Quick Hands
David Wilson (68)
I am sure that there are some well intentioned folk in the SJRU.
Just not sure who the bad eggs are that are in charge of the wheel on the Good Ship SJRU: the chasps are influencing the good eggs away from doing what is right and proper.
At some point in time the good folk need to wrest control of the organisation from the vainglorious.
It's so removed from the grass roots that it purports to represent it's not funny. Like most volunteer organisations in this time poor age, those who agitate and manoeuver for the own advancement simply outlast everyone else.
I fear that the good ship SJRU is much like the Costa Concordia - it's run aground while it's vainglorius leadership bask in their own self-importance.
It's actually amazing what the thought of strutting around in some sort of representative jacket/coat/blazer/tracksuit does to certain adults. I've seen it up close with people whose sons made a 10 year old rep team and now dad can't be seen without wearing one of the aforementioned jackets (his son is the rep player, not him)