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Deans confirmed until 2013

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Dave Cowper (27)
Deans is an excellent coach, but Link's accomplishment with the Reds and his experience coaching in Europe make him a better choice for leading the Wallabies after this WC.

While I am concerned how poorly the Wallaby's have fared in the 3N under Deans (33% winning record), I'm more concerned at how often the Wallabies have failed to fire under his stewardship, when a performance has simply lacked bite at the breakdown. But a word of caution.. early on this season, the Tahs destroyed the Reds, but the Reds turned it around. Yet, it seems that irrespective of the players at his disposal, Link always had the Reds fighting doggedly in every subsequent match, at home or away. The same cannot be said of the Wallabies under Dean. This Australian team is fabulous off front foot ball, but it doesn't seem to know how to win when the game is slowed down and it's a pure dog fight at he breakdown and slow ball ensues. So, I am interested to see what the Wallabies do from here. If they fail to both perform well against the Boks and beat them, then there is yet more evidence that this Wallaby group will not be able to tough it out on foreign soil and beat three top teams in consecutively games.


That's fair and I can understand why you think that way. I don't totally agree, mind you, but you've at least put an argument forward.

I was, as I stated earlier, not entirely happy about how Deans got the job, but was:praying: prepared to set that aside due to his coaching record. I was also prepared to cop some poor results because he was introducing a generational change into the squad, rather like Bob Dwyer had to after the Lions series in 1989. I figured that longer term gain was worth the worth the pain then. I have to admit to wavering in the last 12 months, as I don't feel the results have borne fruit to the extent they should have yet.

As far as inside centre goes, you'll know that I believe Barnes to be the best option there, with JOC (James O'Connor) the longer term answer. With Berrick being crocked, I now feel that we should put JOC (James O'Connor) there and stop stuffing about with any other option.

Backup at 10 I believe to be a much bigger problem, given that we now know that Gits is not good enough in that position. KB (Kurtley Beale) is really the only other player who can play there with any credibility, but we need him at fullback.

Your point about the bench is well made and I agree with it.

We will have to diagree, I think Barnes played alright in the French game but I am not sure if he holds the key to shcess there. Why not give JOC (James O'Connor) a go?

On Beale, we have alternatives at FB. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Drew Mitchell. Yet no credible alternative to Cooper. The fame on the weekend was the perfect time to experiment.

Couch Norm

Riptide - good observation.

Deans is a good coach. In coaching there comes a time, same in business if you were running at 33% the boss wouldn't by jumping over walls to sign you up for another term.

I feel were Deans has gone wrong is his support staff. It seems across all areas of the game the message is just not happening. What we saw on the weekend (and past games) was evident of that. It just wasn't smart, considering they had a fair bit of time to think of a way to play the game. He needs people around him that are going to challange him and the players.


Dave Cowper (27)
Word is that Deans tried to secure Mark Hammett to be the Wallaby forward coach. Since Hammett is the Hurricane's coach who has ruffled feathers, discarded a Hurricane Legend in Nonu and an established AB leadership group player in Hore and dramatically underperformed with the talent at his disposal, (the forwards were particularly inept across all phases of play), I'm not sure that would have been a great choice.


Ted Fahey (11)
Word is that Deans tried to secure Mark Hammett to be the Wallaby forward coach. Since Hammett is the Hurricane's coach who has ruffled feathers, discarded a Hurricane Legend in Nonu and an established AB leadership group player in Hore and dramatically underperformed with the talent at his disposal, (the forwards were particularly inept across all phases of play), I'm not sure that would have been a great choice.

Hammett was the crusaders forward coach and was eleavted beyond his experience to stop him going to Aus.

A good forwards coach but struggled to step up to Head coach role which is vastly different


Chilla Wilson (44)
Deans should have kept Foley on board we nearly won the 2008 tri-nations with a halves combo of Burgess/Giteau & centre pairing of Cross/Mortlock.

So our forwards must of been doing something right.

No disrespect to Morty but he was playing inside centre & back up 5/8th that year.

My biggest beef has been with Jim Williams more than Robbie Deans as it's always his area of coaching that we are most inconsistent.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
Deans should have kept Foley on board we nearly won the 2008 tri-nations with a halves combo of Burgess/Giteau & centre pairing of Cross/Mortlock.

I don't think Deans got rid of him, from all reports he didn't want to be on board any longer, for reasons which are still unknown.

Red Rooster

Riptide - good observation.

Deans is a good coach. In coaching there comes a time, same in business if you were running at 33% the boss wouldn't by jumping over walls to sign you up for another term.

I feel were Deans has gone wrong is his support staff. It seems across all areas of the game the message is just not happening. What we saw on the weekend (and past games) was evident of that. It just wasn't smart, considering they had a fair bit of time to think of a way to play the game. He needs people around him that are going to challange him and the players.

Well he has had the same staff for 4 years (except Graham being replaced by Blake) so whose fault is it - Dont think that he dosent pick them - he bought two with him from the Crusaders (Media and Analyst) If it is wrong then it his fault the fact that he done nothing to change it is the real crime - sounds like a familiar stubborn trait that shows up in other parts of the Wallaby operations


Dave Cowper (27)
Hammett was the crusaders forward coach and was eleavted beyond his experience to stop him going to Aus.

A good forwards coach but struggled to step up to Head coach role which is vastly different

True, and there is definitely evidence that he struggled to make that step-up. A good forwards coach would also ensure that even as head coach, the forwards for which he was responsible were able to compete effectively at set-piece and breakdown, and the Hurricanes were dreadful on both account.


great that Deans resigned - Link has his hands full with the Reds - would have hated to have lost Link to Oz rugby at this stage - 2014 will be fine and Deans will leave a good team (and still pretty young) for the next Ausatralian coach


Peter Johnson (47)
great that Deans re-signed - Link has his hands full with the Reds - would have hated to have lost Link to Oz rugby at this stage - 2014 will be fine and Deans will leave a good team (and still pretty young) for the next Ausatralian coach

Need to remember the hyphen people. Otherwise your sentence means the opposite.

So that will mean he has the team until after the BI Lions tour right?


Knitter of the Scarf
I might have to organise a truck convey to converge on parliament house. Nothing seems to happen without one, it seems.

What's Mark Arbib doing? Maybe he can get rid of Deans?

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
Given our record against the All Blacks, Deans securing a contract extension reminds me of the tenor making his debut at La Scala. After he sang an aria the audience rose as one and roared: "Ancora! Ancora!" So he sang it again. Once more the audience demanded an encore, so he sang yet again. After the fourth time he pleaded: "Per favore non ancora."

A gruff Italian voice rang out from the balcony: "Bastardo, continuano a cantare fino a cantare correttamente." (You bastard, you keep singing until you get it right.)

Red Rooster

Everyone assumes that Link will wait around - post RWC there might be a few plum jobs on offer - never make assumptions I say


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Given our record against the All Blacks, Deans securing a contract extension reminds me of the tenor making his debut at La Scala. After he sang an aria the audience rose as one and roared: "Ancora! Ancora!" So he sang it again. Once more the audience demanded an encore, so he sang yet again. After the fourth time he pleaded: "Per favore non ancora."

A gruff Italian voice rang out from the balcony: "Bastardo, è continuare a cantare fino a quando non farlo bene." (You bastard, you keep singing until you get it right.)

Culture, Bruce, that's why I come here. Although my interpretation of the last line is "you bastard, keep singing and don't stop until you can't do it well anymore", hence the numerous previous encores. Although I could be wrong, and I probably look at RD a bit more favourably than some others around here :)


Tony Shaw (54)
Everyone assumes that Link will wait around - post RWC there might be a few plum jobs on offer - never make assumptions I say

RR - bloody good point. He's indicated a positive desire to add at least an extra year to his current Reds' contract which I think ends at the end of the 2012 S15 season, and the extra year would be through S15 2013. But nothing's signed as yet as far as I know, so there's absolutely no grounds for complacency on this front.

There can be no question that with his outstanding recent Reds track record - almost of its type unprecedented in world rugby, a complete turnaround of a major team from bottom to top in less than 2 years of appointment - he is highly marketable and will be approached with lucrative offers. I prey that he stays here as he's done more per year of appointment for rugby's commercial and fan viability in this country than any other single person for a very, very long time.

Liink has executed the hallmark of fine, principled modern leadership: he has under promised, and way, way, over-delivered. He has never once dumped upon his team, or singled out individual player or team error to escape a spotlight upon himself, he takes responsibility for setbacks, he speaks clearly with typical intelligence and care, and always speaks of building upon positives. His selections are generally astute and properly managed and very low in error of choice or position, he has promoted and successfully risked many fine players old and new. He has created a sound and productive team culture in the Reds, built upon obviously happy players. He has consistently innovated in game plans and built the required maturity within his senior players to execute them with much finesse and discipline. His 2011 w-l % ratio is 15/18, 83%, truly world-class in any sporting code. His contributions, and that of his team and QRU management, have totally revitalised rugby in one of its great heartlands. Brisbane-ites love the Reds and talk openly of how excited they are about heading back to Suncorp for, hopefully, more of the same in 2012. Many of us are proud to be a fan of Link's and the Reds and all they now represent.

Summarily, Ewen McKenzie has proven to be an outstanding coach, leader and person. May others now strive to equal his achievements, relative to their assignments.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
Thanks for the information, Jnor. You can't even trust Google Translate. I kept looking at the "non" in the sentence trying to figure out its relevance. How do you think it should be constructed?
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