Train Without a Station
You completely missed the point pal
clearing $1million a year (or thereabouts) for the last few years aint bad.
TWaS, I don't think Hawko's rebuttal of your supposition could've been better put.
Wayne Smith in The Australian today states:
- Frawley's report re the HC and Reds HPU matters now not likely to be the item that finalises the Reds HC issue at this Thursday's QRU board meeting. The previous assumption was the QRU board would vote on the report's recommendations at that meeting and thus settle the RG situation there and then
- new likelihood is that Reds HC position will be openly advertised, and RG will be given the opportunity to reapply for the position
- 'the longer the process goes on the more likely it is RG will be retained in some capacity'
- RG actively involved prior and still now in key 2016 Reds squad planning
I know it sound like I'm sitting on the fence but it's a combo of both luck and player management. But let's not forget the biggest factor the COACHING.
That is a combo of playing style, week by week game plans and last but not least the ability of the coach to get the best out of his players. This is where Cheika is light years ahead of RG.
Hopefully the QRU don't let Graham sign the squad for 2016 and then the new coach is saddled with players he doesn't really want. NSWRU allowed Foley to do this.
Also I hope that the "openly advertised" process isn't like the ARU's world wide search for a CEO which resulted in the Chairman's best mate and neighbour getting the gig.![]()
Well if we need to get somebody for unders, it probably will. Can't see somebody with no relationship doing a job for less.
Regardless, as we already covered, last time the Reds coaching search turned up with the Chairman's mate it worked out alright for us.
In the latter paragraph, I assume you are referring to McCall recruiting Link in 2009 and you see that as justifying that type of 'internal mates' approach to coach selection?
NSW people skip the first part and just circle in on the luck comment and then get into a thrashwank screaming "OMG CHEIKA IS THE BEST HOW DARE YOU SLIGHT HIM".
The luck is the difference between the teams at the very pointing end. The last couple of %. It's absolutely pointless comparing Cheika and Graham because nobody considers Graham a good coach, nor he lack of success unlucky.
Considering you won the Grand Final so closely (Just like the Reds did), all that "COACHING" would not have helped get you over the line from contender to champion if you had lost a key player with lesser back up.
You may have lost your captain, but it just so happened he was the most easily replaced player in your squad. That's the luck part. Luck it wasn't Phipps, Foley, Hooper or Kepu where the drop from your first choice and your 2nd choice is quite large. You happened to lose a test capped back rower and just so happened to have 2 other test capped back rowers (Potgeiter and Hoiles) to replace him with.
Considering the Hoiles situation, having him isn't good management. It's just luck. Luck that he'd had a bad run of injuries and was from Sydney, so he was back living there and was able to train for an opportunity.
I'm not deriding the Waratahs success, just noting that all successful teams have a few things go their way. These were those for the Waratahs.
For the Reds it was probably that we never lost Cooper and Genia whilst no other team was interested in Beau Robinson and Radike Samo and McKenzie saw something in them to offer them a contract.
For real - you're quoting luck as the key difference between the Reds, the Tahs and everyone else?
Having watched the Tahs implode with injury for years upon end and then watched them march to the finals two years straight managing injury so well, I'd say pure luck has 4/5ths bugger all to do with it. Just take a look at the impact Rob Horne has had.
Add to this the fact that players will put themselves back in for selection a lot quicker when a team is motivated and performing vs when not.
Then you look at squad/player selection. McKenzie and Cheika carefully backed up youth and superstars with old stagers like Hoiles, Samo and the like. RG and the QRU have bet the farm on kids and crap shoots, leaving Adam Thompson thinking WTF have I done?
Grasp at straws, but not luck
The only place luck comes in is in the bad kind like happened to Cooper this year with the broken bones. No kind of training can take out the mishaps. Not having an option to replace him with, a step down or not, is just idiotic.
I think luck is an issue that separates the best (Not the best from the rest. Separates the best) . In 2014 Cheika was lucky that his only significant injuries were to Dennis and Betham who were 2 of the easiest losses covered by the squad he had.
An injury at 3, 7, 9, 10 or 15 would have been a disaster and severely impacted their season.
Not to deride their success because a lot of their result was down to hard work, but a small element of luck was that the factors out of their control (who fell to injury) (Not the number of injuries - the players that were the ones who fell to injury) fell the way that least impacted them.