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2012 IRB Junior World Championship

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Stirling Mortlock (74)
Can't take credit for this;

Frisby kick: one that goes out on the full and comes back to where it was kicked


Steve Williams (59)
And doesn't when he has a penalty, again. His kicking has let him down a bit. 4 mistakes in this half.
Kicking out of hand and off the tee was very poor from the Aussies.

Won many of the stats, could not capitalise...

Well done to the Frogs for the win.



Steve Williams (59)
The ARU must seriously looking into the selection and coaching of this team, they haven't performed since it's introduction.
Agree. People talk about the usual selection poiltics and there were also many 18 y.o. (underage) players chosen in this squad.

On the coaching side, they should move Nucifora out and be doing what NZ do. Have a panel of three and rotate promising coaches in. Get some preparation matches (against the kiwis or others) before the tournament, too.


Depending on how South Africa, Argentina and New Zealand go by the end of this tournament, it wouldn't be surprising to see some form of U20 Tri-Nations/Southern Championship introduced..

Host it in Sep-Oct, have it staged in one country and rotate annually.. A 2 week tournament with 3 pool games followed by a 1v2 and 3v4 finale...

Sure its only a 4 game series, but thats relative to the length of the JWC.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Was hoping you guys would beat the frogs would have been a good test for a very good crop of young Irish players. Always good for young guys to get exposure to SH style of play as early and as often as possible.

Looks like with 20 minutes to go Ireland will get some measure of revenge on England for denying us the GS and a Semi Final spot. Current score 20-5 with Ireland bossing possession.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Final score Ireland 27 England 12. Spirited effort by England in the last 15 minutes when they were down to 14 and for a couple of minutes 13 but they couldn't cross the tryline until after Ireland got a break away try to seal the win and England were restored to 15.

It's the frogs for us next, the guys should beat them if the 6Ns game is any guide. England will give your young guys a good game and a real test for your pack.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Wales are currently getting hammered by NZ, current score 30-6 not much chance of a repeat of their famous win in the pool.

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
I didn't see too many games from the JWC, but I do know that goal kicking let us down badly in some games.

What I don't understand is that the ARU contracted kicker, Braam van Straaten, lives in South Africa and he should have been with the team to help them with their kicking.

When the Aus SupeRugby teams go to SA he drops in to see them.

If he did actually help them, then he hasn't done a great job.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
SA turned a 22-0 half time lead into a 35-3 final score. They cut through Argentina at will in the backs and drove through them in the forwards. Argentina had too many ordinary players and no real answers for SAs power and accuracy. SA v NZ final should be a cracker, hopefully SA can stay close to them and make it a real contest for the full 80.


Peter Johnson (47)
I didn't see too many games from the JWC, but I do know that goal kicking let us down badly in some games.

What I don't understand is that the ARU contracted kicker, Braam van Straaten, lives in South Africa and he should have been with the team to help them with their kicking.

When the Aus SupeRugby teams go to SA he drops in to see them.

If he did actually help them, then he hasn't done a great job.

Does anyone else think it is a joke that our kicking coach doesn't even live in the country. When the wallabies are in camp he should be with them, and when they are not in camp he should be travelling around the super teams helping develop the kickers.

Whats the point in having him if he is doing is watching videos from another continent and then sending back notes. Our half arsed approach to kicking is leading to half arsed kicking skills.

Godwin should have been stripped of the kicking after he hooked the first 2 kicks in the scotland game. The whole tournament we had a much better kicker on the field in lucas, yet godwin still took the kicks.

Gill, Browning, Cusack, Satuia, Frisby, Fa'alavu are all really class players. Some of our tight 5 looked promising as well. UJ had the best tactical kicking game I have seen in a long time.

Just like the wallabies at the world cup last year - this team had the talent to go further than they did.


Tony Shaw (54)
Bowside - as you might or might not have noticed, I have posted many times on the kicking subject you raise, and btw I agree with every word of your post.

Even more noteworthy:

(i) who did the recent ABs have as their full-time kicking and catching coach? None other than one Mick Byrne. Where did he come from? Australia. Which code: AFL.

(ii) which code has by far the most accurate, long distance kicking skills (in the world) that each player must master from both feet and are always highly game-determining: AFL. On our f-ing doorstep in every state.

(iii) are there readily accessible AFL kicking skills coaches rugby could recruit for the whole Aus set-up. Ummm, yes.

Just look at the average standards of all of accuracy, distance and left-right boot versatility of most Aus S15 and Wallaby kickers. We're kicking more than ever, and our standards are actually very poor. How many top rugby games are won or lost via good or bad kicks? Large numbers: think RWCs '03 and '11, think 2012 ABs v Ireland 2 and Wallabies v Wales 2. Look at the scoring potency of Gerrard's consistent ability to kick a penalty from midfield to within 5 meters of his oppo's line. How many Aus kickers can do this - very, very few.

And so on...


Michael Lynagh (62)
Why is there such surprise about Nuci's coaching of this team after last year?

Last year we had a better pack of forwards, this year arguably slightly better backs, but both underperformed. Game plans in particular were pretty poor, kicking from hand was average, and there often seemed to be a lack of cohesion.

The best thing they could do is to have an U20 comp of any description prior to the JWC.
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