Billy Sheehan (19)
Newintgon 1st XV team vs Waverley at Queens Park consists of 7 Year 12 and 8 Year 11.
I think all CAS rugby followers are hoping for a solid display from Knox against Joeys. Great being the curtain raiser but I reckon the TV ratings would be better if you swapped the games around and had the Tahs as the curtain raiser to Knox/Joeys. As much as I want a Knox win, the fact that Joeys this year are fielding 14 teams in the opens makes me think the cerise and blue will win and probably comfortably so.
Plenty of people agree with you. But getting to watch a game without a Stan account is terrible. Add the fact that the Shute Shield is now behind a pay wall too is a disgrace.
In regards to Joeys, the make up is yet final of course but it looks young with a year 10 winger to boot! He is a big lad and has the genes in him. (Father was a Jorgensen, ex Wallaby) Have watch them train this week and like always, the game plan is speed, speed and attack.