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NSW AAGPS Rugby 2016

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Alfred Walker (16)
Summary Joeys Rugby Season 2016

41 teams fielded
26 teams undefeated
81% of all games won
16's age group most successful with 84%

An unknown fact that there was a "champion rugby school" shield awarded firstly in 1922 to Joeys for best winning percentage. This trophy was discontinued in 1986 when NO other school had even won it. Shield sits in College archives and has not been on display for over 50 years.

Impressive percentages but they don't seem to be translating too well to premierships.
Nine years and counting now between premierships.
In that time Scots, Kings, Newington and Riverview have all won.
Where are things going awry?.............be interested to get your perspective.


Watty Friend (18)
One of the longest kicks I have ever seen at Newington. 52 metres out. No time left. L. Day does it again after his match winner at View. Best kicker in the GPS this season. Joeys did well to restrain themselves from invading the pitch on mass. Day was chaired from the field. Newington players were good sports and were able to congratulate the Joeys boys. Frantic game.
Last 3 mins of the game at Stanmore


Chris McKivat (8)
3rd XV's comp
Grammar 1's 12 - High 1's 7very close, highly contested game, both sides were denied a try each, unlucky i guess

Geez High almost pinched it at the end as well. Camped inside Grammar's 22 for what seemed like an eternity.

Grammar defended well to hold them off though.


Bob McCowan (2)
Geez High almost pinched it at the end as well. Camped inside Grammar's 22 for what seemed like an eternity.

Grammar defended well to hold them off though.
Credit to High for putting up a fight, but I must say that even on perhaps one of Grammar's worse days, they still beat High having their best day. Not a good sign for High rugby to say the least, especially considering they went through the season winless in the 3rd XV comp. Where to next?


Chris McKivat (8)
Credit to High for putting up a fight, but I must say that even on perhaps one of Grammar's worse days, they still beat High having their best day. Not a good sign for High rugby to say the least, especially considering they went through the season winless in the 3rd XV comp. Where to next?

I wouldn't necessarily say that High were having their best day but yes, admittedly, they didn't really make the most of the countless opportunities they were afforded by Grammar mistakes.

With the 16s having wins against Armidale and a good loss against Grammar with lots of players playing up, the future isn't looking too grim. Depth would be an issue though....


Chris McKivat (8)
wow . did anyone make a tackle in the Newington v Joeys game?!

definitely a bit more entertaining than a Super rugby game!

much as I went to Stanmore to see Tyrone . it is Helu that really has been the Newington star . at least to my mind

if they kept stats, his stats would be off the charts

I gather he is related to the 2 English/Tongan internationals

so no doubt he will be destined for higher honours

As for the 2016 GPS season . one of the best IMHO . I think Shore were very unlucky, and their for and against doesn't do them justice

Joeys were a bit bizarre .. unlucky in the injury department, but un-joeys like in many ways

no doubt the catholics will be doing a post-mortem on their season, and will be back bigger and better in 2017

Oh well, given how close the 16As comp was . I think 2017 will be another awesome comp, and surely 2017 has got to be Joeys year?!

Correct Opeti Helu is related to Will Helu


Frank Nicholson (4)
I wouldn't necessarily say that High were having their best day but yes, admittedly, they didn't really make the most of the countless opportunities they were afforded by Grammar mistakes.

With the 16s having wins against Armidale and a good loss against Grammar with lots of players playing up, the future isn't looking too grim. Depth would be an issue though..

With star player Jacob Katafono leaving this year, I don't know how High will do next year missing such a great talent. Only time will tell though

Loose Carry

Peter Burge (5)
In fact, it was a great day of rugby for Newington and Joeys. In the 13s and 14s New were winners with the 13As winning over a previously undefeated Joeys team, I believe about 28-7. The 14As took a convincing lead of 24-7 only to see a fantastic figthback by Joeys to close the gap to 24-19.

In the 15As which I didn't watch as it was at Enmore, Joeys belted New 54-0.It says something of this Joeys team as Newington had beaten every other GPS school for the last 3 weeks as well as a strong Trinity Grammar side.

The 16s I have written about

The first and second games were great display of come back rugby. With a New fight back to close a 0-19 gap to 14-19 in the seconds.

In the firsts I can understand why Joeys have 3 Australian Schoolboys, their backs keep them in the game and therefore their one point win over New.

My only concern is the state of the injury to the Joeys player in the 13A game. Some feedback would be appreciated, as it appeared to be a neck injury.

The injured player is all cleared and was back at school that evening to celebrate the winter season of sports with the rest of the school in their hall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
The injured player is all cleared and was back at school that evening to celebrate the winter season of sports with the rest of the school in their hall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you, Loose Carry, it appears Joeys can not only to celebrate ( which they did at the end of the game), a great last minute win. But the safe return of this young player. Newington was recently beset with a tragedy some weeks ago of one of its own. Together with the recent death of Stuart Kelly from Kings, we are all reminded of the fragility of life.


Bill Watson (15)
Uncle Lee Grant has got the final Round 10 match reports up on the Schoolboys Blog, squeezing that in amongst a welter of other end of Season commitments and including doing the same for the CAS Blog, all the while fighting the demons of a blue screen of death on his own computer and having to wrestle the final results from a buggy-as-all-get out borrowed laptop. Not easily done, so great kudos Lee for your huge effort this year, mate. It's made each Round, and the Schoolboys Nationals, a real pleasure to follow through the Blogs. Very well done. :)

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)

Mate that is serious sucking up - but I like it.

Unfortunately one writer went missing and there were no comments in the forum to give a few brief bullet points of the View v Scots game.


Ron Walden (29)
Uncle Lee Grant has got the final Round 10 match reports up on the Schoolboys Blog, squeezing that in amongst a welter of other end of Season commitments and including doing the same for the CAS Blog, all the while fighting the demons of a blue screen of death on his own computer and having to wrestle the final results from a buggy-as-all-get out borrowed laptop. Not easily done, so great kudos Lee for your huge effort this year, mate. It's made each Round, and the Schoolboys Nationals, a real pleasure to follow through the Blogs. Very well done. :)

Well said CJ.

I think LG deserves a huge thanks for the massive effort he puts in every week.

It takes hours and a truck load of patience to co-ordinate writers, edit their contributions, source and format pics and publish the content for just one blog.

Imagine doing that several times each week - for not just GPS, but CAS, Super Rugby etc

Three cheers Lee and thanks heaps.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
2016 AAGPS Results for 1st XV, 2nd XV, and 3rd XV games

Round 1 7 May 16
1st XV – N 32 def by K 40, J 15 def by I 17, E 13 def by S 25
2nd XV – N 8 def by K 26, J 24 def by I 29, E 5 def by S 29
3rd XV -Trial 3 – N 7 def by K 14, E 7 def by S 22, J 29 def G 24, A 33 def H 0, I bye

R1 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Turner (N) 2, Helu (N), Duvall (N), Pietsch (K) 2, Brown (K), Anese (K), Osborne (K), Reilly (I), McTaggart (I), Lenehan (J), Rorke (J), Hedley (E), O'Beirne (S) 2, Crawford (S), Burnett (S)
Conv: Simmonson (N) 2, Brown (K) 3, Day (I), Lenehan (J) 2, Sinclair (E), Burnett (S)
Pen: Simmonson (N), Brown (K) 3, Day (I), Lenehan (J), Sinclair (E) 2, Burnett (S)
ref: Results Round 1 2016

R1 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: KISKIS

Round 2 14 May 16
1st XV – K 31 def S 13, E 10 def by J 33, N 30 def by I 44
2nd XV – K 10 def by S 44, E 7 def by J 36, N 25 def I 22
3rd XV – Round 1 – K 17 def S 12, I 17 def by J 29, N 6 def H 0, A 35 def G 0, E bye

1st XV Table
K 4 pts, I 4 pts, S 2 pts, J 2 pts, N 0 pts, E 0 pts

2nd XV Table
S 4 pts, I 2 pts, J 2 pts, K 2 pts, N 2 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 2 pts, J 2 pts, N 2 pts, K 2 pts, S 0 pts, H 0 pts, I 0 pts, G 0 pts, E 0 pts

R2 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Pietsch (K) 2, Brown K (K), Steele-Park (K) , Crawford (S) 2, Haskins (E), Day (J) 2, Ryley (J), Jaffer-Williams (J), McTaggart (J), Smeallie (I) 2, Lenehan (I) 2, Terry (I) Fenn (I) , Duvall (N) 2, Miller (N), Turner (N), Gilfedder (N)
Conversion: Brown K (K) 4 , Sinclair (E), Day (J) 4, Lenehan (I) 4, Simonsson (N)
Pen: Brown K (K) , Burnett (S), Sinclair (E), Lenehan (I) 2, Simonsson (N)
Ref: Results Round 2 2016

R2 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: KJISJNKJNA

Round 3 21 May 16
1st XV – K 24 def J 18, I 47 def E 21, S 36 def N 20
2nd XV – K 10 def by J 16, I 29 def E 12, S 32 def N 10
3rd XV – Round 2 - K 3 def by A 5, S 22 def J 21, H 12 def by E 36, I 7 def by G 28, N bye

1st XV Table
I 6 pts, K 6 pts, S 4 pts, J 2 pts, N 0 pts, E 0 pts

2nd XV Table
S 6 pts, I 4 pts, J 4 pts, K 2 pts, N 2 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 4 pts, J 2 pts, N 2 pts, K 2 pts, S 2 pts, G 2 pts, E 2 pts, H 0 pts, I 0 pts

R3 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Lynch (K), Brown N (K),Dowling (J), Day (J), Rorke (I) 3, Terry (I), Williams (I), Pirina (I), Smeallie (I), Edwards (E), Stinson (E), Joyce (E), Yassim (S), Gavin (S), Green (S), Ridley (S), Penalty Try (S), Simmonson (N) 2, Haldane (N), Duvall (N)
Conversion: Brown K (K), Day (J), Fahy (I) 5, Clarke (I), Sinclair (E) 3, Shannon (S) 4
Pen: Brown K (K) 4, Day (J) 2, Shannon (S)

Ref: Results Round 3 2016

R3 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: KISJISASEG

Round 4 28 May 16
1st XV – I 24 def K 13, J 18 def by S 21, N 26 def E 19
2nd XV – I 20 def K 0, J 5 def by S 34, N 31 def E 7
3rd XV – Round 3 – N 0 def by K 3, J 45 def H 0, G 31 def E 0, A 13 def S 12, I bye

1st XV Table
I 8 pts, K 6 pts, S 6 pts, J 2 pts, N 2 pts, E 0 pts

2nd XV Table
S 8 pts, I 6 pts, J 4 pts, N 4 pts, K 2 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 6 pts, J 4 pts, K 4 pts, G 4 pts, S 2 pts, N 2 pts, E 2 pts, I 0 pts, H 0 pts

R4 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Cutler (I), Pirina (I), Smeallie (I) 2, Osborne (K), Ryley (J), Tse (J), Collard (E), Suttor (E), Haskins (E), Yassim (S), Gavin (S), Jeavons (S), Poidevin (N), Lynch (N), Lawson (N), Taukamo (N)
Conversion: Osborne (K), Lenehan (I) 2, Day (J), Kuenzle (N) 3, Sheehan (E) 2, Shannon (S) 3
Pen: Osborne (K) 2, Day (J) 2

Ref: Results Round 4 2016

R4 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: ISNISNKJGA

Round 5 4 Jun 16
1st XV – E 7 def by K 16, J 17 def by N 28, S 14 def I 12
2nd XV – E 8 def by K 13, J 5 def by N 13, S 0 def by I 10
3rd XV – Round 4 – H v K (deferred), E 3 def by J 17, I 10 def by A 17, G 29 def N 0, S bye

1st XV Table
I 8 pts, K 8 pts, S 8 pts, N 4 pts, J 2 pts, E 0 pts

2nd XV Table
S 8 pts, I 8 pts, N 6 pts, J 4 pts, K 4 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 8 pts, J 6 pts, K 6 pts, G 6 pts, S 2 pts, N 2 pts, E 2 pts, I 0 pts, H 0 pts

R5 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Joyce (E), Brown N (K), Brown K (K), McTaggart (J) 2, Yassim (S), Penalty Try (S), Helu (N) 3, Serhon (N), Rorke (I), Scott (I)
Conversion: Sinclair (E), Day (J) 2, Kuenzle (N) 4, Lenehan (I), Shannon (S) 2
Pen: Brown K (K) 2, Day (J)

Ref: Results Round 5 2016

R5 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: KNSKNI-JAG

Round 6 18 Jun 16
1st XV – K 27 def N 21, I 29 def by J 32, S 29 def E 26
2nd XV – K 21 def N 5, I 22 def J 7, S 31 def E 0
3rd XV – Round 5 – J 17 def G 15, S 24 def E 8, H 0 def by I 28, A 25 def N 0, K bye

1st XV Table
K 10 pts, S 10 pts, I 8 pts, N 4 pts, J 4 pts, E 0 pts

2nd XV Table
S 10 pts, I 10 pts, N 6 pts, K 6 pts, J 4 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 10 pts, J 8 pts, K 4* pts, G 6 pts, S 4 pts, N 2 pts, E 2 pts, I 2 pts, H 0* pts
* HvK postponed

R6 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Edwards (E), Rixon (E), Allen (E), Penalty Try (E), Hicks (K) 2, Lynch (K), Pietsch (K), Steele-Park (K), Yassim (S) 2, Green (S), Miller (S), Turner (N), Simmonsson (N), Rorke (I), Scott (I), Pirina (I), Easy (I), Day (J), Tse (J), Jaffer-Williams (J) 2
Conversion: Brown K (K), Sinclair (E) 3, Day (J) 3, Kuenzle (N), Lenehan (I) 2, Clark (I), Shannon (S) 3
Pen: Kuenzle (N) 3, Lenehan (I), Shannon (S), Day (J) 2

Ref: Results Round 6 2016

R6 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: KJSKISJSIA

Round 7 23 Jul 16
1st XV – S 17 def K 10, J 36 def E 10, I 20 def by N 24
2nd XV – S 10 def K 8, J 14 def E 12, I 26 def N 7
3rd XV – Round 6 – G 28 def K 0, A 41 def E 0, I 24 def N 5, S 33 def H 0, J bye

1st XV Table
S 12 pts, K 10 pts, I 8 pts, J 6 pts, N 6 pts, E 0 pts

2nd XV Table
S 12 pts, I 12 pts, N 6 pts, K 6 pts, J 6 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 12 pts, J 8 pts, K 6 pts, G 8 pts, S 6 pts, I 4 pts, E 2 pts, N 2 pts, H 0 pts

R7 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Edwards (E), Suttor (E), Duckworth (K), Douglas (K), Yassmin (S), Smith (S), Miller (S), Duval H (N), Duval A (N), Penalty Try (N), Smeallie (I), Terry (I) 2, Day (J), McTaggert (J) 3, Reilly (J), Ashhurst (J)
Conversion: Day (J) 3, Kuenzle (N) 3, Clark (I), Simpson (S)
Pen: Kuenzle (N), Clark (I)

Ref: Results Round 7 2016
R7 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: SJNSJIGAIS

Round 8 30 Jul 16
1st XV – J 22 def K 18, E 17 def I 5, N 34 def S 29
2nd XV – J 22 def by K 27, E 7 def by I 20, N 5 def by S 31
3rd XV – Round 7 – J 22 def K 6, E 17 drew I 17, N 13 def by S 22, H 7 def by A 20, G bye

1st XV Table
S 12 pts, K 10 pts, I 8 pts, J 8 pts, N 8 pts, E 2 pts

2nd XV Table
S 14 pts, I 14 pts, K 8 pts, N 6 pts, J 6 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 14 pts, J 10 pts, G 8 pts, S 8 pts, K 6 pts, I 5 pts, E 3 pts, N 2 pts, H 0 pts

R8 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Stinson (E), Sheehan (E), Anese (K), Lombardi (K), Orpen (K), Yassmin (S) 2, Smith (S), Gavin (S), Duval (N), Helu (N), Poidevin (N), Turner (N), Kaliterakis (N),Rorke (I), Day (J) 2, Reilly (J), Ashhurst (J)
Conversion: Sinclair (E) 2, Day (J) 2, Brown K (K), Kuenzle (N) 3, Clark (I), Simpson (S) 3
Pen: Sinclair (E), Kuenzle (N), Clark (I), Day (J), Simpson (S)

Ref: Results Round 8 2016

R8 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: JENKISJ(E/I)SA

Round 9 06 Aug 16
1st XV – K 11 def by I 12, S 32 def J 17, E 14 def by N 38
2nd XV – K 20 def I 18, S 10 def by J 19 E 10 def by N 20
3rd XV – Round 8 – K 7 def by I 15, J 17 def by A 22, E 17 def N 12, S 5 def by G 26, H bye

1st XV Table
S 14 pts, K 10 pts, I 10 pts, N 10 pts, J 8 pts, E 2 pts

2nd XV Table
S 14 pts, I 14 pts, K 10 pts, N 8 pts, J 8 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 16 pts, J 10 pts, G 10 pts, S 8 pts, I 7 pts, K 6 pts, E 5 pts, N 2 pts, H 0 pts

R9 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Edwards (E), Sheehan (E), Pietsch (K), Smith (S), Yassmin (S) 2, Jeavons-Fellows (S) 2, Breen (S), Serhon (N), Helu (N), Poidevin (N), Turner (N), Duvall, H (N) 2, Bird (I), Smeallie (I), Wilkinson (J), Jaffer-Williams (J) 2
Conversion: Sinclair (E) 2, Day (J), Brown K (K), Kuenzle (N) 4, Clark (I), Simpson (S) 2
Pen: Kuenzle (N), Osborne (K) 2, Simpson (S)

Ref: Results Round 9 2016

R9 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: ISNKJNIAEG

Round 10 13 Aug 16
1st XV – K 45 def E 10, N 47 def by J 48, I 36 def S 15
2nd XV – K 29 def E 10, N 14 def by J 19, I 23 def by S 27
3rd XV – Round 9 – K 26 def E 10, N 0 def by J 38, I 33 def S 27, H 7 def by G 12, A bye

1st XV Table
S 14 pts, K 12 pts, I 12 pts, N 10 pts, J 10 pts, E 2 pts

2nd XV Table
S 16 pts, I 14 pts, K 12 pts, J 10 pts, N 8 pts, E 0 pts

3rd XV Table
A 16 pts, J 12 pts, G 12 pts, I 9 pts, S 8 pts, K 8 pts, E 5 pts, N 2 pts, H 0 pts

R10 1st XV Scoring*:
Try: Baveystock (E), Gregory (E), Pietsch (K) 2, Brown, N (K), Williams (K), Douglass (K), Millar (K), Osborne (K), Smith (S), A.N. Other (S) 2, Halaifona (N), Lawson (N), Kuenzle (N), Miller (N), Duvall (N), Turner (N), Gilfedder (N), U.N. Known (I) several, Dowling (J) 2, Day (J) 2, Dalton (J), McTaggart (J), Reilly (J)
Conversion: Abbott (E) 0/1 Suttor (E)0/1, Day (J) 5, Osborne (K) 5, Kuenzle (N) 3

* Individual Scoring Details from I v S incomplete.

Ref: Results Round 10 2016

R10 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: KJIKJSKJIG

2016 1st XV Premiers - The Scots College
2016 2nd XV Premiers - The Scots College
2016 3rd XV Premiers - The Armidale School


Trevor Allan (34)
2016 AAGPS Results for 1st XV, 2nd XV, and 3rd XV games

R8 1st XV Scoring:
Try: Stinson (E), Sheehan (E), Anese (K), Douglas Lombardi (K), Orpen (K), Yassmin (S) 2, Smith (S), Gavin (S), Duval (N), Helu (N), Poidevin (N), Turner (N), Kaliterakis (N),Rorke (I), Day (J) 2, Reilly (J), Ashhurst (J)
Conversion: Sinclair (E) 2, Day (J) 2, Brown K (K), Kuenzle (N) 3, Clark (I), Simpson (S) 3
Pen: Sinclair (E), Kuenzle (N), Clark (I), Day (J), Simpson (S)

Ref: Results Round 8 2016

R8 Tipping Comp Winning Combo: JENKISJ(E/I)SA

Corrected for what it's worth..... LJ got it right in his R 8 match report.;)

Not in straight

Vay Wilson (31)
2016 AAGPS Results for 1st XV, 2nd XV, and 3rd XV games

R10 1st XV Scoring*:
Try: Baveystock (E), Gregory (E), Pietsch (K) 2, Brown, N (K), Williams (K), Douglass (K), Millar (K), Osborne (K), Smith (S), A.N. Other (S) 2, Halaifona (N), Lawson (N), Kuenzle (N), Miller (N), Duvall (N), Turner (N), Gilfedder (N), U.N. Known (I) several, Dowling (J) 2, Day (J) 2, Dalton (J), McTaggart (J), Reilly (J)
Conversion: Sinclair (E) 2 Abbott (E) 0/1 Suttor (E)0/1, Day (J) 5, Osborne (K) 5, Kuenzle (N) 3
Pen: Kuenzle (N) 2, Day (J)

Corrected, Sinclair DNP R10
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