As an old CAS boy, I suspect you may be as well, SNORT certainly is, I have 2 boys 1 going through Waverley now, and 1 left last year, so here's my view.
I am all for tradition but there comes a point when it doesn't make sense. I think the CAS has reached that point now. Like you, I seriously enjoy strong competitive games v the GPS, AND Oakhill etc. It wasn't that long ago when some of the GPS clan thought we, the CAS, were a joke, and if we ever played against a GPS school we would win DONUT, DUCK EGGS etc meaning 0. Well that didn't take long to backfire, eh Joker!
Now the reality is that there are a number of strong Rugby schools across GPS,CAS and ISA.
I have always been a strong supporter of a tiered comp that is graded, whilst still having a winner in your association, in that mix.
The real problem we have right now, as SNORT has been saying for years, is that there are 2 separate packs in the CAS, barring the very odd year.
Not only do some schools have no chance of competing, they also have so few teams, so Sports Masters have a hell of a job finding other schools to fill the gaps.
As Joker well knows, Joeys have had to deal with this forever, and a few other GPS schools have quite strong depth, but it is now an epidemic across multiple schools. eg last week Waves played Aloys, Aloys had 9 teams vs 23 Waves so Stanis sent up 9 teams and 5 Waves teams had a bye (no one to play). Further to that, only the respective A teams matched up and the scores were horrific, all the other Aloys teams played a lower Waves team. This is NO GOOD for any of the boys, either school, and this will reoccur when they play Knox and Barker. Trinity and Cranbrook have more teams but they typically also struggle to win against the other 3 schools. This is not a shot at Aloys, but it is what it is.
I would be happy for Oakhill and other current ISA schools to join our comp, or form a new named comp, but I would also like to have a tiered system of promotion and relegation with ALL the stronger schools including the GPS. I think this is how the New Zealand schools system works, and that country does ok at Rugby

and retains a lot of it's home grown school talent, we don't!
The other issue which often is forgotten is safety and mismatches in strength, speed, ability etc can surely only make things more unsafe.
Enough said, I will now duck for cover.