John Eales (66)
This sounds like a SS & QPR club championship ft. the Force, and you don't see any issues with such a concept?It's not what I said though. Creating rep teams at the end of the club season would be fine. Also costs aren't going to be a huge step from interfacing with the Cheetahs and at least it would be within an RA pathways system. Apparently.
I'd suggest that spreading the Red talent between two tiers will only go one way over time - and then the damage to local comp issue is germane.
Frankly to propose a SS v QPR system as an NRC replacement - and this within a redeveloped centralised pathway - seems pretty ludicrous. No semblance of national equality. Of course if you are not bothered by that, then we have a sort of weird shrink-to-greatness 2.0 occurring at club level with only NSW and Qld benefiting.
You cant shrink from something that doesn’t exist, this removes nothing. A club championship would in fact be growth, just not the growth that suits everyone’s demands perfectly.
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