Yes but ..
Looking beyond face value of a couple of stars (who performed phenomenally well btw) a significant part of the T and F success story is about the depth of participation that led to the accumulation of points in the lower placings
That was the Cake
The “stars” were the Icing
And the guy and his team that run the program supported by the S and C Team deserve some credit , if only, (as not quiet rightly suggested - but doesn’t matter) in working with “the rest” where they were able to build a strong platform
2016’s Captain of Track was special and is generally regarded by the boys as one of the best student leaders that has been through in recent times ( College Cap )- and 2017’s guy was also of similar quality( College Vice Cap )
All true GO, however the plan is fairly clear - recruit (buy is too crude a word) an outstanding junior athlete for year 11/12 (D.Roper in 2015/16; A Moloney in 2016/17) and build the depth around them - each of those two athletes contributed at least 20% of BBC's total points in the T&F championship (Moloney won 7 individual events in 2016 and 6 in 2017 I think). Both these boys were outstanding Brisbane junior athletes. For 2018, BBC have gone further afield, bring E.Nketia from the ACT - he is not in the same all round class as the other two but might be okay at rugby as well as being a good sprinter. Whether he is good enough to beat the BSHS sprinters at GPS remains to be seen.