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Summary of Recommendations
Recommendation 1: That the State and Territory Unions continue to be acknowledged as Members of ARU and remain responsible for growing the Game in their own jurisdiction.
Recommendation 2: That the Australian Super Rugby teams be recognised as also having a key role in the Game, with each current Team (and any future Teams) acknowledged as Members of ARU in their own right.
Recommendation 3: That Members agree to new voting rights determined on the following basis:
- one vote for each Member Union
- one vote for each Super Rugby team as a condition of their licence
- one additional vote for each Member Union with more than 50,000 registered players (for a maximum of one additional vote)
- one vote for the Rugby Union Players’ Association.
Recommendation 4: That ARU adopt a skills-based Board comprised of up to eight Independent (non-executive) Directors.
Recommendation 5: That the following process be adopted for electing and appointing new Directors:
- a four person nomination committee to be formed each year comprising the ARU Chair and another representative selected by the Board and two representatives selected by the Members
- the committee assesses candidates based on their skills and experience and the Board’s requirements and makes recommendations on a unanimous basis to Members at the AGM for the election of up to six Directors
- the nominees are put to the Members of ARU at an AGM for approval on a two-thirds vote
- in addition to the elected directors, the Directors may appoint up to two other Directors to the Board
- that all Directors be appointed for three years and be eligible to serve a maximum of three terms in line with the current terms for the Directors appointed by the Member Unions
- that the Chair of ARU be appointed by the Board with the position to be formally reconsidered every three years.
Recommendation 6: That the CEO sit on the Board as an Executive Director while retaining his or her position as CEO on an ex officio basis.
Recommendation 7: That the Chair of the Board preside as Chair at AGMs and exercise a casting vote and that the President have no automatic entitlement to attend meetings of Directors.
Recommendation 8: That the positions of President and Vice-President be amended so each serves for a single term of one year.
Recommendation 9: That ARU adopt the practice of reporting against ASX Best Practice Recommendations.
Recommendation 10: That ARU form a joint Board and management stakeholder committee to help manage communications and interactions with key stakeholders including Member Unions, Super Rugby Franchises, sponsors and government.
Recommendation 11: That ARU continue to pursue the initiative of the current Chair to bring the Chairs of the Super Rugby teams together with CEOs and members of the ARU Board, to provide strategic as well as operational focus to the Super Rugby Commission.
Recommendation 12: That ARU work in collaboration with Member Unions and Super Rugby teams to develop a National Charter for Australian Rugby which outlines the roles and responsibilities of all organisations at all levels of Rugby.
Australian Rugby Union should also link the payment of financial Grants to the Member Unions to specific and measureable outcomes under the National Charter.
Recommendation 13: That ARU be acknowledged as the ‘keeper of the code’ for Rugby in Australia from the grassroots to the elite level and that this role is reflected in a newly drawn up ARU constitution.
Recommendations 14: That Member Unions also adopt ‘best practice’ governance structures, including an independent skills-based Board.
Recommendation 15: That ARU, through the joint Board and management stakeholder committee, actively identify and pursue those opportunities where the objectives of Rugby align with the goals of government.