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A honest question from a Kiwi about Richie and Australia

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Trevor Allan (34)
I think what tends to irritate Aussies isn't so much McCaw himself as the kiwi preciousness that surrounds him. eg they'll concede (smugly) in the vaguest possible terms that he "gets away with a lot" or "pushes the limits of the law likeanygoodsevendoes", but stridently deny any specific instance of wrong-doing.

Likewise they'll brook no unfavourable comparison in any facet of the game with any other opensider. This has become most noticeable for Aussies with Pocock's growth as a pilferer and McCaw's relative withdrawal from that area. Instead of conceding that Pocock is currently stronger over the ball, they'll insist that McCaw has "evolved" his game beyond fetching, with the implication that if he wanted to regress back to his earlier MO he'd still be better at it. And every match where the ABs beat the wobs is hailed as indisputable proof of McCaw's direct dominance over Pocock. Oh, and the OUTRAGE over the QC (Quade Cooper) push to the head!

It's a tiny bit like the preciousness of Sri Lankans about Murali.

But McCaw himself seems like a true gent. I'd much rather have a beer with him than with any number of wallabies.

Fantastic discussion starting post! Right here we go.

"likeanygoodsevendoes" - yes true, although I've only used that myself against people on their high horse acting like Australian rugby players play 100% within the rules and NZ on the whole are just cheats.

game has evolved - this is undoubtedly true that his game his, I'm not sure about your second part though, the way Pocock pilfers is a young mans game, Richie couldn't go back to that game & dominated Pocock - Kiwi's who think this are kidding themselves

indisputable proof - I know I use it as Im sick and bloody tired of being told by every Aussie that "Pocock is now better than McCaw". You know something, it only becomes true when you stop feeling the need to tell me.

QC (Quade Cooper) push to the head - more about QC (Quade Cooper) than RMC that I think.

Sri Lankans - RMC and MM have one thing in common - large opposition supporter bases (not limited to but certainly loudest out of Australia) who accuse him of cheating. Kiwis/Lankans being precious, or Aussies being disrespectful...?

True Gent - that must piss you off. I was pissed off when I met Eales, Mortlock, Gregan and they were gents. Was not so pissed of when I met Campese and he was knob (abeilt a stirring, quite funny one). I'm glad I like Welsh rugby as Jonathan Davies is the best player I've ever met.


Oh, and the OUTRAGE over the QC (Quade Cooper) push to the head!

Regarding the Quade push, I wouldn't say I was outraged but I did think it was a fucking bogan dickhead thing to do - if your first instinct is to stick it to one of the opposition rather than celebrate the win (or good chance of it in that case), you're probably a dick. I would have thought the same thing if it had been Stephen Donald or Cory Jane who Quade had pushed (or indeed if it had been them who did the push).

And for the record, I thought the same thing when Kurt Baker taunted an Aussie before dotting the ball down when NZ won the Commonwealth Games 7's a few years back.


Vay Wilson (31)
True Gent - that must piss you off. I was pissed off when I met Eales, Mortlock, Gregan and they were gents. Was not so pissed of when I met Campese and he was knob (abeilt a stirring, quite funny one). I'm glad I like Welsh rugby as Jonathan Davies is the best player I've ever met.

It pisses me off more that some of our young stars are so unlikeable and up themselves. It feeds into the notion that Aussies are to kiwis what yanks are to Canadians. That's not a comparison I can stomach.


Vay Wilson (31)
Regarding the Quade push, I wouldn't say I was outraged but I did think it was a fucking bogan dickhead thing to do

Can't disagree with you there, but I doubt the reaction would've been as over the top as it was if he'd done it to anyone else. It probably didn't help that it happened at the same time as us winning the game though. Insult atop injury.


Can't disagree with you there, but I doubt the reaction would've been as over the top as it was if he'd done it to anyone else. It probably didn't help that it happened at the same time as us winning the game though. Insult atop injury.

Possibly not, but equally it wouldn't have been as over the top if Cooper didn't generally come across as a bit of a tool. He's not the first to have a go at McCaw (in fact, I recall Bakkies Botha doing almost exactly the same thing when the Boks scored a try once), in fact there's been loads of much worse incidents, but Cooper is a pretty polarising figure in general.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
McCaw, nup, we have immense respect for the guy. The day after he retires, he will be given all the accolades he deserves.

Till then, he is that "cheating" bastard that keeps beating us.


Tony Shaw (54)
I have massive respect for McCaw. He epitomises, to me, what Rugby is about. You mustn't confuse hate with jealousy though. Hate is a term I wouldn't give to many people with the possible exception of Chris Ashton, maybe not even him.

I hate how the AB's dominate us. I hate how they play with clinical precision. I hate how for at least the last 10 years, if the Wallabies don't play to their absolute potential and have a bit of luck go their way, the AB's will beat us; eventually. When I think of the AB's I think of McCaw. This means from time to time my hate mentioned above may be directed as Richie, but it doesn't mean I hate him. I admire and respect the man. I couldn't have said it at the time but I'm glad he held Bill aloft - the man deserves every accolade he can get.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Bullrush for me it is the opposite. When they (any AB or anyone) is in a Cantab jersey they are great for me but once they are in an AB's jersey & happen to be playing AUS or IRE then they've officially crossed to the dark side of the force ;)

Jay I remember that Kurt Baker try+taunt. It was lame & does more harm to the NZ side than the AUS side. It was a shame cause that was a pretty good game by my memory.

Overall McCaw for mine is a top player & great leader for Rugby. He's someone whose game I've studied to try & help my own game.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Sri Lankans - RMC and MM have one thing in common - large opposition supporter bases (not limited to but certainly loudest out of Australia) who accuse him of cheating. Kiwis/Lankans being precious, or Aussies being disrespectful.?

Oh no, there's the R word


Richie never acknolwedges the opposition in the post-match speech. Never. I think this is a reflection of his supreme arrogance.

That and his pathological cheating give me the shits. Pocock bends the rules. Richie blantantly breaks them. There is no comparison there. None.

I dislike him.

I do, however, respect him because of the manner in which he leads his team and his no bullshit attitude.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Richie never acknolwedges the opposition in the post-match speech. Never. I think this is a reflection of his supreme arrogance.

That and his pathological cheating give me the shits. Pocock bends the rules. Richie blantantly breaks them. There is no comparison there. None.

I dislike him.

I do, however, respect him because of the manner in which he leads his team and his no bullshit attitude.

I'll watch out for this but I'm pretty sure he gives the same captains speech as everyone else.


John Hipwell (52)
Richie never acknolwedges the opposition in the post-match speech. Never. I think this is a reflection of his supreme arrogance.

That and his pathological cheating give me the shits. Pocock bends the rules. Richie blantantly breaks them. There is no comparison there. None.

I dislike him.

I do, however, respect him because of the manner in which he leads his team and his no bullshit attitude.

Did you go to the Sydney Test this year??


David Wilson (68)
Actually, I have only heard Richie's aftermatch speech a couple of times, and thought he acknowledged his opposition. I know in after match interviews he doesn't all the time, I think more because he responds to questions such as how do you think team went etc, should we give him the old Sean Fitzpatrick one of slipping in the old 'Full Credit' into his interviews. I also think in interviews he tries to be honest, and if you don't think opposition played well, perhaps it better to say nothing?


Dave Cowper (27)
Richie never acknolwedges the opposition in the post-match speech. Never. I think this is a reflection of his supreme arrogance.

this is just plain untrue.
Listen to the post-match speeches on YouTube. Just because he doesn't use the formulaic "full credit to XXX" doesn't mean he doesn't acknowledge the opposition.
Instead he says stuff like "they certainly played a pretty physical game and took it to us early on" or "for the first 40 we were on the backfoot really, couldn't get our hands on the ball".

The Pocock-McCaw-drivel is not even worth arguing about

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Did you go to the Sydney Test this year??

Probably left before full time - as many do: perhaps McCaw could take the mike at 1/2 time.

frankly, his graciousness in victory (and Carter's etc) is what gives me the shits - they should at least conduct themselves in such a way as to make it easy to loathe them
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