. Augustines' 1st XV, the ISA I team did not play with a great deal of cohesion or composure that you might expect for the number of established combinations included. This might have been a result of the effort by many of the CAS team, in particular Goodman at No. 7. I could see the individual strength of the 12/13 players but detected a lack of discipline and commitment to structure when compared to the CAS/GPS team players. I assume ISA fly-half, Brisby, had an uncharacteristic quiet game last night as well.
2. In my opinion a number of reputations of the CHS players were damaged last night, in particular, numbers 1,3, 5 & 8. I assume that Jason Seage had a quiet game for a player of his reputation but pulled off a spectacular try saving tackle late in his game.
3. Broome appeared pre-occupied with eye-catching marginal or late tackles against Wylie and neglected his work load closer to the ruck and maul.
4. It also occurred to me that Brogan Roods had another quiet game last night. On some occasions his class showed through and I think that he is a major talent, especially considering he is still only in Year 11. Similarly Chris Ingate did not see much ball last night due to Latunipulu.
5. Last night was the first time I saw Purcell and Hingiano. I could see the power in their phase play but felt they became frustrated against a well organized midfield defense that was not intimidated by their strength. Hingiano in particular appeared to spend most of his evening in a personal confrontation with Fine from CAS that detracted from his game. Consequently Fine went missing for most of his game which he appeared to spend on the wing in attack and at 13 in defense.However, in his defence, he did score the winning try with minutes to go before full time.
6. If I was a coach on tour I would prefer McCormack & Roods for Test Matches on the weekends and Purcell & Hingiano for midweek games against lesser opposition where they could really carve-up less formidable and less structured midfields.
7. Am I correct in assuming that both ISA and CHS teams have been together far longer that either CAS or GPS teams. If this is the case then my comments regarding cohesion, structure and combinations are even more applicable and an indictment on some of the senior/key players in those teams

In the spirit of G & G Rugby I have listed below two teams comprised of the players that impressed me in the three matches I saw yesterday and some games last Tuesday. I some cases I have bracketed two players for one position but I have not tried to select a reserves bench.

NSW School, 1st XV Selection

1 J. Gillespie}
2 H. Roach }
3 G. Millar } I am very keen to see this unit against Queensland Schools. They appear to have knowledge and skill beyond their years.
4 R. Dombkins (ISA)
5 B. Melrose – Benn Melrose displayed an intellect and inventiveness in his phase play that was not present in most of the other Locks that I saw on the night.
6 B. Killingworth } Clearly the TKS combination worked to their advantage as they nullified the CHS forward runners throughout the evening. A major head-on tackle by Killingworth on Broome illustrated how much Broome gives away in size and bulk in top company.
7 T. Connor }
8 G. Kent }
9 W. Wessels (CHS) – The best half-back I saw on display at the tournament yesterday.
10 E. Wylie - composed under pressure and varied his play well throughout the match.
11 M. Hulme – Strong and reliable.
12 A. Latunipulu – Selfish. I don’t recall seeing him pass the ball once in set piece play. But he is a very strong carrier of the ball in traffic and a devastating broken field runner.
13 C. Ingate – very little opportunities due to Latunipulu but he was very solid in defense. He enjoyed some deft touches despite his lack of chances.
14 D. Smith (ISA) – This player was electrifying with the ball in hand.
15 C. Clark (CAS) – very dangerous every time he came into the backline and fearless/reliable in defense

NSW 2nd XV Selection

1 S. Baraket
2 C. Moore/T. Reid
3 R. McNeill (CAS)
4 J. Reid (CAS)
5 J. Harris (CAS)/J. Hall (ISA)
6 S. Vaka (ISA)
7 S. Goodman (CAS) – He could easily be selected in the 1st XV.
8 J. Luani
9 T. Donlan
10 S.Dunbar/ S. Brisby (ISA
11 M. Freeman (replacement in GPS 2nd XV) – Freeman impressed me with several outstanding defensive pieces and excellent cover defense after entering the game.
12 J. Purcell (ISA)/ J. McCormack }
13 M. Hingiano (ISA)/B. Roods } – I see these four as interchangeable.
14 N. Roye
15 B. Lenehan/J. Seage (CHS)

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Good report catchpole. I haven't seen the NSW teams as I write this. I was going to do a report when I got home last night but realised I was suffering from schools rugby forum burnout.

After seeing the major trials at Cranbrook, Rat Park, Newington and Knox three things struck me:

1. The bubble of ISA burst at Knox and in their game against CAS a few of their players took a step backwards in selection prospects for NSW I, at least.

2. Ditto for some of the CHS lads. Although their team was better than against ISA at Rat Park, GPS Is left a few tries on the park through poor handling and it could have been a lot uglier.

3. The team play of GPS over two days was better than the parts and the parts were very good. There could be a case of stacking the NSW Is with GPS players to get good team players in it and not spend the first rounds of the Oz Schools championship getting to know each other and getting beaten by the likes of Combined States - as has happened in the last two years - then playing a good team game at the end of the tournament having not made the final.

Some would say that the NSW Is team gets stacked with GPS players anyway, but I can't remember a year when such action was so warranted.

You could argue that some non-GPS Is forwards were better than the individuals in GPS Is during the week, but I think that the selectors will pick the bulk of the pack for NSW Is. They will be loathe, in particular to break up the front row because the scrumaging in two days has been terrific.

I thought 1. Lolohea (CHS) lost ground against 1. Gillespie (GPS), who played well, though to be fair Lolohea had to switch to THP for most of the game. Maybe I will have to eat humble pie and tell PTB he was right.

For ISA the star midfield of 12. Purcell and 13. Hingano lost ground to GPS pair 12. Apo and 13. Ingate. I wouldn't be too worried about Apo hogging the ball as we saw him facilitating well against CAS. These two could be the Ones midfield as I cant see Apo and Hingano working together. But then 13. Fine of CAS showed what a match winner he can be.

Agree on Smith from Oakhill. He is a terrific winger and Hulme as you said is strong and reliable. He's playing better now than I have seen him for Joeys this year but the players inside him make a difference.

Agree on young Clark (CAS) at fullback. Lenehan has played well in the two games for GPS but you get the feeling that had Clark played for GPS in their two games he would have been a star. Yes Seage had a quiet game for CHS, but selectors may consider what team he played for too.


the berries

Aphono , Seage and McCallum into the seconds probably more to come from HSHS. Congratulations boys , now you can really get into it.


Tom Lawton (22)
Well done to all those boys picked so far. Also picked in 1's are 9. Waldo Wessells and 7. Gordon Broome.

So far we have in 1's:

1. Jack Wallace
7. Gordon Broome
8. Jed Holloway
9. Waldo Wessells
13. Asipeli Fine


10. Gerard McCallum
14. Sam Ahofono
15. Jason Seage



I note the informed comments of berries and observer.

Where are the NSW Schools teams posted? I am keen to see the wisdom of the selectors based on all of the representative games played.


Trevor Allan (34)
I know the players were informed last night - teams are not on website and weren't in the Telegraph this morning.

Let's remember Observor that some of the players in NSW 1's(the bench players) will be the last player picked in that position.

Teams are picked :

NSW 1st XV
NSW 2nd XV
NSW 2nd XV Bench
NSW 1st XV Bench


I'm pretty sure the teams will be in the Telegraph tomorrow. With the selection of Gordon Broome in NSW 1sts, I can only imagine that he is on the bench as Tom Connor would surely have gotten the 7 jersey. If not, Stuart Goodman would be another in front of Broome for a spot in NSW 1.


Trevor Allan (34)
Jed Gillespie - 2nds
Boyd Killingworth - 2nds
Guy Millar - 1's
Tom Connor - 2's
Chris Ingate - 2's
Ed Wylie - 2's
Benn Melrose - 2's(Bench)

Rest are starting.


This talk of Gordon Broome getting the 7 jersey surely must be false. I highly doubt Tom Connor missed out on 1st selection.

I expect from GPS Millar and Roach to be definitely getting a 1st jersey. Other contenders who have a good chance are Clark, Ingate and Latunipulu.


Trevor Allan (34)
This talk of Gordon Broome getting the 7 jersey surely must be false. I highly doubt Tom Connor missed out on 1st selection.

I expect from GPS Millar and Roach to be definitely getting a 1st jersey. Other contenders who have a good chance are Clark, Ingate and Latunipulu.

I got that from Boyd, so not sure can only assume that Stu Goodman got 1st openside spot.


Jed Gillespie - 2nds
Boyd Killingworth - 2nds
Guy Millar - 1's
Tom Connor - 2's
Chris Ingate - 2's
Ed Wylie - 2's
Benn Melrose - 2's(Bench)

Rest are starting.

I find it very, very hard to believe Tom Connor and Boyd Killingworth are in NSW 2nds. Gordon Broome is a superb player but I had Tom Connor in my books as getting the 7 jersey. It'd be interesting though to see which team Stuart Goodman is selected in. With Connor in 2nds, I think Goodman might have pipped him to a spot in NSW 1sts. If this is the case, I have no problem with Goodman there. He is a class player. On Killingworth, if there is a better 6 than him in NSW schoolboy rugby, I haven't seen him yet because I though Killingworth was a sure thing for that 6 jersey in NSW 1sts. Good to see Guy Millar in 1sts though. He is a class act.

kings boy

kings selections in nsw schools sides..
Jed Gillespie and Guy Millar, both props made nsw 1sts
and Benn melrose, tom connor, boyd killingworth, ed wylie and chris ingate made nsw 2nds
dont know about any other selections though


kings selections in nsw schools sides..
Jed Gillespie and Guy Millar, both props made nsw 1sts
and Benn melrose, tom connor, boyd killingworth, ed wylie and chris ingate made nsw 2nds
dont know about any other selections though

gillespie (2nds)

the berries

Well done to Luke Keary. I remember watching him make the MacKillop Union open side way back. He must of been about 10 or 11. I have watched him progress over the years and must say what a fine young gentleman he is. He is well supported by excellent parents. Again good luck luke. As for McCallum Aphono and Seage at this point they have no idea what positions or place they have been choosen for in the seconds.
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