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Frank Row (1)
The time has come for this weeks match preview. The 7th/8thXV Grand Final takes place 13/8/22 on Scots Main Oval, 9am. Built up to be a cracker of a game with each team hoping to add their own piece of history into their school's rich culture. I've heard from both Scots and Shore Representatives that each team are at full strength this weekend. However, Shore's strong win last weekend against Newington 5ths (19-7) puts Shore infront in my book. Shore's captaincy this weekend has again swapped back to past games, with B.E.M Duddy (1) leading the side out, and Mack Sooter (10) dropping down to Vice-captain. B.E.M Doody's fierce nature in his referee relationships, means this game will be extra interesting to watch. The Forwards for shore this weekend are looking as good as every. Coming of new PB's in the gym for their last S&C session of the year, G.W Beeshop (7) completed a 1 rep 130kg bench press, showing his true brute force. These strength gains made by the no.7 will see him be a struggle in the ruck and scrum for the Scots side. Already stated in last weeks, B.E.M Duddy's ruck clean outs are looking as beautiful as ever, after this weeks training when he took out schoolboy heavyweight, T. Tupou in a rucking drill, he again extended the notion of being a truly one in a generation type of player. The Backs this weekend are again being led out by Mack Sooter (10) (vc), who didn't surprise anyone when he took hold of the best back award for 2022, at the inaugural Meriton BBQ Lunch. His intense kicking game and bullet like pass is what im predicting to get the Shore Team over the line this weekend. Paired with his running game, which has hinters of Latrell Mitchell in it, im expectingly a close came. My prediction is this game will be an absolute cracker, as they last time these two team met the Shore Fortress like defence was broken 5 minutes after play had stopped, due to Scots 'again-again' pick and drive strategy, causing the end score to come out as 23-25 Scots. This weekend will be a different story, with the Shore team turning a corner since the school holidays, seen as they have gone undefeated with some quite large wins, against competition heavyweights, such as Riverview. Shore 7-5 Scots with Mack Sooter (10) (vc) converting his own try late in the 2nd half from 40 on the sideline.
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I've just heard from a member of the side that the boys had a big Bacon, Egg 'and Sausages' feed this morning just to get them ready for the Grand Final.

Eyes and Ears

Bob Davidson (42)
Wouldn't you love to see all the 16's with the full complement of players.
Scots have played Fitler, Jacques, Bartlett and Brial up all season. New have just started to play a couple of boys up, Shore have played a winger up all year, View have started to play a hooker up.
Who would be the best of the best?
Agree 2nd and 3rd XV should easily account for a 16'a team, at any of the schools
Isn't one of the flankers from Shore 1sts also U16?
Remember the statement about Barker v Joeys originated from saying Barker won fair and square at the time they played, however in my humble opinion I think Joeys have improved the most since that time.
Under some of the logic Melbourne Storm are now the best team in the NRL but that’s a snapshot of just last night as was the J v B some 8 weeks ago.

I’ll stick to my own thoughts that I think the result would be very different if they played tomorrow. They are without question the most improved schoolboy team in NSW. Their results and domination over their opposition and of the ladder speaks very clearly to that point.


Stan Wickham (3)
Wouldn't you love to see all the 16's with the full complement of players.
Scots have played Fitler, Jacques, Bartlett and Brial up all season. New have just started to play a couple of boys up, Shore have played a winger up all year, View have started to play a hooker up.
Who would be the best of the best?

The Front Rower

Ward Prentice (10)
16As preview for this week.

who would of thought it all comes down to the final round of the season to decide the unofficial “16A’s premiership”

newo vs view
Well new is definitely the strongest 16As team when they have there full side but struggle with depth, not to sure where some key players are playing this weekend (2nds or 16As) but I think the view side could have a crack at newo and push them a bit. Ultimately newo will win and secure at least one hand on the premiership. Kings and joeys will be both hoping view can push newo to the limit and win to secure a out right premiership for kings or joeys. The view 9 is a player to watch in this game while the newo 1,10,12,13 and 15 are players to watch.

kings vs joeys
Joeys winning convincing me last time these two teams Meet, but almost every team did. Who would of thought kings after there term 2 form would be one win away from a hand on the premiership. A fairy tale season saw them draw with newo and beat Scott’s now there final task is to take on joeys at joeys. There forward pack will need to stand up to force a win but I see the boys from joeys getting there win at home for there last ever game before opens. Joeys will win through there backline.

Scott’s vs shore
two solid teams with nothing to play for but pride, Scott’s losing last week in the final minutes to kings while shore had a great win over newo which would have made the joeys and kings boys weekend. I can’t see this game going any other way then a Scott’s win but stranger things have happened this season. Scott’s 15 and 10 are two players to watch in this game for Scott’s while the shore 10 is also very handy.
Scots Fullback very good however the 10 isnt so much.


Frank Row (1)
Without trying to disrespect any of the boys from Riverview or Shore, they are nowhere near the level of any 2nd XV GPS school and aren't even the best 16's teams. Shore did earn themselves a great win against Newington, however, this was against a much-weakened team missing arguably the best 10 in the 16's age group in Humphries. I believe the two strongest teams are Newington and Kings, (with Joey's right behind both teams) in the 16's age group, but comparing them to a second XV team would be a stretch.


Shore 16As have missing 2 year 10 player in the first XV this full season

Ace Ventura

Ted Fahey (11)
article in today's SMH
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