Armchair , totally agree ... Wright needs to be rested, and Joeys are doing the right thing.
Question for you Armchair, is it Brother Boyd that still MCs the open evenings? As I had a chat to a mate whose son is starting in Joeys in a few years .. and he was very impressed. That Boyd has to be one of the most impressive educators... however he must be getting on?
Is he still coaching the 15As?
Either way I was interested to hear that Dubbo used to be the most common postcode for Joeys (not so long ago) but now it is Hunters Hill, and the rural contingent is down to 50%.
And Joeys does such a good job integrating the country folk with the city slickers. Such an awesome school! Even if Waverley smashed em

at least in one game.
Re Shore ... I don't think their rugby is so bad ... yes the results might not always be to some people's liking, but from what I saw against Waverley, they are pretty respectable right down to the lower grades. What is better a rugby program that has an awesome A team, and then is relatively weak outside of that, or a program that may not be red-hot in the As, but is stronger in lower grades, and has reasonable depth/interest.
Shore's Jika Travers might not be happy with the AFL posts on the main pitch, or the numbers of soccer players, but Shore isn't doing too bad IMHO ... and as for that stadium ... wow. Although forget about getting a seat ... about as hard as getting a year 7 entry spot