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Brumbies 2012

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
gee, sorry Gnostic for the white noise. I think he has grossly underperformed for his ability. Better? And not one self-reference!

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Chisholm was a key player in one of only two championships won by an Australian team, and has for the most part been an excellent Super rugby level lock...

He's achieved more than what most players have and it's rather pathetic to slag him off like that...


George Smith (75)
Staff member
well, Slim, that is your opinion. Mine is otherwise. Hardly the first time people disagree on a player's ability or performance. It happens.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
good thing we don't all give attitude descriptions like you Slim, otherwise it might get a tad fractious. :)


Michael Lynagh (62)
Disagree on the Eales analogy as Eales was never part of a struggling Super rugby team to the level that the Brumbies are at now so it is hard to comment how the great man would've found it.

Chis sadly never lived up to his potential. Would've loved to see an attitude like Brad Thorn in Chis' body. Best of luck to him in Europe.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Havent we seen enough variations on the reds v tahs festival of understanding thread? :nono


Trevor Allan (34)
The politics here is like Kindergarten compared to what Jake White has had to endure in South Africa in regards to issues such as the 'quota system', so I don't see it being a problem for him.

The fact that there was a period of time between when Friend got the arse and White being appointed leads me to think that he would have said what he wanted in place and how he wanted to run things if he was to become the coach from 2012. I don't think he will sit back and take no for an answer and should command (and demand) the respect from the playing group since he has won a World Cup and none of the current players have. It will be interesting to see if this actually happens.

I believe that, to some degree, this decision will make or break Brumbies CEO Andrew Fagan's job since the appointment of White is the second biggest decision he has had to make this year (Friend getting the boot being the first), especially with appointing a foreign coach,

Back in the day there the players who ran the show were mentally tougher and had the experience (Gregan, Larkham, Roff and co.) and if you compare that to what will be in place it's almost the complete opposite, especially with Giteau, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and Chapman (and possibly others) leaving and White could be very well what's required to keep the younger brigade interested and motivated.

yeah you'd think JW would be holding all the cards in this one. i don't think he'd sign up unless he was pretty certain it wouldn't be a waste of his time, and you could say that if things carried on as usual it would be.

he's also got the credibility to just walk away if things don't change for the better. might seem petty to do, but who would really be able to find fault with him after what has gone on lately? don't think he will though. he knows he's in for a rebuilding process and that's probably a big part of the draw for him. a chance to shape something himself.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Let's cool it guys, no insult intended but you're acting like total fucktards

Squeaky Moore said on the podcast that Bayonne had made an offer, but nothing sealed yet. Chis waiting to hear from the ARU


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Heard it on ABC this morning too.

Bayonne signs Wallaby lock Chisholm

Posted May 17, 2011 06:09:00
Brumbies lock Mark Chisholm has penned a two-year deal with French Top 14 side Bayonne starting next season.

The 29-year-old Wallaby, capped 13 times and likely to go to the World Cup later this year, signed a the contract with the option of an extra year with Bayonne, which just missed out on the title playoffs this season.

Chisholm is the fourth big-name acquisition for next season made by Bayonne.

He joins former All Black internationals Sione Lauaki, who signed a three-year contract from French champions Clermont, and Neemia Tialata, who put pen to paper on a two-year deal from Super Rugby outfit Wellington Hurricanes.

Veteran France international utility back Cedric Heymans, who was named in the 32-man squad for the World Cup last week, has also signed from Toulouse.

However, Bayonne manager Christian Gajana said the club had terminated talks with Heymans' Toulouse team-mate Frederic Michalak, the mercurially gifted former France fly-half/scrum-half.



Mark Ella (57)
It would be nice for the journos to do some research on the basic content of their stories - 13 caps?


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Yeah I heard that on the original radio story too. According to the ARU he has 58 caps so who knows where AFP got its info from, and the ABC didn't verify it

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
I believe that, to some degree, this decision will make or break Brumbies CEO Andrew Fagan's job since the appointment of White is the second biggest decision he has had to make this year (Friend getting the boot being the first), especially with appointing a foreign coach,

I congratulate Fagan and the ACTRU Board on this JW decision - from the dark catharsis they had to have and that has virtually broken them, they have shown (at last) courage and a strategic sense in appointing JW.

BJ and RH, can either of you explain to me why Andy Friend had to be humiliated by being garbage bagged out the door?

If it was to satisfy the senior players they have certainly shown what they could do without him.

If it was to satisfy the assistant coaches let's see how many of them Jake White retains.

If it was a chance for Andrew Fagan to show what an uncompromising, decisive, results-driven CEO he is we now know how well that has worked.

In the modern era people have become accustomed and indifferent to loyal servants of companies and organisations being sacked and escorted from the premises without time to clear out their drawers. In a more enlightened age Friend would have been tapped on the shoulder and told he would not be reappointed in 2012. Did Fagan think he would try to sabotage the joint if he were left in place? Someone seems to have done that after he has gone.
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