I'm all for robust and lively debate, however the voices from Ag College baying for CSU blood need to reflect on the late nineties and early to mid 2000's (am i showing my age?

) when they were struggling to put two teams on the park. The word on the street at that time was that Aggies should fold and their players play for Waratahs. There were even Waratahs players of that era looking to play for CSU. True story.
The reality of all rugby comps (as with life in general) is that they are a series of peaks and troughs - some big, some small. Some clubs can ride the wave for a longer period than others, Aggies are on the top of a wave at the moment and CSU are not - wind the clock back 10 years and you might find that Ag College were in a very similar position to CSU.
This thread (or incarnations of) has been running for a long time now, we've covered the season from start to finish for 5-6 years now and managed to remain (generally) on the more positive side of things and for me, that's the direction we should be looking at.