the city v country rivalry of yesteryear doesn’t really exist today. But as a southie I love beating those north shore pricks … manly and warringah joining forces to combat the western Sydney scum etc
That's great in the context of Sydney, and it's why the Shute Shield exists. But, for a ''national" comp, most people elsewhere couldn't care less.
I say that as someone who lived in Sydney for almost two decades, still owns a house there (well, the bank does) and still regards it as the best city in Australia - altho maybe it's turned to shit since I left

Haven't been back for a little while.
A joined-up North vs GWS vs Camperdown was tried, as we know. And, you're right, city vs country is largely bygone. But if you want to know where the true rivalry is now, it's Sydney versus the Rest (and the rest includes Sydney's west).
The unfortunate part of this rivalry is that only a fraction of it comes from on-field rugby.
Nobody gives a shit about city v country, especially when the country team is half filled with guys who are from the city
That is a fair point.
For me, a scattering of club players across 20 suburban teams (or even 8 or 6 of them) playing each other is not the solution - If, as Laurie Fisher said this past week, the missing piece in Australian rugby is a higher-standard of domestic professional competition.
BTW, I'm not against the top 6-8 clubs playing such fixtures to compete for a post-season Club Championship. It's just not a substitute for a proper national comp.
To get a professional level competition, start with the pro-level teams. Fine by me if the Shute and QPR stars compete as Sydney and Brisbane, respectively, as per Rebels3 suggestion above.
Don't like 'country' teams with city players? He's got Qld Reds instead of Qld Country and NSW Waratahs instead of NSW Country. Better all-year visibity of rugby's known teams and some games still played in the regions.