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AIC Rugby 2014

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Darby Loudon (17)
Anyone else excited to see Byrne an Sankey link up in AIC 1? Two of the best ball playing forwards I have seen at a schoolboy level in recent years. Both players have a solid defensive game, and their jumping abilities are sensational. Hopefully they can help boost the AIC 1 pack and give the GPS boys a run for their money.

Does anyone know if William Sankey is the son of Bill Sankey, another good second rower who played for the Ashgrove Firsts in 76/77?


Bob McCowan (2)
Does anyone know if William Sankey is the son of Bill Sankey, another good second rower who played for the Ashgrove Firsts in 76/77?

I can confirm he is not the son of Bill Sankey. I believe his father went to Marist, not sure if it was Ashgrove though.

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
Top 4 Team predictions for next year?

The team that stays off this forum will finish 1st. As we see this time last year this forum was filled with predictions of SLC coming top 3 with Villa and Iona. Yet it seemed to be the teams without the hype, the teams with good attitudes and game plans that were stuck to no matter what, the teams with a strong bond maybe not the talent or skill but the team with the most heart. The team who trained extra before and after training as a team no one left out. It is a team like this who will be successful. Not the team with all the big names and hype. Expect another great season in 2015. Expect the unexpected.

David Connors

Sydney Middleton (9)
Unsure for stand outs but so far pretty sure the ladder is
1. Ashgrove 6/6
2. Sec 5/6 4Wins 1 Draw
3. SPC 4/6
4. Iona 2/6 2 wins 1 Draw
5. Villa 2/6
6. SPLC 1/6
7. SLC 0/6

Lauries have had wins against Iona and St Peters as well as a draw against Villa which would put them up to equal 4th with Iona

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
Are you referring to the League state carnival that took place in round four. If so it's a completely different issue. The boys who missed out on round 4 due to this worked hard to make their respect representative teams, hardly lack of commitment to the team. From what I've heard the Lauries boys who missed out on a spot just didn't want to be there.

No from word of mouth and from certain people in positions at the respective schools I named (SPC, SPLC, and VILLA) not due to the league carnival just in general. A lack of team ship, and commitment from certain players at these schools was appalling. Remember this is not my opinion it is what I was told. Only training once a week from kids at Pats and Villa. To kids going AWOL at Peters. This sort of behavior is unacceptable at 1st XV level. But my point being these coaches Sadler, Oxforde and Martin from these schools continued to play there so called "stars" regardless of this factor where as Lynagh at SLC showed them the door. If the SLC coaches played these players they may have found some victories or did they do the right thing by setting an example for younger grade and creating a culture. Or did the coaches from SPC, SPLC and Villa do the wrong thing?


Bob McCowan (2)
No from word of mouth and from certain people in positions at the respective schools I named (SPC, SPLC, and VILLA) not due to the league carnival just in general. A lack of team ship, and commitment from certain players at these schools was appalling. Remember this is not my opinion it is what I was told. Only training once a week from kids at Pats and Villa. To kids going AWOL at Peters. This sort of behavior is unacceptable at 1st XV level. But my point being these coaches Sadler, Oxforde and Martin from these schools continued to play there so called "stars" regardless of this factor where as Lynagh at SLC showed them the door. If the SLC coaches played these players they may have found some victories or did they do the right thing by setting an example for younger grade and creating a culture. Or did the coaches from SPC, SPLC and Villa do the wrong thing?

Is there any word on why they were training once a week? Rep training? or lack of commitment? I believe that Lauries coaches did the right thing, however would these three specific player have really made the difference when lauries lacked the fundamentals?

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
Is there any word on why they were training once a week? Rep training? or lack of commitment? I believe that Laurie's coaches did the right thing, however would these three specific player have really made the difference when Laurie's lacked the fundamentals?

A question we are unable to answer. The would of made a better team no doubt but whether they would have been the difference we will never know. I hear it was due to a lack of commitment.


Bob McCowan (2)
A question we are unable to answer. The would of made a better team no doubt but whether they would have been the difference we will never know. I hear it was due to a lack of commitment.

Any word from the Lauries camp as to what they have planned between now and next season? Any drastic measures being taken? It will be interesting to see how they plan on developing the u14's, I've heard them be compared to the Villa 2010 team and Iona 2013 team. Any word on the development program at Lauries?


Frank Row (1)
Prediction for this weekend

Villa vs SEC
Can see a strong home game from Villa who basically have nothing to lose. This will be a great challenge for the Eddies boys, who are obviously under a lot of pressure to secure the undefeated premiership. If their forwards can starve the Villa boys of the ball, I can see SEC winning in a landslide. SEC by 10

Padua vs Iona
Iona have declined in the later rounds this year, whilst the Padua boys have been a solid pack all season. At Padua, I can see a Padua comeback to finish their season on a high. With some impressive ouside backs, I think Padua will be able to score some great tries out wide. Padua by 15

Ashgrove vs Peters
Ashgrove obviously enter this as favourites. Will be playing hard for a possible outright second placing. Cannot see a young Peters side getting up at Ashgrove this weekend. Ashgrove by 20

Pats vs SLC
With team morale at an all time low, I can't see SLC getting over the line here. This years Pats team have hardly been special, yet that's far more than I can say about the Lauries side. Probably not the most exciting game of the weekend. Pats by 10


Larry Dwyer (12)
Lauries rugby union decline:

As for Lauries, they might want to look at what these two schools have done over the years and turn around their program. For a school with 1500 students, you'd think that they could make good use of their large population. Lauries also have an advantage in regards to their centralised location. This means that they can easily attract students from all across the Brisbane metropolitan area. I hope that Lauries do not turn to the dark side and start giving out scholarships, the AIC is regarded for its home grown talent.

Would love to hear everyone's opinions on both the progression of Eddies and Padua, and the decline of Lauries. What needs to be changed or kept at these schools? What can other schools learn?

i feel a little for Lauries, they actually had a very strong age group (this year 14s) until the GPS went shopping and Lauries 13a went from a premiership team to an easybeat 14a's.
Unforutanely the same GPS school have also went shopping at the strong 14a IONA team, some will be leaving this term to play GPS next term.
same old same old


Bob McCowan (2)
Anyone know who is winning the 2nds compitition?

i know that both Eddies and Villa's 2nds have yet to win a game and these weekend will provide a fight for the wooden spoon in what has been anticipated to be the best game of AIC rugby all year.


Frank Row (1)
Anyone know who is winning the 2nds compitition?

i know that both Eddies and Villa's 2nds have yet to win a game and these weekend will provide a fight for the wooden spoon in what has been anticipated to be the best game of AIC rugby all year.

Ashgrove are clearly out ahead in the premiership race for the 2nds having not lost a game all season and not facing much competition from other schools apart from Lauries


Frank Row (1)
Anyone know who is winning the 2nds compitition?

i know that both Eddies and Villa's 2nds have yet to win a game and these weekend will provide a fight for the wooden spoon in what has been anticipated to be the best game of AIC rugby all year.

Yeah, had a look at Ashgrove's sports newsletter, their seconds are winning by miles. Beat Villa by 91-0. Standout player is Conor Cowhig. Believe he's now in Ash's 1sts.


Frank Row (1)
Did you watch any of the Villa vs Ashgrove 2nds game? any stand outs from Villa?

Turned up halfway through the first half. Hard to say if there were any Villa standouts, since they were starved of ball. Their defence was poor. Also watched the Lauries seconds beat Padua's seconds 25-21. Lauries 2nds are a fine unit, which makes me wonder how their 1sts produce such dismal results.
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