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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Frank Nicholson (4)
Well, I hope they improve, partly because it's where I went and partly because it will be a better competition if they do. The coach (John Allen) has forgotten more about Rugby than I ever knew, so it would be presumptuous of me to tell him what's needed. But my impressions from Saturday are that they could improve in these areas:

1. Execution. These are the coach-killers: when you're camped in the opposition's quarter for five minutes and come away with nothing because of a knock-on or a turnover. To be honest, these are why I stopped coaching - I found it too frustrating. Trinity produced a number of these on Saturday. They ran with a strong wind in the first half and managed a seven-point lead. They should have converted their territorial advantage into more points.

2. More variety in attack. Trinity are quite entertaining to watch, because they almost always run the ball. They hate kicking away possession (partly because of their weirdly poor recent history at the lineout), so when they get a penalty, they usually tap and go. But their attack can be pretty static and one-dimensional. A forward picks up and drives. He's tackled. Another one picks and goes, but usually from a standing start. The best variation is the inside ball that Whicker likes to throw - last year it was to Malaki, this year the target's Satiu, at least until Moala makes it back. But there's some talent in the backs. Ebeling can break the line, Naylor has speed, Barkley-Brown looks a threat. I'd involve them more. I'd get Kotobalavu, who looks really powerful, to come into first receiver every now and then and hit the ball at pace. Actually anyone running onto the ball at pace, close to the line, would make a difference. Players like Satiu and McLean are making ground through sheer strength, but it's hard to launch an effective attack from a standing start. Plus, Naylor has speed - but he never seems to get the ball with enough space to use it effectively.

3. Better support play. There's still too much one-out running. Maybe Storey can help when he gets back. If I were a Trinity loose forward, I'd be shadowing one of the big-name players every time he got the ball. McLean, Satiu, Kotobalavu all carry defenders with them. That creates space for support players, if they can get there.

4. Better defence. Goodearl took his chances really well, but he ran twenty yards untouched for his first try and bounced out of four or five tackles for the second. Too many one-on-one tackles are being missed. There doesn't seem to be a very effective slide defence, and not all that much cover defence, except from Whicker.

5. Get the best team on the field. A problem for all schools, I know. But Malaki is gone for the season, and Moala and Storey were out on Saturday. I don't know whether Justin Fish was injured or dropped. But if Trinity could assemble a pack that had Moala, Storey and Corias in the back row, Fish at 10 and Ebeling and Kotobalavu in the centres, they could cause some upsets. Another coach-killer.

6. Switch on. There's sometimes, let's say, a lack of game sense. For example, several times on Saturday, Trinity's lineout jumpers got into the air to contest the St Aloysius throw. Only they didn't actually contest - they were just getting up to spoil. I counted three occasions when a Trinity jumper could have stolen the throw if he'd just put his hands out to catch the ball. But he didn't, because his eyes were closed! He was jumping because he was a distraction, not because he was after the ball. These are what the coaches love to call the "one percenters" - those little opportunistic moments where quick thinking can turn a game. At the moment, Trinity doesn't have the confidence to seize the moment when it presents itself (the exception was a smartly-taken quick lineout that led to a dangerous attacking raid).

What's frustrating is that they have actually improved. The things I normally find to quibble over weren't problems on Saturday. Whicker's passing was fine. The continuity was OK. They won their own lineout ball. And still they lost. But if they maintain the improvement, they can still have a respectable season. I hope.

I wish the Trinity Coach was reading this !!
You Sir Snort should be coaching the wallabies. You didn't miss a thing.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Perhaps they have run out of cash or didn't plan well enough, it is a true reflection with the quality of the 2nd XV


Nev Cottrell (35)
Perhaps they have run out of cash or didn't plan well enough, it is a true reflection with the quality of the 2nd XV

Look, depth is a perpetual problem for Trinity's Rugby. Has been since 1913. And it won't change any time soon. There's only so much "planning" that can be done. Two first-choice backline players elected not to return to the school and their first choice lock is out for the season. It seems a bit pointless blaming the coaches for not planning for that. It's a school, not a Super Rugby franchise, remember?


Frank Nicholson (4)
Look, depth is a perpetual problem for Trinity's Rugby. Has been since 1913. And it won't change any time soon. There's only so much "planning" that can be done. Two first-choice backline players elected not to return to the school and their first choice lock is out for the season. It seems a bit pointless blaming the coaches for not planning for that. It's a school, not a Super Rugby franchise, remember?

Well I hope they figure something out ...


Frank Row (1)
CAS has got an independent film company that provides game tapes for each school via a private you tube link. I'm sure your nephew could get the link for each game off his coach and then email it too you
I'll get my son onto to it - thanks, Barker OB with son at Cranbrook and brother in North Carolina


Watty Friend (18)
Knox will improve, coach learning about schoolboys, them learning about each other and a completely different tactical game. So far new lineout tactics not on song and kicking game terrible, never within striking distance and no support on attack. Runners left stranded in mid-field defending on own ball. Wouldn't be surprised to see this come right in a hurry though.

Last season sheer guts spoilt Barkers unbeaten run, took them all season to perform, but it produced a classic, which is on clip.

Waverley good value on the day after looking wobbly initially.
Some suggestion out there that the weight of expectation by having the big name coach at Knox is causing the boys to feel more pressure to perform than they should....once they settle and start enjoying the experience of playing 1st XV and back them selves, take the pressure to win off themselves, their results should start improving..sides like Knox often only need one good performance to get their mojo back...hopefully for the CAS comp this happens sooner rather than later as it is shaping up as a pretty one sided comp, although only early days..


Sydney Middleton (9)
Some suggestion out there that the weight of expectation by having the big name coach at Knox is causing the boys to feel more pressure to perform than they should..once they settle and start enjoying the experience of playing 1st XV and back them selves, take the pressure to win off themselves, their results should start improving..sides like Knox often only need one good performance to get their mojo back.hopefully for the CAS comp this
happens sooner rather than later as it is shaping up as a pretty one sided comp, although only early days..

Yeh I was going to say hopefully Knox finds their mojo before the last game this season. - that could help them.

Does anyone know what the order from 1st to 6th is? obviously barker ontop. But it would be good to know when two teams play each other, what they are playing for.

double v 2

Frank Row (1)
Does anyone know what the order from 1st to 6th is? obviously barker ontop. But it would be good to know when two teams play each other, what they are playing for.

very early days in terms of separating teams based on their ladder position. Currently barker sit on top, tied with waverley with two wins (for and against means nothing in CAS), cranbrook and aloys are also tied for 3rd i guess with a win each, and then there's trinity and knox on the bottom. As i said before though, only early days and there is likely to be an upset or two this season which could be a defining factor.

You can follow the ladder as the season goes along here: http://www.cas.nsw.edu.au/home/winter-sports/rugby/ladders/


Frank Row (1)
No cranbrook players and no tyson davis?
Possible CAS XV based on my first round viewings:

1. Gan - Waverley
2. Kennan - Barker (injured)
3. Bleach -
4. Heeney -
5. King - Trinity
6. Storey -
7. O'Connor - Waverley
8. Sturzenegger -

9. Stirzaker -
10. Leaver - Knox
11. Stals - Knox
12. Ebeling - Trinity
13. McKay -
14. Paek - Knox
15. Jones - Barker

Some would wonder why there are not many Barker players in the side. There are the two obvious standouts, Kennan and Jones. I feel that other schools have better players, but do not mould well as a side. I know this is controversial and is only an early prediction however.


Clearly, have little idea, many Barker, Cranbrook, Aloysius players left out, seems like you have only seen Knox, Trinity and Waverley, perhaps heard from the grapevine about Barker players and then made your comments re their performances and rumours. Considering Cranbrook and Aloys are tied 3rd above both Knox and Trinity, your selections seem to be a little off.


Peter Burge (5)
Clearly, have little idea, many Barker, Cranbrook, Aloysius players left out, seems like you have only seen Knox, Trinity and Waverley, perhaps heard from the grapevine about Barker players and then made your comments re their performances and rumours. Considering Cranbrook and Aloys are tied 3rd above both Knox and Trinity, your selections seem to be a little off.

Barker scored 5 tries against Knox (all by the backs; Davis 2 tries opposing Stals)) and 6 tries against Cranbrook (Davis 2 more tries)
Against Knox Barker consistently made huge ground on Stals side and were never threatened. Concede Paek covered a lot in defence and was dangerous in attack. Paek was the only Knox back to impress that day.


Peter Burge (5)
Barker scored 5 tries against Knox (all by the backs; Davis 2 tries opposing Stals)) and 6 tries against Cranbrook (Davis 2 more tries)
Against Knox Barker consistently made huge ground on Stals side and were never threatened. Concede Paek covered a lot in defence and was dangerous in attack. Paek was the only Knox back to impress that day.

Should also have added that in 2 games Barker have scored 74 points whilst Knox have managed 11 points, yet you include 3 Knox backs to 1 from Barker


Sydney Middleton (9)
What's your prediction then?

... of course it early days but at least YR has put something together. We are looking for players achievements, and performance, not teams. Obviously those who play in the better "team" will be watched more, hense why you would be calling more barker players than Knox.
Black and blue have the potential, but are still forming as a team with the changes to the management.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Clearly, have little idea, many Barker, Cranbrook, Aloysius players left out, seems like you have only seen Knox, Trinity and Waverley, perhaps heard from the grapevine about Barker players and then made your comments re their performances and rumours. Considering Cranbrook and Aloys are tied 3rd above both Knox and Trinity, your selections seem to be a little off.

Agree , you cant say Jones is winning all the games for Barker on his own, alot of great Talented palyers in the Barker sqaud. Its going to take ALOT to stop them this Year!
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Peter Burge (5)
What's your prediction then?

. of course it early days but at least YR has put something together. We are looking for players achievements, and performance, not teams. Obviously those who play in the better "team" will be watched more, hense why you would be calling more barker players than Knox.
Black and blue have the potential, but are still forming as a team with the changes to the management.

Cheers for the support Eshayz! I understand Stals was a bit rusty against Barker, but let's not forget he is new to rugby, and is bound to improve! He would be a force on the wing, just look at his size! Eshayz, I was sitting outside the canteen next to the Grandstand. I have to say Barker know how to turn out to a fixture, and were relentless in their support despite a very average Cranbrook outfit.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Agreed, and mate, I'm not saying I 100% agree with your team. but I disagree with those inevitably saying that Knox players and trinitys players won't really have a chance.

YR - maybe barker crowds and uniform are greater as a result of this? I found it looking for old footage of CAS footy games. I personally think it's quite great. I'm sure all the barker OB on here would like it too.



Peter Burge (5)
What's your prediction then?

. of course it early days but at least YR has put something together. We are looking for players achievements, and performance, not teams. Obviously those who play in the better "team" will be watched more, hense why you would be calling more barker players than Knox.
Black and blue have the potential, but are still forming as a team with the changes to the management.

I think think the player/ team argument presents a false dichotomy. Rugby is a team game. To be a great player you need to play well in a team. If a player shows individual brilliance (dare i say selfishness) but cannot work with his team mates then his value to the team is greatly diminished. To select the strongest CAS side we need to select players who can be adaptable (new team mates) and play as a team.

I don't know most of the players so cannot try predicting the side. I'll only comment on those i have seen play. Davis comprehensively outplayed Stals & has 2 tries in each match. Knox 10 was clearly outplayed by Barker, not sure if it was Leaver playing that day. The combination (team work) of Jones/ Davis was superb. Paek was the standout for Knox - dangerous in attack, covered for a lot of team mates in defence and was gutsy - he was smashed (fairly) in a huge head on hit by Barker 5, clearly injured his leg, but played out the match.

Jones was injured early in the Cranbrook match (finally subbed off with about 12 minutes left) and didn't run much thereafter yet the other Barker backs responded and played brilliantly in the 2nd half (only 7-3 at half time).
Cranbrook 8 was sensational before he was injured, extremely damaging runner. Notably he broke a couple of tackles early in the match and was bearing down on Jones, he didn't try to evade Jones and Jones didn't go for the safe tackle, they lined each other up and hit hard. Looked like that was where Jones injured his leg & was hobbling around thereafter.

Performances can change a lot from year to year as these boys grow physically and develop as players. Performances from last year should be seen in that light. Based on the data available this year the Barker back line is very strong. Haven't even mentioned Stoltz (12) who made numerous line breaks against Knox and Cranbrook.


Sydney Middleton (9)
haha I know what you're are saying but maybe I didn't say what I meant clear enough. I meant if barker is a good "team" yes they are good but CAS teams will be made up of "good players" who will then, yes, like you said need to work as a "team".
What I was saying is, all eyes seem to be on barker because try are playing so well, but selectors will be watching all teams for the Ayer that suits the position best, and then they will form a 'team'.
hopefully someone understands. basically we cannot disregard Knox players because they lost to barker.


Frank Row (1)
haha I know what you're are saying but maybe I didn't say what I meant clear enough. I meant if barker is a good "team" yes they are good but CAS teams will be made up of "good players" who will then, yes, like you said need to work as a "team".
What I was saying is, all eyes seem to be on barker because try are playing so well, but selectors will be watching all teams for the Ayer that suits the position best, and then they will form a 'team'.
hopefully someone understands. basically we cannot disregard Knox players because they lost to barker.

I never said to disregard Knox and that Knox and Trinity players will be disregarded due to their poor performances, however I believe players from other teams such as, Cranbrook, Aloysius, and some Barker players have been overlooked by YR, signifying he hasn't seen enough of all the teams to make an educated prediction on the CAS 1st XV team. Credit to him for trying, but perhaps a little more research is required so he may make a more accurate prediction.

P.S. It is very unlikely Gan will be playing CAS 1s
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