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Srgnt Short Ball

Chris McKivat (8)
View attachment 20017

Joker….the grand daddy of psychotic supporters

My case for Iggy.

Throughout my many years of AAGPS rugby I have been fortunate to witness some incredible support shown by all (yes even High) Schools. The administrations of these schools have tolerated many of these colourful characters over the decades but time has been cruelling to some.

In my lifetime I have seen the Wyvern Dragon; a costumed student on the sideline whipping up the Newington boys into a formidable vocal assemblage. He would lead out the team through their mammoth tunnels and would then prowl the sideline in front of the Newington supporters. He was the first I think of the AAGPS cheer mascots. He disappeared in the 90’s I think. Now they have drums, banners and kick ass BBQ.

Scots had a Highland Warrior for a limited time and would only release him from his cell when required. In the early 2000’s a golden rampant lion costume appeared, and like its Newington counterpart, he would lead teams out at home games. Generally considered a buffoon or comic relief, he did do his job quite well as Scots is not short on clowns. The sideline antics halted when the Dark Lord Camembert seized power and deemed the lion to be a distraction to universal domination.

Grammar and High even had fleeting moments of GPS madness. Grammar would have the most inventive and effective chants (and some good teams). As the sun set on their rugby dexterity, the Grammar “bees” would chant to the opposition (or maybe just Joeys) “You only win on the scoreboard, wait to the HSC”. Sydney Boys High would play the public-school card with a chant to the tune of “Old MacDonald had a farm”. I have asked around and this is what I believe was the verse.

“My family pays no fees, doo daa, doo daa
And they drive a brand-new car oh the doo daa day
Going to drive all night, going to drive all day
My family pays no fees, get out of our way.

Kings are one of the last to have a cheer leader of such old-time buffoonery. A student dressed in an elegant cape, wielding a wooden sword and clutching a Kings Shield would whip his fellow Kingsmen into a frenzy. Plenty of posturing and strutting in front of his peers was a highlight but being Kings boys, this was not an issue. They are used to swaggering for the Tara girls.

Joeys…. never had and never needed one. Sure, they have cheer leaders, but sonic booms and damaging decibels have worked well since 1894. In recent years the quality has fallen away but this season I have noted a return to the mongrel dog attitude of decades past. Maybe someone at Joeys is reading my thoughts?

So now we come to Iggy.

This controversial character was the gold standard of sideline antics. He was selected by the students for the students after exhaustive public tryouts. The brief was simple, demonstrate absolute dynamic support for the Lane Cove lunatics. For over 30 years I saw this character and each year I would appreciate this student led support. It was the strength of character demonstrated by Iggy who controlled “the weather” of View’s support. Great “Iggy’s” would lead the school in “Iggy the Moocher” chants. Often dressed in a wild style of clothing (or not!) Iggy was a one man show and Riverview supporters knew and loved this. With Iggy out front, the opposition supporters gaze would wander to the Riverview lads and their own support would wane. I can say with great confidence that View won many games they shouldn’t have because Iggy and the passion he evoked, inspiring the 15 players or “wolf pack.” Now they rely on a bloody drum and incoherent war cries.

For the sake of the AAGPS, BRING BACK IGGY
let the return of mascots not be limited to iggy but rather to the entire competition!
it would seem that the under 15's have discovered the forum! they are beggining their non-sensicle rants about their mates and how good they are. To all those new schoolboys raiding the forum beware, for last term the forum was shut closed due to outrageous school boy antics. So please play by the rules or face the wrath of @Joker
im sorry mate but if you dont agree with my scouting report on the kid then dont reply


Bob McCowan (2)
my top 15 players in gps this season:
1. Gus 'Mudgee mudcrab' Littler
2. Charles ghattas
3. Bryn Whittaker
4. Harry Murdoch-tilmouth (dochy)
5. Arthur Greer
6. Lucas


7. Johannes 'butcher' Logan
8. justice
9. darcy brown
10. jonty fowler
11. Henry troy
12. sam jorgensen
13. Oscar jorgensen
14. ben sleeman
15. max palmisanti

this is an unbiased opinion from a kings old boy!
@Joker this is the type of useless, soulless yap needs to be stopped.

- Caesar


John Hipwell (52)
@Joker will we see you at any of the games?

I am coming tomorrow to Scots. It will be a long haul in my condition with two buses and a train but I look forward to this game each season.


1. I get to catch up with many former students and fellow G&G members. Plus I usually join some old boys for a refreshing ale after the game.
2. But really...my presence pisses off the Dark Lord no end. He had had me removed in the past for "trespassing" But the restraining order he slapped on me after I sued him has expired. If he tries it again my lawyer is on speed dial. Plus seeing me reminds him of the score of Joker v Camembert, the council and the Presbyterian church is 1-0 to Joker in court.


Bob McCowan (2)
I thought a 4th xv round preview for the best match of the round would be a good addition to the forum due to a close competition.

Scots vs Joeys, 9:00 am scots Main
I have picked this game to be the one to watch this week. As the 4th xv from scots take on a rampant Joeys outfit in the 5th xv who are yet to loose there is all to play for! As scots have shown glimpses of brilliance with a solid structure and electric backs looking to run the ball and score from anywhere on the pitch they really will need to being playing at there best. On the other hand Joeys will play a simple and hard running game looking to win the fowards battle and execute with there fine tuned skills in the back. Players to look out for, (scots Number 10, 13,) (Joeys, 3 , 10)

Score prediction - Scots by 5

Kings Rugby DAD

Frank Row (1)
my top 15 players in gps this season:
1. Gus 'Mudgee mudcrab' Littler
2. Charles ghattas
3. Bryn Whittaker
4. Harry Murdoch-tilmouth (dochy)
5. Arthur Greer
6. Lucas


7. Johannes 'butcher' Logan
8. justice
9. darcy brown
10. jonty fowler
11. Henry troy
12. sam jorgensen
13. Oscar jorgensen
14. ben sleeman
15. max palmisanti

this is an unbiased opinion from a kings old boy!
I agree with this good to see Harry Murdoch getting the praise he deserves


Allen Oxlade (6)
If Newington is going coed next year, will the girls play in the boys rugby teams or would they be in a separate competition?
There will most likely be another competition but if they are good enough a couple may get a run in the boys. In the past playing in competitions girls where allowed to play in boys comp but boys couldn't play in the girls comp for obvious reasons.