It would seem that Zones only exist as a further layer in the Rep Pathway selection process. The Zones themselves seemed to have become essentially irrelevant (following Southern & Western Zones relenting to allow their charges to participate in a Sydney wide competition incorporating rugby being played on Friday nights, Saturdays & Sundays).
IIRC - the Zones may still have a vote at NSWJRU meetings.....but that's a discussion for another day, most likely. (HJ - might be part of your considerations when looking at how to "fix" things ??).
Prima facie - the Zones exist to assist in the selection of Sydney teams to play Country - in the 15's & 17's, traditionally. Then from those contests NSW Juniors teams are selected to play Qld & ACT or whoever else they can line up.
Perhaps if rep selectors were efficient in their tasks, then the State Championships might be enough - but I fear there will always be the backlash from parents that "little jonny" wasn't given enough match time, or he had a headache...or, heaven forbid - the selectors were not independent & that the coach was biased,.... from concerned parents !
The Garling Report of a number of years ago outlined the tragic state surrounding the administration and management of junior rugby in Sydney - perhaps now is the time to implement change.....if the administrators be so bold.
( And the above is not meant as a slight on the volunteer administrators currently trying their best to satisfy everyone's concerns - they are "administering" in accordance with what you, gentle readers, have tasked them with - the current SJRU & NSWJRU constitutions, which despite attempts in the past, have failed to be amended due to the way the votes have fallen at previous AGM's)
Enjoy the rugby this weekend, wherever you find it.
The Hound