Peter Sullivan (51)
Hear hear! Excellent summation, Mr Pfitzy.My thoughts on the head contact, as promised, you lucky dogs:
Fuck me there's some wank about head contact going on in here. Have a word to yourselves after reading the head contact process, some of you.
- The ball carrier did not change height, direction, or anything else that could be factored into the point of contact.
- The distance or speed into contact is only relevant insofar as judging force.
- Tackler was low initially and then stood up as contact approached.
Therefore it is reasonable to assume the tackler's intent was to initiate head contact - or they're a giant pussy wearing a bad mullet who was scared of Valetini's ribs.
Using the process, the Italian ref and French TMO - while sharing a mutual love of fine cuisine and surrendering in armed conflicts - have somehow talked themselves down to "low danger".
In opposition to every other incident we've seen of this nature.
Which is a fucking joke, given the questions in the frame work. "Force" is a consideration, but it is not a qualifying or dismissive criteria.
Step through the flow and you'll answer the question.
For me: Yellow Card, not enough to be red, and referral to a better barber.
I went back and rewatched it to see if the term 'low force' or 'low danger' was used by the officials in their justification - it was (rightfully) 'low danger'. The referee stated that he only saw 'low danger' and sought confirmation from the ARs and TMO - who all agreed. It did make me think, have we ever seen an instance where an AR or TMO has spoken up in disagreement?