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CAS Rugby 2014

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Larry Dwyer (12)
Based on pre-season and today's round it looks to me like the season could unfold as follows-
1 Knox
2/3 Cranbrook or Barker (this will be a great match)
4 Aloys
5 Trinity
6 Waverley
I'll look forward to Cranbrook vs Knox
On another note has anyone got any scores for 2nds and/or 16As?

Based on today's rugby version of Dumb vs Dumber at Summer Hill the bottom section of that appears accurate to me. With perhaps a view to clearer skies ahead for Waverley though, the 16s collectively put on 150 against Trinity to 7 against in three grades. I think 16As was 26-0 to Waverley.


Bob McCowan (2)
Knox down to Barker 15-13 in 2nds with a try to Barker at the death for a deserved win. Knox only had to play smart rugby in the last 15 to win 13-10 but were not up to it. Knox won 16 A,s but not sure on score. Further to earlier good reports on 1st game Knox forwards dominated and it was disappointing that Barker lost Smerdon (10) early has he will underpin their season. Without him the Barker backs lacked penetration or ideas, even though their wingers had more pace than their counterparts. Knox 9 pass average at best and 10 is solid but slow with their backs dependant on Watson at 13 for penetration.


Stan Wickham (3)
I think everyone is putting trinity down more than they deserve. They played a period of the match with only 13 players, lost their star inside centre to a dislocated shoulder in the first half and still managed to play magnificent running rugby which resulted in a very entertaining fixture.


Larry Dwyer (12)
I think everyone is putting trinity down more than they deserve. They played a period of the match with only 13 players, lost their star inside centre to a dislocated shoulder in the first half and still managed to play magnificent running rugby which resulted in a very entertaining fixture.

I can only say that we must have been watching different games. Trinity lost 3 players altogether to yellow cards (two of whom were off at the same time for a total of about 4 minutes). Must admit I didn't see who your star inside centre was, and believe me if there was a star on either side today they would have stood out like the proverbial.
If you call magnificent running rugby someone breaking multiple weak tackles to score on their own or with one pass then both teams played magnificent running rugby. I've seen some good quality Waverley v Trinity games at Summer Hill these last three years but even the worst of those would have been light years ahead of the poor game both sides put on today.
That's not to say that the boys didn't try because they obviously did, but the individual skills weren't good, the collective skills were worse (and I realise it's early in the season) but the tackling was something else - abysmal. They were certainly the worst performed 1sts from both schools that I've seen in the four years I've been watching. It was a very bad game to watch on a day when watching a rugby game took some commitment.


Stan Wickham (3)
Possible reason for not seeing the centre was because he dislocated his shoulder inside 20 minutes? Which was a huge loss for trinity.
Trinity scored a number of tries from well executed moves not just from "breaking multiple weak tackles".


Larry Dwyer (12)
Possible reason for not seeing the centre was because he dislocated his shoulder inside 20 minutes? Which was a huge loss for trinity.
Trinity scored a number of tries from well executed moves not just from "breaking multiple weak tackles".

As I said…we were obviously watching two different games. I will be interested to see how Trinity's 'well executed moves' and 'magnificent running rugby' goes against some of the more credentialed sides this year.


Herbert Moran (7)
Gents, I was at the Trinity v Waverley game and with all respect think it fell somewhere between the assessments of Brumbiejack and CASfan.

Please note I am an old boy a couple of decades removed from school, so don't know most of the players, the coaches, personalities etc, so apologies in advance that I just use the players' numbers to refer to them.

Trinity's 6 tries to Waverley's 3 so, while not out of the top drawer was still an entertaining enough game, especially the second half, and wasn't a knock-on-a-thon by any means.

In a disjointed first half there was some nice play in there at times too. Trinity's first try was straight off the training park, with players in motion across the backline allowing the 10 to pick out the 15 and put him over early in a very nicely worked move. The coach would have been chuffed.

Indeed, the pace and fleet footwork of Trinity's 15 looked a threat whenever he got the ball, even in heavy traffic. He was also committed and effective in defence.

Some enterprising early play didn't continue for long and a fairly disjointed first half wasn't helped by the refereeing. Although he didn't favour either side, I felt the ref could have let the game breath a little more, which he did in the second half, and much of the first half was dictated by penalties being awarded before play could develop past a couple of phases.

Although it was disorganised, I thought both sides showed commitment, including in scrambling hard at times to cover inside defensive errors. Trinity's 13 in particular made some excellent tackles in the first half to shut down some promising attack as Waverley moved it wide and seemingly found it easy to penetrate Trinity's defence in the middle of the park.

Waverley's second try came from soft defence by Trinity through the middle, with several players falling of tackles from a strong run by a player whose jersey I didn't catch. But it was no softer than what I saw during the first half of the Tahs v Hurricanes later that day, so I think we should take it a little easy on the schoolboys!

The "soft" defence may partially be a perception caused because Waverlery's 10 and Trinity's 12 both look to be large, aggressive and strong ball runners. I suspect that both of them will bend some defensive lines from other sides this year. Trinity's 12 was guilty of overplaying his hand a couple of times early on though and Trinity butchered at least one certain try when the 14, well positioned on a huge overlap early on did not receive a pass from 12 who, with only 10m to run decided to try and break a tackle and score himself (unsuccessfully).

I must say that I thought the 12 injured early after an impact but did not dislocate his shoulder and that it was another player who was carrying his arm in a sling at the end of the game. As I say, I don't know the player names and stand to be corrected on that by someone with more intimate knowledge.

Waverley's 10 looks to be a particularly strong ball runner and I expect as their season progresses and his combination with his outside backs improves he has the potential to cause some headaches, as he will draw plenty of attention and create some space outside him.

Waverley came back into the game after Trinity's 8 was yellow carded late in the second half for an alleged indiscretion with the boot. There didn't seem to be much in it.

It was pretty much all Trinity after they were restored to full strength early in the second half. Their positional play was better in the second half as well, and their defence was more effective, with most of Waverley's midfield running shut down (in stark contrast to the first half), and with several heavy hits shaking the ball loose.

In essence, Trinity's pack came over the top of Waverley in the second half. The 8 went over for a try and then only moments later made a strong run to break the line and offload, with Trinity then swinging it wide to score in the corner and take a comfortable lead that wouldn't be threatened again.

After a very scrappy start, Trinity also showed hints of maturity towards the end of the game when, camped on Waverley's line and with a decent lead in place they locked the ball up in forward play for 5 minutes and effectively ground down the clock, resisting the temptation for flashy play that might risk Waverley scoring with time to give them hope. After 5 minutes Trinity couldn't resist any longer and did throw it wide and Waverley was able to march downfield again, although for a consolation drop goal rather than a try.

I didn't see the second of the reported three yellow cards to Trinity.

With only 30 seconds left in the game, Trinity's 1, who otherwise had a very strong game, received a yellow card for a dangerous tackle. It looked more unfortunate than malicious. The Waverley player got himself into an awkward position after a strong collision. No complaints about the yellow card though, as the tackler must always take responsibility where a player comes down head first, but he wasn't pile driven into the ground and I saw nothing sinister in the play.

At the end, I think Trinity will be very pleased by their performance. I didn't see the Pat's game, but this looked like a totally different side to the one that one St Stanislaus toweled up a few weeks ago and they look to have a decent platform to go forward with some confidence, having outplayed Waverley at the set pieces and generally in the forwards.

Both Trinity and Waverley showed signs that they are teams likely to improve markedly as the season goes on, rather than teams that are peaking already after being ruthlessly drilled through a long pre-season.

Plainly both these side will want to work on their defensive games and neither looks cohesive enough challenge for the title at this early stage, but I would expect them both to improve through 2014 and, if they get it right, there is no reason they can't cause a few upsets during this year's CAS competition.

Congratulations to all the boys from both sides and good luck for the rest of the season.

As an aside, special mention to the 7 from Waverley's 2nd XV, whose pace and commitment secured him an outstanding individual try from a quick tap at the end of that game.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Aloys vs Waverley - aloys forwards showed limited urgency at the breakdown after a few injuries to key players - which is typical of aloys teams

Cranbrook who played well were helped a lot by the poor aloys defence especially by the substitution of the aloys 7 due to a head knock - with the replacement involved in 2-3 conceded tries.

Thus I didn't feel the Cranbrook team was playing as well as they could in round 1 and will struggle against Knox - who are a more dominant team in most areas

For aloys to improve I would suggest - finding a 9 with a better pass - perhaps even looking to the sixteens level

Then they should look at fixing the line out and perhaps letting the current six who is throwing - find more comfort in the seven role he played last season

A general chat to the squad about urgency in the tackle should allow more service to the 9 who can feed a dangerous back line with Dainton and vevers with the 12 lawson also playing well

The 15 for Aloysius - Dunlop - had several mind blanks during the game and perhaps should spend some more time to refine his skills in the seconds or off the bench

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Stan Wickham (3)
@Brumbiejack - such contempt and anger for schoolboys - a session of self flagellation must surely be in order! Lighten up pal! There was poor play on both sides yes, but also some impressive attack & defence as well as structured play leading to extended passages of entertaining play.

I totally agree, it wasn't all doom and gloom at Summer Hill.
There is however a big plus Trinity can take away from this game though.
And that is, they are improving with every game.
From when St Stannies and St Pats laid the smack down on them, they have continually worked at improving their game, I wouldn't want my team to be peaking too early in the season.
Maybe some rugby knowledge is lacking for both teams.. e.g. The use of the wind. Trinity had a penalty midfield, but rather than kicking for touch with the wind, he opted to kick against the wind resulting in him missing touch.

One things for sure though... IT WAS BLOODY COLD! Lol


Larry Dwyer (12)
I thought that the 7 from Aloys was the only forward from Aloys actually having an impact on the game, along with the 10 and 13 who really were the only backs who looked comfortable. Shame that he suffered the concussion could have made the game a bit more fair in the second half.
He was playing quite well - but already hurt his leg early 1st half so the substitution was coming. 10 showed good composure and strong tackling ability - and 13 vevers is crazy

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Larry Dwyer (12)
Aloys definitely lacked in ball running options in the pack. But I guess they were confronted by Makas and Summerhayes who are known ball players.

Summerhayes copped a bad wrap by the previous poster but I thought he was ok - but he is right more time needed on skills than pure size

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Allen Oxlade (6)
Summerhayes copped a bad wrap by the previous poster but I thought he was ok - but he is right more time needed on skills than pure size

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Agreed he is a very strong player. The 7 and 8 from Aloys particularly the 7 looked to have very little ball running ability at all.. And In general all the forwards practically made no metres the entire game. Could also do with learning how to offload.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Stand outs in the Trinity and Waverley game ?

For Trinity, 1 McLennan was best on ground; really mobile, and an impact player in attack and defence. 5 Rasch controlled the line out and was good around the park. The back row, Corias, Davies and Wayland were all good. 15 Barkley-Brown was terrific in attack and defence. 2 Nguyen was solid.

For Waverley, 10 Paterson broke the line almost at will. 4 Carr, 2 McKenna and 6 Wright had very strong games.

I don't think I've ever seen a Waverley side so short on pace. With even one support runner following Paterson on the break, they could have scored another three tries. But even though Paterson isn't all that quick, no-one could keep up with him.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Snort has written an outstanding match report on Trinity v. Waverley here:


If you have any comments about his piece, or the game in general, please write your comments there.

Reports on the other two games will be added when the material is received.

PS - just a general reminder about photos. If you have any decent snaps of recent games or even of current players, from last year, please let me know.

Even a photo of a crowd scene at the ground or other corny stuff gives a blog a bit more spice.


Larry Dwyer (12)
@Brumbiejack - such contempt and anger for schoolboys - a session of self flagellation must surely be in order! Lighten up pal! There was poor play on both sides yes, but also some impressive attack & defence as well as structured play leading to extended passages of entertaining play.

I think it was more of a case of comparing this game with previous ones I had seen between the teams, as well as the fact that I froze my arse off watching it ! They both look like smaller teams from years past, and they appear to be less skilful at the same time which didn't make for good viewing. I know both teams tried as all schoolboy teams do, but I will stand by my claim that neither the attack nor the defence was anywhere near what I would call impressive. A pretty poor game even with the benefit of 24 hours distance from watching it. I agree with another person's comment regarding the lack of pace in Waverley. The kick restarts from them were largely uncontested which gave Trinity an easy response - the kicks were maybe a little too deep but there was rarely any Waverley player in a position to pressure the receiver.

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
I still contend that your expectations are too high - several of the breaks by Trinity 1, 12 & 15 were powerful or illusive breaks - not examples of poor defence, similarly the breaks by Waves 10.

To those who say McLennan was yellow-carded for a fairly innocuous tackle (that did involve an element of lifting) - it may have been innocuous, but the legs of the tackled player went past the horizontal & so automatic "Yellow".
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