Yesterday's most unfortunate incident, which blighted Round 1 for many, and the spurious allegations about who caused it, needs to be corrected for the record.
I refer, of course, to the dear Mums at Shore running out of the best pies in the business, and, so it would seem, all the BBQ sauce they floated off on.
For the record, I categorically deny that I "ate ALL the pies" (@loiterer

I've 'fessed to going in hard and early, but on my first appearance at the Shore Canteen yesterday during the 5ths game, I was mainly modest in my orderings, if a little untidy in the eating.
But on my next visit during the mighty 3rds, I was thrown into a state of mild panic as I observed from the back of the queue, that there had been a MASSIVE run on the contents of Az's Famous Pie Warmer ovens. Worse, there was absolutely no sign of any willingness or even ability from the Mums to fill them back up! I felt like some Greek depositer in a throng of scared others, trying to get cash out in the middle of a Greek bank run!
What ensued was unseemly and nothing I'm particularly proud of. Given @Sidesteppa's presence over at Hunters Hill, I hoped there was no Shore CCTV in operation so I can at least cling to a semblance of 'plausible deniability' for the less pleasant behavioural aspects.
As I stood there, barely inching forwards, but rising panic-stricken, I observed yet more of "the precious" flying out from the Warmers and into the reaching hands of other now newly happy punters. So in a spur-of-the-moment act of directed madness, I simply dropped my shoulder and drove forward with nary a thought for personal safety nor injury to the unexpecting. "Trample the weak, hurdle the dead" might best sum up my drive to the front of the line.
I ordered and parted with my hard-earned lucre to the lovely Mum who served me in an act of profound kindness, she having overlooked the ruckus I'd caused in my determination to get to the head of the queue, but no doubt recognising the tell-tale signs of the similarly "possessed" she'd seen too many times before.
So, I secured my primary objective and peeled right to indulge at my leisure in the 2-litre, unregulated, pump as you like, sauce dispenser. I'd not like to wax too lyrical about the sensory delights that came next, but yes @Azzuri, I can confirm "the precious" do remain maaaaagnificent!
For what happened later, with the "Run-out" incident, I offer my apology to those affected for my (relatively minor) role in it, but clearly I was not alone as the sole cause, so I can only hope that this sorry and unfortunate incident won't just be swept aside or under the carpet by those in positions of authority. There are valuable learnings here, people. This is entirely preventable.
Those who CAN prevent a repeat are on notice, and I'd like them to especially note that it's now less than one month until GPS Round 5 on 4 June when Shore host Kings. From a public safety perspective, I think we all know just what that might mean! (@Azzuri?
