Surprised at the lack of praise for Simmons - thought he was quite an improvement on Jizz, or Mumm. He seemed harder than in his mid-year appearances.
The ref was atrocious.
Otherwise I agree with the general sentiment - Italian scrum were devious and ref clueless to stop it, Slipper held up well considering, Alexander much better than the previous week. Less meerkatting, more driving helped. Also a ludicrous amount of time wasted in leadup to every scrum to allow Italians to get enough breath for the type of secondary drives that squished us a bit.
The ref was atrocious.
We pushed passes a fair bit, just a bit frantic at times looking for the immediate kill. I think Burgo's game was exemplified in a period where I was growling 'focus, focus' at the tv and he tried to force a pop pass from the wrong side of a strong tackle and turned it over. If QC (Quade Cooper), BB or Rock can dilute his red cordial he could be so good... The wingers did more work in the rucks than on the wings - not a criticism but an observation. Apparently Reg's stats agree with me.
The ref was atrocious. But if you cancel out the two non-tries he only gifted them half a dozen penalties...
Also haven't seen any comment on the AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) tackle - they had him head down and if not for Pocock(?) coming in were going to drive him down. Should there have been on field action, and will there be off field action taken?
The ref was pretty atrocious, you know?
All in all, I'm happy to get the win, I thought forward intensity particularly in the first 20min was way better, and it's a performance you could build on. Wouldn't be surprised if the team were unchanged for next week, actually, as Slipper, Simmons, Barnes were all good and Burgo ok (at least he had intensity and fitness). Turner will depend on JOC (James O'Connor) of course. Hodgo was great in his cameo too.
Did I mention how atrocious the ref was?