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Chiefs v Force Round 5 2016

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A pretty clinical performance by a side ravaged by injury and worn out by flying around the world! 53-10 to the Chiefs.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Thank Goodness Sir tooted the Acme Thunderer to put the Force out of their misery.

Good to see the Duck back.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)

Similar to last week the Force looked in it in the first half, and then blown away..............

The Force need to sack Foley and get a quality coach in before the Reds snap one up.


Well Fuck me that was painful. 90 odd points scored on us in 2 weeks. Is this our new expansive game.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
hot shit it is awesome watching the Chiefs play. Ball skills out of sight, awareness, guile. Everything the Auckland Blues galacticos of schoolboy star backs do not have one fucking iota of.

The Western Force Electric Power & Utility Company & Guild of Unemployed Miners gave a fairly clumsy impression of a rugby team out there today.

That Kyle Petty bloke at fullback is not the answer. Not sure he's even a question. Paint-by-numbers rugby player. Damian Mckenzie makes more damaging runs in any given match than I've ever seen Petty make in his entire 200-year Super Rugby career of matches combined.

Maybe in an attempt to engender a more filial feel to their organisation, The Western Force could suffix their name with an added "kin" on the end.

Kin, family, the Force family.

"The Western Force Kin."

T-shirts for everyone!


Bob Loudon (25)
I'm never entirely sure HOW the Force manage to look competitive for 40 or 60 minutes, and then just fold up like a deck chair.

Do they put in such an effort in the first half that they just have nothing left? Are they lacking match fitness, being coached by a coach well known for his 10-man rugby style? Are they just mentally fragile and once the first chink in the armour appears, the floodgates open?

I really don't know, but it's quite bizarre. Even the Kings are putting up more resistance on their NZ tour.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
hot shit it is awesome watching the Chiefs play. Ball skills out of sight, awareness, guile. Everything the Auckland Blues galacticos of schoolboy star backs do not have one fucking iota of.

The Western Force Electric Power & Utility Company & Guild of Unemployed Miners gave a fairly clumsy impression of a rugby team out there today.

That Kyle Petty bloke at fullback is not the answer. Not sure he's even a question. Paint-by-numbers rugby player. Damian Mckenzie makes more damaging runs in any given match than I've ever seen Petty make in his entire 200-year Super Rugby career of matches combined.

Maybe in an attempt to engender a more filial feel to their organisation, The Western Force could suffix their name with an added "kin" on the end.

Kin, family, the Force family.

"The Western Force Kin."

T-shirts for everyone!
"The Western Force F'Kin Not"

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Sydney Middleton (9)
Do the Force need to have a look at there whole rugby operation and the direction they are going
I cannot understand why they sign up ordinary south aftrican players who if were up to Super rugby standard would have been signed by south African teams or be starters.
For an organisation who have been around 10 years? They have not progressed and some ordinary players have fulfilled there dreams ro play Super rugby when they are not up too it.


Do the Force need to have a look at there whole rugby operation and the direction they are going
I cannot understand why they sign up ordinary south aftrican players who if were up to Super rugby standard would have been signed by south African teams or be starters.
For an organisation who have been around 10 years? They have not progressed and some ordinary players have fulfilled there dreams ro play Super rugby when they are not up too it.

That's because the ARU have bailed you guys out twice and ensured that the rugby dollars are plowed in to keeping you guys somewhat successful. We have to push shit uphill just to keep afloat. Did you think Super Rugby was an even playing field for all States? Surely you jest Sir!


Simon Poidevin (60)
Cheifs just throw forward passes and hope For the best. The first try was off a forward pass as was the one that put us out of reach. The one after that Mathewson got tackled off the ball while Trying to make a tackle that would prevented any momentum let alone a try. We get pinged for a forward pass when it was flat and we would Of Scored of it.

Everyone talks about travel but I would like to look at the forces travel. Considering they have played 2 home games they have been over east twice and to new Zealand already.

Once again the first half looked pretty good. We are definately lacking in clearing out at the ruck and our defence. Hodgson only managed one turnover tonight I believe. I still think our attack and line out is looking better every week. More and more line breaks.

I read someone talking about the Cheifs injuries. Well the force are missing some Serious key players. Most importantly lance and Morohan. We have no pace on the field since Morohan has been injured and lance is a better option then grant even though I thought grant didn't play that bad. Mccalman is a big miss for the breakdown. If we can put the 2 half's from the last 2 weeks together we could trouble any side and score try's.

That game just didn't go our way in the second half and we clearly gave up. I fast forwarded the latest 1t minutes because it was obvious we gave up and what would happen.

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Shiggins line breaks are great if the following important rules are observed;

a). you are faster than those chasing you down
b). you have support players able to take the pass and maintain the break
c). you are aware you have support players
d). the support player can actually catch (this is very important IMO)
e). you have the Richie McCaw cloak of invisibility in which case rules 'a' through 'd' don't apply.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
hot shit it is awesome watching the Chiefs play. Ball skills out of sight, awareness, guile. Everything the Auckland Blues galacticos of schoolboy star backs do not have one fucking iota of.

The Western Force Electric Power & Utility Company & Guild of Unemployed Miners gave a fairly clumsy impression of a rugby team out there today.

That Kyle Petty bloke at fullback is not the answer. Not sure he's even a question. Paint-by-numbers rugby player. Damian Mckenzie makes more damaging runs in any given match than I've ever seen Petty make in his entire 200-year Super Rugby career of matches combined.

Maybe in an attempt to engender a more filial feel to their organisation, The Western Force could suffix their name with an added "kin" on the end.

Kin, family, the Force family.

"The Western Force Kin."

T-shirts for everyone!



Simon Poidevin (60)
Shiggins line breaks are great if the following important rules are observed;

a). you are faster than those chasing you down
b). you have support players able to take the pass and maintain the break
c). you are aware you have support players
d). the support player can actually catch (this is very important IMO)
e). you have the Richie McCaw cloak of invisibility in which case rules 'a' through 'd' don't apply.
Yeh I get it. If Morohan was on the field. I think that intercept would of been a try. We need guys with pace to support

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