Shows your rugby care factor though, hell I watched Aus finals last year, I watch NH rugby finals. Hell I will watch WallabyPom tests etc But hen I don't use nic Rugbynutter when I really not.

I will watch final as always, but we have one thing in common RN, I genuinely don't really care who wins it, neither is my team, and when missus asked me who I wanted to win I just shrugged and said whoever plays the best.
Hi Dan
You are right maybe should change my Nic. I generally only interested in watching internationals involving non oz teams or a sevens series where short matches. Don’t have time for much else.
As super rugby set up as closed border competition yes due to its less ideal design to me it means yes I won’t watch all kiwi teams in finals as less interest for sure.
This is a personal viewpoint but the closed border nature of the competition ie if you play for all blacks you must represent a kiwi team also puts me off interest in watching super rugby finals not involving oz teams, as I don’t think the competition design supports fair equalisation of talent across the super rugby footprints. That hence yes puts me off watching all kiwi team matches.
What would make me watch all kiwi super rugby matches…not sure but yeh maybe if they created a competition that I felt was designed so each team had more chances to win eg open borders policy with quotas, and where latter maybe saw some oz players playing for kiwi teams.
Anyhow that is just me but with all kiwi final yes you do lose a large chunk of your oz tv audience so the questions for all the stakeholders is how do you change that. Or do they feel this is a big enough of an issue to try and change that. Hence probably better to answer those questions then to get into my own reasons why won’t watch all kiwi finals.