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AIC Rugby 2014

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Herbert Moran (7)
Anyone have any prediction for the 2015 AIC team? I'll give it a crack going of current year 11's in this years 1st XV teams.

~ Means that I don't know or heard of anyone

1. Jack Kelly (SPC) (#2 2014 1st XV)
2. Fraser Holding (PAD) (BENCH 2014 1st XV)
3. Tom O'Tool (PAD) (#3 2014 1st XV)
4. ~
5. ~
6. Justin Sikimeti (SPC) (#8 2014 1st XV)
7. ~
8. Archie Taylor (SEC) (#8 2014 1st XV)
9. Tom Macdonald (SEC) (#9 2014 1st XV)
10. Carter Auld (SEC) (#10 2013 1st XV)
11. Andrew Richardson (SEC) (#14 2014 1st XV)
12. Mana Cecil (SPC) (#12 2014 1st XV)
13. Steven Tatipata (SPLC) (#13 2014 1st XV)
14. Josh Fernandez (SEC) (#13 2014 1st XV)
15. Brent Woolf (SPLC) (#12 2014 1st XV)

Feel free to fill in the missing spots!

I wouldn't be surprised if Joshua Schweitzer (BENCH 2014 1st XV) Makes hooker.

WynnumWhat LXIX

Frank Row (1)
G'day Forum
My name is WynnumWhat LXIX

Long time forum reader, first time poster.

I would like to highlight the AIC season so far and give my personal opinion on the teams. Firstly i would like to say congrats to a quality eddies outfit that won the premiership.

Now to the team.

SLC - SLC.... have they even scored yet? SLC were lucky to even get a member in AIC 1 after a disgrace of a season

SEC - Quality season with a quality team. Setu is a god but were lucky in a tight game with ashgrove with some questionable ref decisions.

Villa - Apparently a very injury prone team certainly did not have the season they hoped for. From the games I was able to watch looked very average.

Padua - Decent team that I believe were overhyped after a few early wins. Struggled against the likes of Ashgrove and SEC and only beat a weaker SPLC with what i believe was an intercept try?

Iona - Mediocre forward pack with some decent backs. Loves to get into the heads of opponents even though they fail to do so often.

SPLC - Have not been able to see them play this year so my knowledge is not up to par. Looks like a decent backline with a few injuries so I have heard. Joel Bygraves a quality prop.

SPC - Very lucky win in round 1 vs ASH after being dominated all first half with ASh failing to capitalize on 5-7 big chances in the first half. Since round 1 have been below par.

ASH - ASH in my eyes were unlucky this year with star 13 Lachlan Jackson out for the season with a ACL tear. Very impressive forward pack lead by Props Jack O'Connor and Tom Stewart. Tough game against Eddies proved to much for the young lads but came back strong against Padua out classing them completely. Reports Gentile (8) ran away from the challenging forward pack.... literally.

Congrats to ASH who has by far wrapped up the Rugby Aggregate with another dominate season with every AIC team coming 1st or 2nd in their respective competition

Overall another quality AIC First XV season by all (Except SLC) showing that AIC is a high class competition. Good luck to AIC 1 against those richy rich GPS boys


Herbert Moran (7)
A few contenders from Villa
1. Ethan Henderson
9/15. Max Baker
Also another back that hasn't played the past few weeks but started the season strong as a winger i think? Can anyone provide me with a name and confirmation of year 11?

Tom McDonald is on AIC 1 this year so I would highly doubt that he drops his bundle next year.


Peter Burge (5)
A few contenders from Villa
1. Ethan Henderson
9/15. Max Baker
Also another back that hasn't played the past few weeks but started the season strong as a winger i think? Can anyone provide me with a name and confirmation of year 11?

yeah the wingers name is tom cronin, i dont think hes up to AIC 1 standard, neither to i believe is ethan hendeson. max baker will give it a good shot, playing multiple good games that i watched. But in saying this Tom Macdonald at 9 and Brent Woolf looking to make 15. It wont be easy for baker to make. Possibly moving Woolf from 15 to 10 would be a good solution.


Allen Oxlade (6)
yeah the wingers name is tom cronin, i dont think hes up to AIC 1 standard, neither to i believe is ethan hendeson. max baker will give it a good shot, playing multiple good games that i watched. But in saying this Tom Macdonald at 9 and Brent Woolf looking to make 15. It wont be easy for baker to make. Possibly moving Woolf from 15 to 10 would be a good solution.

codeunion, this is AIC 2014, if you want to discuss further things about 2015 AIC comp then create a new thread relevant to that

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
from the games i have watched this year, Mana Cecil, Jack Kelly, Max Baker, Brent Woolf, Steven Tapitata, Tom Macdonald and Tom o'toole are my only certainties for AIC 1


Frank Nicholson (4)
from the games i have watched this year, Mana Cecil, Jack Kelly, Max Baker, Brent Woolf, Steven Tapitata, Tom Macdonald and Tom o'toole are my only certainties for AIC 1

I'm not totally sure that Max Baker is a certainty. I don't mean to discredit the kid what so ever but he didn't even make chairman's or AIC this year? The only certainties I would consider for next year are Tom O'Tool and Steven Tapitata.

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
I'm not totally sure that Max Baker is a certainty. I don't mean to discredit the kid what so ever but he didn't even make chairman's or AIC this year? The only certainties I would consider for next year are Tom O'Tool and Steven Tapitata.

So not even the AIC 1 halfback Tom Macdonald from SEC? Surely all the year 11's or 10's for O'Tooles sake that are in Chairmen's or AIC will be certainties for next year. Also I am finding it hard to comprehend why Laurie's had such a strong presence in the Chairmen's XV? From what I saw of these boys I was not expecting to see any boys being selected in either teams. Hanson-Luther you may say is a fair call but Schneider, Filipo and Mead? I thought maybe players like Lancashire, Cecil or Skelton may have taken these spots.


Frank Nicholson (4)
So not even the AIC 1 halfback Tom Macdonald from SEC? Surely all the year 11's or 10's for O'Tooles sake that are in Chairmen's or AIC will be certainties for next year. Also I am finding it hard to comprehend why Laurie's had such a strong presence in the Chairmen's XV? From what I saw of these boys I was not expecting to see any boys being selected in either teams. Hanson-Luther you may say is a fair call but Schneider, Filipo and Mead? I thought maybe players like Lancashire, Cecil or Skelton may have taken these spots.
Tom Macdonald has a very high chance of making it next year, he will obviously be the favorite to get the #9 position. If anyone should of made chairman's it should of been Kain Humphreys. Good strong ball runner who puts on big tackles.

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
Tom Macdonald has a very high chance of making it next year, he will obviously be the favorite to get the #9 position. If anyone should of made chairman's it should of been Kain Humphreys. Good strong ball runner who puts on big tackles.

He is unlucky to have missed out on AIC after making Qld White last year, but I guess he was over looked by two strong on the ball players in Harding and Carter, if anything I believe Humpreys should have been picked over Carter one decision I am not entirely sure about. Along with this I would have picked Dingwell over Hanson-Luther and Torpy over Mcnulty going for a stronger and bigger center pairing of Glynn and Torpy.

As for the Chairmen's XV I am wondering why there are so many SLC players as previously posted and on that note why the likes of Jayden Carroll is positioned at 12, and not at 10 over Cameron? Not sure how Carroll will cope at 12. On the brighter sides of things one game of schoolboy rugby left for grade 12's while the grade 11's are just about to start on another pre-season which looks to be a highly regarded AIC 2015 season heavily dominated by the boys north of the river.


Peter Burge (5)
He is unlucky to have missed out on AIC after making Qld White last year, but I guess he was over looked by two strong on the ball players in Harding and Carter, if anything I believe Humpreys should have been picked over Carter one decision I am not entirely sure about. Along with this I would have picked Dingwell over Hanson-Luther and Torpy over Mcnulty going for a stronger and bigger center pairing of Glynn and Torpy.

As for the Chairmen's XV I am wondering why there are so many SLC players as previously posted and on that note why the likes of Jayden Carroll is positioned at 12, and not at 10 over Cameron? Not sure how Carroll will cope at 12. On the brighter sides of things one game of schoolboy rugby left for grade 12's while the grade 11's are just about to start on another pre-season which looks to be a highly regarded AIC 2015 season heavily dominated by the boys north of the river.
Thats the thing its hard to compare eddies players to villanova players when they haven't had the opportunity to outplay each other yet. If the AIC teams were picked a week later, Humpreys might have had the opportunity to to outplay Carter and prove himsef and the same with Torpy and Mcnulty.


Frank Row (1)
My prediction for next year:


Next year will defiantly be out of eddies, padua and pats. Peter's might have 2 queensland league players, but they are both backs, and I reckon teams will just target their forwards. But, as every year for the past 2 or so years you'll be guaranteed to see new faces next year at Peter's.

I'd say that SPLC and ASH will both put up a good fight for the 2015 first XV title. Peters have a young team this year, so these players will be well experienced at 1st XV level next year, plus as mentioned, they do feature a number of star backs. Ashgrove's 16A's this year will be undefeated, provided they can get up in their game against Peters this weekend I believe? If these boys can continue this form next year, Ashgrove are sure to be a quality side.

I worry however, about the future of SLC rugby. Their under 16 side this year has looked nothing special, whilst their soccer program continues to grow.

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
Thats the thing its hard to compare eddies players to villanova players when they haven't had the opportunity to outplay each other yet. If the AIC teams were picked a week later, Humpreys might have had the opportunity to to outplay Carter and prove himsef and the same with Torpy and Mcnulty.

Could not agree more Code Union, I believe if Villanova defeat Eddies or vica versa then due to this the AIC team may have changed. Along with some other games on the weekend if certain players outplay there opposing number this weekend may have been a different story. However in my opinion the player has to have consistently played well across the season not just one or two good games. In this case it may be where Mcnulty being on a winning team for six weeks might have gotten the spot, but then while looking at Carter vs Humphreys its the opposite thing.

nathen coot

Bob McCowan (2)
Just to name a few grade 11 Boys who should make AIC next year.

Justin Sikimeti. #8(SPC)
Mana Cecil. #12(SPC)
Tom O'Toole. #3(PAD)
Tatipata. #13(SPLC)
Woolf. #15(SPLC
Sines. #9(SPLC)
Carter Auld. #10(SEC)
Josh Fernandez. #13(SEC)
Tom Mcdonald. #9(SEC)

These boys should give it a real HIT next year!

Good Luck for the last game of school rugby grade 12, have a good one.


Peter Burge (5)
Just to name a few grade 11 Boys who should make AIC next year.

Justin Sikimeti. #8(SPC)
Mana Cecil. #12(SPC)
Tom O'Toole. #3(PAD)
Tatipata. #13(SPLC)
Woolf. #15(SPLC
Sines. #9(SPLC)
Carter Auld. #10(SEC)
Josh Fernandez. #13(SEC)
Tom Mcdonald. #9(SEC)

These boys should give it a real HIT next year!

Good Luck for the last game of school rugby grade 12, have a good one.

i thought Carter Auld was year 12?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Wynumwhat Lxix - nice disguise, clearly an Ashgrove boy. First time poster aye... Thanks for your thoughts on the season, I too really feel for Ashgrove, so unlucky losing their 13 for the season, only have another 260 year 12 boys to chose from, must be hard?

Pretty sure every team has had their fair share of injuries and I wouldn't say ASH completely outclassed Padua, Padua were up 22-5 at one stage. You also mention that the game against Eddies proved too much for the young lads?? ASH has the oldest team in the comp, quite a few 18 year olds and only one year 11 regular.

Also, how were Padua overhyped ? Padua were never even considered a genuine premiership contender - they obviously attracted a lot of attention after winning four straight at the start of the season - not by intercept tries either mate, 4 convincing wins against full strength oppositions. They had a poor second half against Ashgrove, and had a terrible run of injuries in the Eddies game and just weren't good enough.

And while I'm pulling your post to pieces (I expect a good rebuttal), the ASH forward pack are really quality, agreed, but they are lead by the best forward in the AIC, Dan Byrnes, he's the difference- not those props.


Frank Nicholson (4)
I'd say that SPLC and ASH will both put up a good fight for the 2015 first XV title. Peters have a young team this year, so these players will be well experienced at 1st XV level next year, plus as mentioned, they do feature a number of star backs. Ashgrove's 16A's this year will be undefeated, provided they can get up in their game against Peters this weekend I believe? If these boys can continue this form next year, Ashgrove are sure to be a quality side.

I worry however, about the future of SLC rugby. Their under 16 side this year has looked nothing special, whilst their soccer program continues to grow.

The reason why Ashgrove are going so well in the 16's is because they have only 1 player in the 1st XV, if I'm correct that's the winger? Unlike SEC and Padua who have numerous players in the 1st XV.

The Queen

Bob McCowan (2)
i thought Carter Auld was year 12?
Carter Auld played 1st XV for SEC in 2013 at #10 with Jake Turpin #12 and Rory Humphreys #13 (brother of 2014 SEC #6 Kain) this being his second year of 1st XV although being injured mainly for this season. By turning 18 next year and being in year 12 this year I can't see Carter Auld repeating. Can anyone shed light on this insite?

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