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NSW JRU State Championships & Representative Teams 2014

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juniors spectator

Stan Wickham (3)
OK. Lets start at the top of the pyramid for 16s rugby. There are Three Rep teams, NSW Schools Sydney Juniors and NSW Country. All boys are at school so they can represent NSW Schools. To get there they have a carnival and trial matches in their groups. ie' GPS , CHS, CAS, ISA etc
Sydney Juniors can only be picked from boys who play club rugby and go through their rep team to their zone team and finally the Sydney team.
Your boy is probably doing both pathways and funnily enough the various carnivals dont clash.
After the Zone carnival next weekend Sydney will have pencilled in the team they want. Schools will also have a team of boys they want. The two selection groups go into a room and any name on both lists gets haggled over to produce two team one called Sydney Juniors and one called NSW Schools. In theory your boy does have a choice but as this is done behind closed doors you don't know whether the other team wanted him.
If your really confident you can say you don't want to be considered for one of the teams.
I hope this gets you a little closer to understanding the issues
By the way Country gets raped by all involved because they lose boys to everyone.
Having seen how the system has worked I cannot see very much change for this year even though there are no ARU u16s Nationals...Country have usually chosen their team much earlier than Sydney or schools. The SJRU and schools selection trials occur around the same time and there are boys who go down both selection pathways. There is an agreement between SJRU and schools to have a draft of any player who is common to both. This is why the teams are not announced as soon as the trials are completed. NSWRU facilitates the draft meeting. From my understanding this number varies from year to year. I was told it has been as few as 2 and as many as 8. I imagine it depends on what style of game the coaches of the two teams want to play. Schools and SJRU take it in turns each year as to who has first choice.
Country players are not eligible for the SJRU team unless playing in a Sydney club team. And it would be assumed they wouldn't be eligible for country if not playing in country competition.
Without the ARU nationals the teams may only just play each other or other invited unions...there is a suggestion of a tournament over the October long weekend but how many teams turn up is anyone's guess. One would assume that the boys in the 3 NSW teams would gain entry to the JGC for next year. Perhaps the tournament could be a trial for the JGC?

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
And some schools will stop their participants from playing in October because of summer sport - rowing and cricket in particular

Ruck & Maul 101

Allen Oxlade (6)
I am sure there is probably an appropriate thread for this but couldn't find it
Does anyone have any result from the 15's and 16's Metropolitan carnivals today at Blacktown


Jimmy Flynn (14)
In the final U16's game MWS defeated MSZ which I think makes MWZ the only undefeated team today. Tomorrow's match up between MNZ and MWZ should be interesting
Predicting a big win by west zone. The North forwards were v unimpressive yesterday.

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
U15s summary from final rounds today.

1. MSZ
2. MNZ
3. Baa Baas
4. MWZ

Well done to all U15 boys.

Some fantastic skills to be seen in all teams.
Selectors will have a tough job picking one team as lots of talent to chose from in all positions.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^^ It may not matter if any stood out or not according to banter on another thread.

"In the race of life, always back self interest, at least you know it's trying"

Interesting speech to MNZ under16s after their poor showing at the weekend by a senior SJRU Committee member whose boy was in the team. Apart from having no role in the team other than parent why he was indicating that he would do what he could to make sure they got through to the next level is all a bit strange. I hope the Sydney team is picked on talent this year and there is no repeat of last years fiasco

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
One would hope that the person in question is simply suffering from delusions of grandeur, making statements like those reported to simply bignote themselves, and that the selectors are sufficiently independent enough to not allow external influence.

By Under 16's the kids generally know if a kid is any good and made it to a team on merit, or has been chosen simply because of Daddy's influence as Club President, Coach, Committee executive or whatever.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Let me put it this way, because of the manipulation of the village comp I don't believe most of MNZ should be considered for Sydney selection.

This weekend has removed any doubt. No stand-outs that I could see.

"Manipulation you say" do tell?
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