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Australian Schoolboys & National Championships 2017

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In regards to selections by state in 2016:

QLD 1: 8
QLD 2: 1

NSW 1:5
NSW 2: 3

ACT: 5

Vic: 2

CS: 1


QLD 1: 3
QLD 2:3

NSW 1: 2
NSW 2: 6

ACT: 2

CS: 5

Vic: 1

Total from QLD 1: 11
Total from QLD 2:4

Total from NSW 1: 7
Total from NSW 2: 9

CS: 6

ACT: 7

Vic: 3


Bob McCowan (2)
You know, I can't understand what type of person, particularly an adult, would use a forum such as this to 'anonymously' critisise or speak negatively about a schoolboy playing a game.

These boys are enjoying what, for many, will be a highlight of their rugby playing careers. For some a lifetime memory.

It is sad that some people think it's OK to push their own/ sons personal agendas by knocking school kids.

Cmon guys - let's be positive and let all the boys have their moment.


Arch Winning (36)
Crichton is a great example.
I posted here that he'd made the wrong choice.
with his talent I'd have taken my chances in union for a while at least - maybe had to jump or he would miss the development they put into him.
Anyway he's looking like he made the right choice for him- so in that regard I was wrong.

Inside, you weren't wrong, Angus is 1 example, others have failed, but if we just look at the skill levels of both codes, anyone with an objective view would say League is way ahead.

I only say this as a view to "helping" Union, not that I currently can, but if the powers that can continue to say it isn't true, then we need new realistic leaders.

The end game is it's a business, particularly if you are very well payed.


In regards to selections by state in 2016:

QLD 1: 8
QLD 2: 1

NSW 1:5
NSW 2: 3

ACT: 5

Vic: 2

CS: 1


QLD 1: 3
QLD 2:3

NSW 1: 2
NSW 2: 6

ACT: 2

CS: 5

Vic: 1

Total from QLD 1: 11
Total from QLD 2:4

Total from NSW 1: 7
Total from NSW 2: 9

CS: 6

ACT: 7

Vic: 3

Also this year I think the squads are bigger in size, but they are selecting players during August, which could possibly be to select players that are otherwise injured during this championship week.

I know last year a few players did end up in the team that were shadows for some injuries. Nick Frost as an example was unable to play because of a shoulder injury that happened after the schools championship trials, so they had to bring other players in to cover.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Yeah, what about it? and why site two private school kids as good examples of school leavers who chose rugby over league when all the talent in the public schools has disappeared? It's no point mentioning a positive and recognise the contribution private schools make to Australian rugby when there are so many negatives to focus on.

Gen Blue should be canned for sure, because it just aint worth it what with all the bother it causes. And if a player does get picked to play, they'll probably change the structure mid stream to spoil it and he'll probably get injured anyway, and where will that leave him? He should have stayed in bed and he couldn't afford it in the first place.
Only a few will get selected but many will try but only those who try will be selected, but its no point even dreaming about it because its a friggin waste of time.

You should get involved, assuming you aren't already, in running the game if you think that Gen Blue can't be improved - its essentially based on NSW schools 1 and 2 - how many pubic schools represented there?


You know, I can't understand what type of person, particularly an adult, would use a forum such as this to 'anonymously' critisise or speak negatively about a schoolboy playing a game.

These boys are enjoying what, for many, will be a highlight of their rugby playing careers. For some a lifetime memory.

It is sad that some people think it's OK to push their own/ sons personal agendas by knocking school kids.

Cmon guys - let's be positive and let all the boys have their moment.

You use the forums to push your Woodcock though?

You have said:
Backline clicked into gear in second half- saying that when woodcock went to 10 it clicked into gear.

Have said woodcock should be 10 in CAS 1sts team.

Called the CAS 2nds backs brilliant with a special mention for Tom while commenting that the 1sts forwards were the better players for them.

Is that not similar to what others have done? I'm not saying your being negative. But there is a subtle push there.

All I'm saying is that Pavlakis has been outstanding at 15 all year and would have been great for NSW 1's.

And that Frost would likely be in Aus schools.

Tom is great for Knox and CAS and NSW but it would have been better for him to start at 10 in NSW 2nds than fullback. Not a criticism.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Inside, you weren't wrong, Angus is 1 example, others have failed, but if we just look at the skill levels of both codes, anyone with an objective view would say League is way ahead.

I only say this as a view to "helping" Union, not that I currently can, but if the powers that can continue to say it isn't true, then we need new realistic leaders.

The end game is it's a business, particularly if you are very well payed.
That is part of my point: these guys have time and money put into them at a stage when union is hit and miss in its development and the pathway, as it's called, is largely predetermined by what happened at school.
History tells us that rep selection at school in union is a remarkably poor indicator of adult success, but is a great achievement nonetheless.

Show and go

Sydney Middleton (9)
That is part of my point: these guys have time and money put into them at a stage when union is hit and miss in its development and the pathway, as it's called, is largely predetermined by what happened at school.
History tells us that rep selection at school in union is a remarkably poor indicator of adult success, but is a great achievement nonetheless.

What happens when the real deal talented players who get approached after the Aus schoolboys and have to make their decision on RU or RL.
Each schoolboy will have different financial needs , different education ideas but will have to choose their own pathway.
Their choices go into Gen Blue, colts get help with uni and a token gesture of $,
Or sign with RL and by the time they turn 21 have about $200k in their bank account with uni also subsidised and still have the option of going back to RU if doesn't work out. This is what RU is up against , some boys will obviously jump at the $ that are offered but the reality is its just a factory getting the best players in the RL system and if their bodies hold up good if not next player. I think the average life span of a NRL rugby league player is 23.


Bob McCowan (2)
BM - settle petal. Your post was not the one that got my attention. They have since been deleted.

If my observations of the game offend you, I apologies. it's just good to see all the CAS boys playing great rugby.


You should get involved, assuming you aren't already, in running the game if you think that Gen Blue can't be improved - its essentially based on NSW schools 1 and 2 - how many pubic schools represented there?

I didnt say that it couldn't be improved or say most of the stuff you've twisted around into something negative.
I just dont think its all doom and gloom and excuse me while I slit my throat stuff. i actually think its a positive pathway and all things can be improved as they evolve.

Acknowledging the positive influence private schools have on rugby and seeing these Schools Championships as being something positive isnt ignoring anything that is negative within the game.
I think most people enjoy this week for what it is and recognise that it's a very good opportunity for the participating players.

Rugby was lost to many public schools a long long time ago. There's a lot of work to do, but that work has to start somewhere. The schools competitions are being reformatted and reconsidered, hopefully with a view of including public schools into a tiered Saturday comp eventually.

The following is good news that you may find negative, I'm not sure.

byASRUonJune 13, 2017inNews
Australian National Schools Rugby Forum8th and 9th December 2017 –Sydney
This is the first national, open Schools Rugby Forum to be held in Australia.
It is occurring in the context of the ongoing development and implementation of the National Schools Rugby Strategic Plan (NSS)
It will be open to all those from schools interested in rugby, those holding rugby related or coordinating positions—as well as to key people from the ARU and other senior rugby bodies.
It will have three main strands—educative, informative ,participative.
It will be a unique and valuable opportunity to influence rugby in schools—its maintenance, development ,safety, resourcing and potential new areas.
It will take place in the educational context that is a school –looking at changes in schools that are influencing the way sport is occurring there.
Key Considerations
–that there be a wide range of participants from all school sectors—State, Catholic, Private.
–that the Forum be as widely advertised as possible, including on social media
–that all participants become fully involved in the preparation for, and discussions during, the forum
–that schools rugby is celebrated for what it does for the education, involvement and ongoing participation of young people in rugby
–the assistance of all in schools who are Convenors, Sports Directors–and those who have attended the Consultations in 2016 and this year– is needed to ensure the Forum has the widest possible attendance and that it achieves its aims.
Concrete Aims
–that the National Schools Strategic Plan undergo further clear development as a result of the Forum
–that schools and senior rugby bodies develop significant understandings of the roles of each in rugby
–that participants learn significant new things about rugby—its safety and its playing
–that the schools voice in determining their needs for rugby in schools is clearly articulated and heard by senior rugby bodies
–the senior rugby bodies come to an appreciation of the immense resource that is the schools in rugby in Australia
–that the views of schools as to how best to develop rugby in schools are stated and heard.
–that appropriate methods of ongoing consultation are developed and agreed to by all parties.


BM - settle petal. Your post was not the one that got my attention. They have since been deleted.

If my observations of the game offend you, I apologies. it's just good to see all the CAS boys playing great rugby.

Offend me- I just don't like the usual hypocrisy.

I know I'm a bit annoying, but at least I don't ride in on my high horse and try tell everyone else off when in fact Youve been pushing Tom behind the scenes for years.

Everyone thinks it mate, just no one says it to you.


Herbert Moran (7)
That's what he told a member of my family.
Educational opportunities do not float all boats.
Personally, I can never understand kids introduced to rugby who choose league, but the lure of money is a factor.
Playing u20s does not pay the bills: this is why we cannot compete with kids offered league or afl contracts.
It's all very well for you to assume that money isn't a factor but the demographics don't support that view: only 36% of 18 to 20 year olds are at uni. Presumably the rest are working or looking for work or living on family money.

Thats is really blunt, accurate and very well said.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Would someone please list the game times for today? I'm heading out to Riverview to watch a couple of games.

Here you go mate


CS v NSW I 6. QLD I v WA 7. QLD II v VIC 8. ACT v NSW II
10:00 11:30 1:00 2:30


VIC v CS 10. WA v ACT 11. NSW II v QLD I 12. NSW I v QLD II
10:00 11:30 1:00 2:30


Division I – Finals

8.45 am POOL A 4th v POOL B 4th
10:00 am POOL A 3rd v POOL B 3rd
11:15 am POOL A 2nd v POOL B 2nd
12:30 pm POOL A 1st v POOL B 1st — Championship Final
2.15 pm Presentation Assembly—Ramsay Hall

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Ron Walden (29)
Come on guys.

Surely someone is heading out today with a camera.

At this point it looks like today's Nationals match reports could be published without any photos.

It would be great if someone could snap one good pic per match and post them here or send them to me as a PM.

Myself and a few writers are doing our best to ensure GAGR coverage of this tournament is provided while LG recovers.

Any help with photos would be much appreciated.




Larry Dwyer (12)
What a cracking day in Sydney town. looking forward to getting out to watch some quality rugby, the forwards clash in Game 1 between CS & NSW will be one for the ages I believe.

Also looking forward to Reilly and Pavlakis out to prove a point over selections , both unlucky from what i have seen over the past year.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Come on guys.

Surely someone is heading out today with a camera.

At this point it looks like today's Nationals match reports could be published without any photos.

It would be great if someone could snap one good pic per match and post them here or send them to me as a PM.

Myself and a few writers are doing our best to ensure GAGR covered of this tournament is provided while LG recovers.

Any help with photos would be much appreciated.



Hi Rich
Ill be at CS V NSW1 game this morning but will be leaving not long after, however I can take some photos of the game if you can excuse the iPhone quality!

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Bob McCowan (2)
Hi Rich
Ill be at CS V NSW1 game this morning but will be leaving not long after, however I can take some photos of the game if you can excuse the iPhone quality!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I will do my best to get some shots from my phone from the 3 games (maybe 4) i am watching today
Just let me know where and time you want the download
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