GnG is not responsible for the CAS site and therefore we as bloggers cannot clarify if it is up to date or not.
If we cannot confirm that site is correct and has been updated with events of 2018 then we should hold our thoughts and not focus on the student in question.
This is a issue that is decided by the headmasters and not us.
Anyway we should all move on.
The thing about Rules is: they are transparent for all to see and follow.
If the Headmasters have acted outside of the Rules they have set a precedent.
It will be interesting what the different School Coaches and Sports masters say about this issue.
The Rules are up to date:
- The student must have been enrolled at the school for the February Census date for year 10 of their cohort (for 2018 they must have been at the school in year 10 in 2016)