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Kurtley Beale

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
"I don't believe her appointment has caused angst."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-union/a...m-official-20141010-11491u.html#ixzz3FiRMuMM7

Link,if you seriously believe this,you are not fit to perform your job.

Forget about all the rumours,the very fact that the ARU are dealing with two matters directly involving her,is confirmation that her appointment has caused angst.

If I read this article correctly and assuming that Link has been correctly quoted in it then the following seems to have occurred:

He did not become aware of the text messages until last week, but we've been previously told that the matter was dealt with "in-house" back in June.

Are we to assume that the coach, who is the operational head of the playing group and support staff, was left out of the loop back in June?

You'd have thought that he would have been involved in the process, or at least informed of what had happened and what action was taken straight afterwards.

Train Without a Station

Call it whatever you like, but it's sloppy work at best and was handled poorly.

You're right - LinkedIn is a barely used site, but why make it look suspicious with the hasty deletions? Just calmly explain it!

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Yeah. They should have just removed the profile and explained it was made by a 3rd party who made errors in it.


Train Without a Station

You'd have thought that he would have been involved in the process, or at least informed of what had happened and what action was taken straight afterwards.

Well no, as the only reports say otherwise to that, you'd have to assume this information was withheld from him.


Cyril Towers (30)
Yeah. They should have just removed the profile and explained it was made by a 3rd party who made errors in it.

Yeah, or you know, may be you could just correct the site after it became clear it was wrong and keep it up there and then when further enquiries are made explain the situation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


George Smith (75)
Staff member

I have merged these two threads.
The previously aired allegations about McKenzie and Patston have been denied. WE WILL NOT HAVE THEM REPEATED OR PROPAGATED>
If you wish to discuss this issue, do it without :-
1. Rumours you've made up, heard from a bloke somewhere etc...
2. Innuendo regarding any party involved
3. Unsubstantiated allegations as mentioned above.

Material that has been presented in the public domain may be discussed, but none of the above.
If these are posted, they will be deleted.
If people post them, they will be given a rest for a few weeks.
This is not ambiguous.



Colin Windon (37)
I don't even know why they need the investigation.

Beale will get no new contract.
Patston will get a payout to get her to go away.
Link will survive after a meeting or two with Pulver as to how they avoid such drama in the future.


John Hipwell (52)
If I read this article correctly and assuming that Link has been correctly quoted in it then the following seems to have occurred:

He did not become aware of the text messages until last week, but we've been previously told that the matter was dealt with "in-house" back in June.

Are we to assume that the coach, who is the operational head of the playing group and support staff, was left out of the loop back in June?

You'd have thought that he would have been involved in the process, or at least informed of what had happened and what action was taken straight afterwards.

Was it one of the Fairfax sources that reported it was dealt with in June? Going to be pretty easy to tell who was not being entirely honest once the investigation is over. If it is found Link is blatantly lying he is done, I don't think he is that stupid.


Bob Loudon (25)
Seriously? Checking qualifications on a website I swear no one uses to proactively discredit the qualifications of a non-player performing a role that most equates to a role where no former (or current at Super Rugby level) holder of that role has EVER held a qualification beyond being male? And all to insinuate that she was unreliable or somehow deserved it?
You may not use LinkedIn but 300 million do, 40% on a daily basis. It is, currently, a very effective business communication tool. Seriously, why would anyone allow a profile to be created that can be accessed by 100s of millions and not check it.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
An utterly piss-poor effort from all concerned: the Quade thread reached the lofty heights of 137 pages while the Kurtley saga stalled at a measly 59. Whomever was involved in this shortfall should hang their heads in shame. :(

You know as well as the rest of us that this thread has more false crests than Heartbreak Hill on the City to Surf Run.
Yet to be played out (and subject to a spike in posts when they happen) are:
1. the outcome of the Code of Conduct Investigation
2. the outcome of the Incident on the Flight
3. KB (Kurtley Beale) reaction to the outcome (Mungo, Sushi or Frogs Legs & Garlic)
4. who else may be censured as part of the Investigation (players)
5. who else is going to get the tom tits with Club Wallaby and head off shore
6. Will @Dismal Pillock get a new Server room for the Pitcairn Is facility in time

If people behave themselves and work diligently towards the goal, leaving all the defamatory sh!t out as per post #1234, then 100 pages is easily achievable.

Train Without a Station

You may not use LinkedIn but 300 million do, 40% on a daily basis. It is, currently, a very effective business communication tool. Seriously, why would anyone allow a profile to be created that can be accessed by 100s of millions and not check it.

As previously noted, profiles with errors are not uncommon. I have connections from March larger organisations whose profiles contain errors.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
All hail Lord cyclo! Stoke the engines, full steam ahead and damn the consequences, station 138 here we come. :eek:


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Ahhhhhh 5 pages later..
It is a repository for the general dross associated with this topic.
I 100% endorse what @daz posted and did.
Given that a new, equally borderline thread arose, the Moderators have put it all together.
If it goes feral, there will be carnage.
Everyone has been warned.


Alfred Walker (16)
It was thrown out through mediation. Saying "dropped" makes it sound similar to him being acquitted which it is not. It was agreed that the parties would come to a solution.

Given he's innocent until proven guilty, they are both the same in my eyes in that neither results in a guilty verdict!

Train Without a Station

Given he's innocent until proven guilty, they are both the same in my eyes in that neither results in a guilty verdict!

It doesn't make him innocent though, it means the other party agreed to alternative resolution to court, whilst maintaining the charges.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Well no, as the only reports say otherwise to that, you'd have to assume this information was withheld from him.

Organisationally that is a very strange practice. Without micro-managing, surely he needs to know about something this serious. All of the parties involved are/'were in fairly close contact with him on a day to day basis.

I'd be interested to know who actually dealt with the matter - normally once more than one person knows about something in an environment as close as a professional sporting team it would be difficult to keep it from the boss. Particularly when one of them reports directly to him on matters of team discipline.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
It doesn't make him innocent though, it means the other party agreed to alternative resolution to court, whilst maintaining the charges.

Not really, the way our legal system works is that one is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the matter withdrawn or otherwise not tested in a court, the accused is innocent in the eyes of the law.

That's our system - some may not like it, but it's been that way for hundreds of years.
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