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Jim Clark (26)
This off a UK website.
Melbourne Rebels say they ditched Danny
Cipriani from a forthcoming tour because
they'd "lost confidence" in him, thanks to
his off-field behaviour. While entirely
plausible (Cipriani does seem to enjoy
frequenting the local boozers) there
may be a little more to it. A source down
under says Cipriani had a bonus clause in
his contract, and a few more games would
have seen them liable for a six-figure sum.
Which may, or may not, have helped the
club make their decision.

The Oldest Rat

Peter Burge (5)
It would seem that he is headed to a confrontation with management fairly soon, I see where he (or his management) is in discussion with overseas teams for his services next year, that suggests to me that he is not happy at the Rebels. I have conflicting opinions on his position in that he should abide by the team's protocol and rules as he is part of the team and may deserve his punishment, however I too was not at all disciplined in my early days and can have some empathy for him. Mind you in a professional era that tendency to play up is frowned upon, in the amateur era that would be thought of being a bit silly and headstrong. Cipriani is a talented player there is no doubt and like most young men that are at the top they have egos, the same is said for coaches and managers that are older, the clash of these egos sometimes leads to confrontation. This seems to be the outcome here. Maybe just maybe there is something in some posts on other sites referring to Macqueen not being able to get Cipriani on side. Attributes of a great coach are not just his ability to read the game and pass this on to the players but also to get into the heads of his players to understand them and get the best from them. Maybe Macqueen as he aged has lost a smidgen of this ability to empathize with his players. Then I might be just too kind and Cipriani might just be a grub as Martin Johnston had already adjudged when he cut him from the England playing roster.


Bill Watson (15)
My mail is that he has played his last game for the Rebels and will not be permitted to play for Warringah either.


Bob Davidson (42)
He seems to have been a bit of a twat, but given Kingi was reprieved a while ago, why hasn't he been let back in? Could it really be about the money? If so, that is pretty lame, as he has been one of their best on field, apart from the on diabolical defensive game he had.


Dave Cowper (27)
Well then, if Cips doesn't like discipline, coaching rules or a sense of team, I guess that he should quit and find a place where individuality reigns supreme with no accountability.

Sounds like he would do better at the Brumbies.

Sorry but that's a crock. "discipline, coaching rules or sense of team." So, he goes out chasing some Aussie tail in Melbourne and is seen having a beer. Well, "whoop di damn do! McQueen will be hard pressed to secure any player of talent who likes to unwind socially and reasonably. I know of no other "culture" that imposes such asinine restrictions on players. Discipline my arse. It's all bullshit. The charges are just trumped up and Cip/McQueen are better without each other. Now stories are emerging that it's all about money, bonus payments. You're right. Cips doesn't like that discipline or "sense of team". Who the hell would?


Knitter of the Scarf
Anyway, Riptide sees this one differently, fair enough, let's not go back and forth a thousand times.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I am not a fan of this.

From http://www.foxsports.com.au/rugby/s...prianis-contract/story-e6frf4qu-1226066994737

Melbourne Rebels set to write new conduct clause into wayward star Danny Cipriani's contract

Danny Cipriani will remain in limbo indefinitely unless his management and Melbourne Rebels quickly resolve unspecified issues.

Cipriani's quest for Super Rugby redemption hit another roadblock on Tuesday, as negotiations between his representatives and Rebels powerbrokers continued as the England Test back trained with the club at Visy Park.

Cipriani hopes to win selection for Friday's night's home match against the Stormers, but will not be picked unless he and his backers agree to conditions.

The conditions, believed to have been tabled in a reworked Rebels contract, are thought to relate largely to the fly half's off-field conduct.

Melbourne assistant coach Damien Hill said a decision on Cipriani's immediate future probably would be known on Wednesday, when the team will be announced.

"The administration is in talks with Danny's management at the moment regarding his availability for this week," Hill said.

"It's not ideal, but that's just the way it is at the moment. We find out more about that tomorrow (Wedmesday) when we'll be announcing the team. There are issues there that need to be resolved."

Cipriani has not played for the Rebels since breaching a team pact after the loss to New South Wales Waratahs in Sydney on April 30.

Hill admitted Cipriani's controversies had been distracting.

"It's a distraction and I'd be lying if I said we could (not) have done without it," he said.

The Rebels could recall Cipriani as support for Julian Huxley if Jimmy Hilgendorf fails to overcome an ankle injury.

"It's a decision . . . in terms of Jimmy's fitness," Hill said.

Hooker Adam Freier will finally play for the bottom-placed Rebels for the first time, after recovering from back surgery, then a hamstring injury.

"It's been a long road and the timing of the year is insignificant as far as what the outcome will be for the season, but these three games mean absolutely everything to me," Freier said.

"Making it back so far, it's happy days for me at the moment."

This is taking things a bit far. A reworked contract? Wouldn't be surprised if he leaves, it sounds like the Rebels don't really want him.


Dave Cowper (27)
It's ridiculous. Both parties are truly better off without each other. Surely, there must be some non-drinking, non-dancing eunuchs playing in SA/Britain/France who are disgusted with such a hedonistic lifestyle that McQueen can sign instead.

Maroon Army

Seriously, if Cipriani wasn't such a dickhead off the field he'd still be playing for the Wasps and England. If it wasn't for Mr McQueen ;) , Cipriani would probably be mucking around in the lower leagues of English football.


Dave Cowper (27)
Seriously, if Cipriani wasn't such a dickhead off the field he'd still be playing for the Wasps and England. If it wasn't for Mr McQueen ;) , Cipriani would probably be mucking around in the lower leagues of English football.

Well, I'd argue that if he wasn't such an arrogant dickhead and poor "team" player in the locker room, he'd be honing his skills in the spotlight of London town and Wasps wouldn't give a damn if he went out for the occasional tipple and made the pages of the tabloids for banging some silicon chested bimbo. In his time, Johnson might even welcome him onto a bigger stage where he once was the next big thing after "Johnny." The Rebels Cipriani is not known as what my mother would call a " good mixer" and many players cant stand him. He is not a boozer however. So perhaps it's time to launch a "Free Cips" now campaign. Anyone for a t-shirt? Both he and the Rebels should move on; they aren't good for each other.


Rod McCall (65)
He is just another spoiled brat Pom. All the talent but cant get to grips to his fame. The Rebels should never have waste their money on this laaitie. Send him back home and get you a local Aussie one who value the Rebels rugby jersey.


Dave Cowper (27)

If Cipriani refuses to agree to a clause binding him to good behaviour, it is likely that the Rebels will release him. It has been reported in Australia that the Rebels coach, Rod Macqueen, who played a major role in recruiting the fly-half from Wasps, has lost patience. "We will be advised by our administrators," he said.

Bath, who are in the market for a fly-half after Butch James returned to South Africa, were approached by Cipriani's representatives. The club's director of rugby, Ian McGeechan, worked with Cipriani at Wasps but the players made it clear they would not welcome him. The New Zealander Stephen Donald, an All Black back-up to Dan Carter, has emerged as the likely successor to James

Having Cipriani swear off the occasional tipple will not change the fact that many fellow players have quite a low opinion of his interpersonal skills, and simply do not like him as a squad member.


Vay Wilson (31)
He's back, maybe the Rebels will once again be able to find the tryline. It's a shame that Vaea is out as it would have been comical watching a back row move going through his channel.


Vay Wilson (31)
I hate to flog a dead horse but according to Terry Smith Cip's committments with the Rebels have concluded. Doe's anyone know whats going on there?


Dave Cowper (27)
I hate to flog a dead horse but according to Terry Smith Cip's committments with the Rebels have concluded. Doe's anyone know whats going on there?

Concluded for the year maybe? He played for the Rats yesterday - all signs pointed to him staying...

But who really knows!?
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