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NRC onwards and upwards

Omar Comin'

Chilla Wilson (44)
If the NRC isn't busting the top 20 figures for Foxtel (against not much competition), then I doubt any of the free-to-air channels are going to be interested.

Well Shute Shield is on FTA and I don't think it would bust the top 20 figures for Foxtel if it was on it either. Surely a similar deal is possible for the NRC given it's a higher level national competition and with (hopefully) more potential for growth.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member

Omar Comin'

Chilla Wilson (44)
I think it might undermine them to show live Super Rugby games, but not the NRC. There wouldn't be a single person whose primary reason for owning Foxtel is to watch the NRC so they wouldn't lose subscribers if 1 game per week was shown on FTA. The positive is that maybe some of the people that start watching that NRC game every week decide they want to see more rugby, especially super rugby, and they sign up for Fox. It's probably not a huge upside but I don't really see the downside from a Fox perspective.

To be honest, I think showing the odd super rugby game on FTA wouldn't undermine Fox much either. I'd theorise that the potential growth in subscribers (from people getting a small, but regular taste of super rugby and wanting more) would be greater than the potential loss in subscribers from having say 1 game per week simulcast on FTA.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The issue for showing games live on one of the Channel 10 channels will be whether they rate high enough to make it worthwhile.


Bill Watson (15)
The issue for showing games live on one of the Channel 10 channels will be whether they rate high enough to make it worthwhile.

I'd be really interested in knowing what equivalent competitions in other codes rate on FTA and Fox Sports. I know there is Q Cup shown in Queensland on a Sunday arvo and that NSW Cup is on Fox Sports, and I think VFL, SANFL and WAFL are shown in there respective states on FTA. I wonder what the comparison is ratings wise? I think that would give a better idea of how the NRC is going per se.


Steve Williams (59)
I am confused about how Perth goes about the NRC. Last year the debate Melb v Perth which way ahead. This year no clearer.
It's true, Perth chopped and changed their team a lot. Too much for mine, although the development argument is still a valid one. There were also some dramas with the Spirit coach (now departed) rumoured to have clashed with the Force coach (unfortunately still there).

Melbourne, through either circumstance or design, moved away from their near-Super team of last year and mixed in more development players. I don't have too much of a problem with that.

Now that the Rebels have been sold, the situation in Victoria starts to have some parallels with the NSWRU/Tahs. – As I understand it, the Rebels do not fund the Rising, so it's like the Tahs and the NSW NRC teams. Their non-Test players are distributed to the NRC, but is there any more than that in terms of assistance? And perhaps the VRU have stepped up to the plate a bit better than the NSWRU. – Dunnno.

So, in cheesy parable parlance, it's time to dump a load onto what's happening with Melbourne and Perth...
  1. Players: Firstly, the Rebels and Force should be providing (a few) more players to NRC clubs other than the Rising and Spirit. They won't like it but that doesn't mean it can't be helpful. It would mean more of their players get experience playing in the NRC. It could also mitigate the need for rotation just to blood more development players. Might even make the Spirit team stronger too with a more stable lineup (the argument would then move on to resting Super Rugby players, but that's another discussion).
  2. Who pays: Equally, Super Rugby franchises providing players who would have to relocate to NRC franchises shouldn't be expected to pay those wages and expenses. NSW clubs (yes, that's they're likely to go) can only expect the services of players with existing pro contracts by meeting the costs in full for the duration of the NRC. Again, the mechanism for distributing players (a handful only from each Super Rugby franchise) is another discussion but it would need to be strictly 'No pay, no play' for any player having to relocate.
If all NSW clubs can't stump up the resources and player strength to be competitive then ultimately there'd need to be a rationalisation in Sydney. However, this mightn't be resolved for another season or three.


Steve Williams (59)
All the players distribution should be dealt with through some ARU fiddling.

1. All Super Rugby Players* contracted for season 20XX and Season 20XY are required to nominate an NRC side for Season 20XX, by May 31st 20XX, or within a fortnight of signing a contract extension, whichever is later. If uninjured, and not on representative duty, they will make themselves available for training and selection.

2. Excluding Overseas players qualifying on the 7 seasons & 60 Caps rule, all players wishing to be eligible for the Wallabies in 20XX Calender year must be aligned with an NRC side. This includes players returning from overseas (e.g. Dean Mumm and Kane Douglas this season).

3. No NRC side can sign more than 12 Super Rugby players, or returning overseas players with a future Super Contract, until all NRC sides have the minimum 8 allocated Super Rugby Players or Returning overseas players. At this point the player cap is raised to 16/18.

*Excluding International and Japanese Marquee players.

Think that would help fix a lot of the issues. Would need some significant ARU fiddling though.


Trevor Allan (34)
I also think there is nothing more stupid than for example seeing Reece Hodge play this NRC with the Rays and then go to the Rebels next season and stay with the Rising just because theoretically the Rising are more powerful because of the Rebels connection.

Perhaps they need to allow the Sydney and QLD sides to sign players on longer term contracts although that does have financial implications. And a lot of thought into how it would affect any other deals they sign would need to be thought about.


I also think there is nothing more stupid than for example seeing Reece Hodge play this NRC with the Rays and then go to the Rebels next season and stay with the Rising just because theoretically the Rising are more powerful because of the Rebels connection.

Conversely I would see it a pretty stupid scenario if the Rebels signed a player and wanted to use the NRC to help him build partnerships with other players and have him learning the Rebels structure but were declined the opportunity because of an arbitrary ruling.

The contractual process is a complicated one where there is no clear solution. It would seem to me that there would be more benefit for the Brumbies/Rebels/Force to release some of their more experienced players back to Sydney rather then the young development players.

Force/Rebels/Brumbies/Reds are using the NRC to develop partnerships, trial positions and offer game time to those who don't have much Super Rugby time. That's where the real value of the NRC is, by having younger players brought up to a level closer to Super Rugby and providing a more seamless transition for them to step in Super Rugby.

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Michael Lynagh (62)
I think it might undermine them to show live Super Rugby games, but not the NRC. There wouldn't be a single person whose primary reason for owning Foxtel is to watch the NRC so they wouldn't lose subscribers if 1 game per week was shown on FTA. The positive is that maybe some of the people that start watching that NRC game every week decide they want to see more rugby, especially super rugby, and they sign up for Fox. It's probably not a huge upside but I don't really see the downside from a Fox perspective.

To be honest, I think showing the odd super rugby game on FTA wouldn't undermine Fox much either. I'd theorise that the potential growth in subscribers (from people getting a small, but regular taste of super rugby and wanting more) would be greater than the potential loss in subscribers from having say 1 game per week simulcast on FTA.

Tend to agree that Foxtel allowing a NRC game on FTA (even if replay) would more likely be potential to get wider interest in rugby and super rugby in particular and yep Foxtel control super rugby so perhaps use as marketing entree to entice them across to Foxsports package on Foxtel for super rugby.

Would have to be offered for next to nix as unlikely to be lot of interest in this point in FTA station taking it up.


Michael Lynagh (62)
I'd like to see more evening out of the team quality so more Super Rugby players spread around to make the weaker teams more competitive.

Overlapping games as has been mentioned - not sure why some weekends there were all these games on a Saturday and nothing at all on a Sunday.

The Fox coverage has been good - the Monday night show has been good to catch up on matches. A bit more serious analysis and less 'playing for laughs' would be good though.

Media coverage has been pretty woeful, not sure why - would be interested in hearing from the ARU what the issue is here - has the media just not been interested? The Weekend Australian, which has quite extensive rugby coverage, has not mentioned the NRC once that I have seen.

Better club engagement - I am in Brisbane and the Reds do a good job of getting info on matches out to members, but given there are a lot of club players involved I am surprised that the clubs themselves haven't been pushing the message out to their members - 'get the juniors with their families along to see x players from our club perform along with Super Rugby stars as they come up against x big name from the Brumbies/Rebels/Force etc'.

Yes I am surprised the ARU etc as not used more of its clout to get better media coverage for NRC...at least reporting results of matches....as you have results of shute shield matches reported but NRC getting zip...if can't get main stream media behind it at that level is of concern..

Be really interested to see a wide ranging survey to see what the blockers are to getting big crowds...push (ie lack of marketing / awareness) or pull (quality of product?)


Well it had been rumoured but it's finally official, the NRC has been secured until 2020!

Remaining exclusively on Foxsports unfortunately, but hopefully they pick up more games. There was a separate article suggesting that Foxtel losing the EPL rights to Optus could mean more greater demand for live content which could mean more NRC matches broadcast.

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Chilla Wilson (44)
Wonder if there could be a "Total Rugby" type show put together for one of the FTA channels. During Super Rugby can do the highlights/results of Super Rugby then on to same for NRC. Or start with NRC. I know that the 'build it and they will come' attitude is not always successful but I get the feeling that more people would attend games and show more interest if they saw the product occasionally.

Since Channel 10 & Foxtel now share owners there might be some opportunity......


Given the popularity of the BBL, and the conceptual similarity between this competition and the NRC, I think there's a number of learning points that can be taken away.

Both were established with little heritage, both have a directive to entertain, both were/are structured around been a product for broadcasters, both feature rule variations deigned to speed up the game and increase entertainment separate from the traditional form of the game.

BBL obviously appeals to a wider market, more Australians are familiar with it, Cricket Australia poured tens of $millions into it in its initial years and it's now available on FTA.

I personally don't like the BBL that much nor have an allegiance to any team, but I don't mind watching it, the kids love it and it provides a fantastic match day experience which has fans flocking.

So what factors does the BBL have that the NRC could adopt?
-Vibrant and contrasting team colours
-On-field miking of players
-great game-day experience
-far better broadcasting experience with more cameras, more angles, more highlights

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