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Battle of the Blood Red: Lions v Queensland Reds 8th June 2013

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Michael Lynagh (62)
Warburton comes around the side and takes out the halfback.

Great kick from Cooper finds touch this time, 25 out. Looked harsh from the AR.

Over throw from Hanson, Lions counter to 40m out before being forced out.

Ted S Hunter

Peter Burge (5)
There is no doubt quads cooper can attack but dear god he needs to pick his times a bit better. He un-dose all of his good work with stupid passes inside his 22. On a brighter note, shite Morohan can go!


Michael Lynagh (62)
Beau gets a penalty for holding on against Hogg.

Reds hold on.

Cooper taps.

Doesn't trust the Reds lineout.

Ted S Hunter

Peter Burge (5)
Another thing that is pretty interesting out of this is that the lions seem really happy not to use their back for anyone. The centers haven't touched the ball.


Dick Tooth (41)
The ref seems distracted. There are a lot of times where something happens and he looks away like he didn't see it.


Michael Lynagh (62)
At least Cooper's taking the ball into contact and ruck work has improved.


Michael Lynagh (62)
That may come back to haunt the Reds.

Never worked out why teams let guys who were just getting attention kick, especially an enigmatic one like Cooper.
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