Jim Lenehan (48)
Ghost, Your description of park footballers is I guess correct but I suspect there are few current park warriors who have no understanding of this issue.I know a lot of park footballers that have had their fair share of head knocks but I'd also say have done a lot of damage to the brain off the field with extracurricular activities.
Hardest group to track I would think with limited medical support (can be a bloke from the game before and at best a Physio). Usually playing with mates who will just listen if you say you're all good. Not watched by many others (family, Friends) who can intervene and follow up treatment or stand down periods don't exist.
Brain damage could be a huge issue but I am always wary of these 'big issues'. In the 80's repetitive strain injury was a huge issue and the doctors made a quid out of it but it turned out to be not a thing and now it is rare.
I am not saying that concussion damage is a myth, I am just happy to go along with preventative measures and see how it turns out. If the claims made in that 9 year study turn out to be correct the hospital's records will record it but not sure if it has shown up so far and if not, why not?
The amount of debilitation and %age affected should also be a factor.
Pro rugby players claiming they were used 'just as meat' and didn't remember anything of the RWC game in 2003 whilst being paid in the top 0.? of the population and now claiming millions in compensation I find questionable, particularly as this apparently is not provable until you are dead.