Phil Waugh (73)
I'm going down the coast for the weekend so i'll be lucky to get one TV.Me and a few mates are setting up a revolutionary 'double screen' approach so we can watch both simultaneously.
I might never go back.
I'm going down the coast for the weekend so i'll be lucky to get one TV.Me and a few mates are setting up a revolutionary 'double screen' approach so we can watch both simultaneously.
I might never go back.
I'm going down the coast for the weekend so i'll be lucky to get one TV.
It's winter mate. What's going on with that?I'll be on a harbour cruise. Against my will. Devoid of a TV.
It's winter mate. What's going on with that?
@MediaweekAUS: #TVratings Saturday sports (FTA metro)
#WorldCup #AUS v #FRA #SBS 1.65m
#AFL #Seven 352k
#Rugby #TEN #AUSvIRL 195k
#Cricket #9Gem #ENGvAUS 148k
#Netball #Nine #SuncorpSuperNetball #VIXvFEV 76k
TV ratings & analysis Mediaweek Morning Report. Subscribe free:[\quote]
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Me and a few mates are setting up a revolutionary 'double screen' approach so we can watch both simultaneously.
I might never go back.
@MediaweekAUS: #TVratings Saturday sports (FTA metro)
#WorldCup #AUS v #FRA #SBS 1.65m
#AFL #Seven 352k
#Rugby #TEN #AUSvIRL 195k
#Cricket #9Gem #ENGvAUS 148k
#Netball #Nine #SuncorpSuperNetball #VIXvFEV 76k
Well, I guess the bright side is that the Wallabies match got more viewers than the cricketers - although David Warner being given an analyst's gig can't have helped Nine much.
The Socceroos played a tight, compact game and if not for a little technological aid to the French would have come out of that game with a creditable draw against tournament favourites. Despite the fact that we have, frankly, a really shite team.TBF the Wallabies actually had a chance of winning.
To take a pessamistic view, the cricket rating is not too bad for the Gem digital channel on a Saturday night.
The rugby one on Ten is frankly pretty terrible for a main channel
SBS had a great night with the world cup
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Yeah absolutely.A game going up against the WC in a game featuring the Socceroos. Even the most casual of soccer fans tune in for these games. I would have using my laptop on split screen but I was on a boat all night.
You haven't got a smart phone? (and Foxtel now)A game going up against the WC in a game featuring the Socceroos. Even the most casual of soccer fans tune in for these games. I would have using my laptop on split screen but I was on a boat all night.
Agreed.A game going up against the WC in a game featuring the Socceroos. Even the most casual of soccer fans tune in for these games. I would have using my laptop on split screen but I was on a boat all night.
I wonder how much the TV audience would have increased if it had been moved to 3pm instead (the only feasible time to play it).
I also wonder what the blowback would have been from Irish and other broadcasters who would have preferred the original timeslot.
The crowd at the game was clearly fine.
If 7.30 on this Sunday night is good enough for the NRL and their SOO fixture, it's good enough for us to play it.