• Welcome to the forums of Green & Gold Rugby.
    We have recently made some changes to the amount of discussions boards on the forum.
    Over the coming months we will continue to make more changes to make the forum more user friendly for all to use.
    Thanks, Admin.


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country rugby player

Hi gagger
I will be attending a different shute shield game overy week because i now have no affiliation to any club. I would like the opportunity to write match reports each week?


Allen Oxlade (6)

As you may have noticed, G&GR has been upping our efforts with the coverage of #3rdTier rugby. Our forums are already a hotbed of discussion about grassroots rugby and we want to provide more focus for it on the front page as well.

And thus opportunities are born for budding writers to get their views and talents shared on the unofficial home of Aussie rugby - Green and Gold Rugby. Illustrious careers have been launched in just such a manner.

Specifically, we're looking for Rugby interested writers to provide reports, previews, round ups and features about any of the first grade club rugby or schoolboy competitions in Australia. Show ability and application over time, and you well move into covering the Super Rugby and/or International game, should that be your desire.

What's in it for you?As you've probably guessed, this isn't a paid position (although there is a potential for a bit of old fashioned 'boot money' over time if things work out). What you will most definitely get however is
  1. Experience - we'll share with you all our knowhow on the cutting edge of sports blogging and writing
  2. Exposure - while G&GR gets literally millions of hits, what always impresses us are who some of those people are: international and Super players, coaches and staff, journalists, editors, sponsors.
  3. Identity - we'll also help you build your online identity through our social media channels as well as what you develop on the site through your body of work
  4. Mateship - we all have a ball doing this both offline and online. If you enjoy the people you meet through rugby, you'll love it here
What are our requirements?
  • A deep love and knowledge of rugby
  • Writing proficiency - you don't have to be Dostoevsky, but a decent standard is important
  • Style - if you've read G&GR you'll see we're pretty open stylistically. What we do try and do though is always represent a balanced view, even if delivered with passion or humour. Please don't apply to pump up your club, school or favourite players
  • Commitment - it may only be one 500 word article a week, but we need it consistently - no 'fly by nights'
  • Accuracy - we need the facts, figures, scores and names right, otherwise it's egg on face and a reaming in the comments
If you're up for it then get in touch through our CONTACT US PAGE and denote that you're looking to write with us.
Any Sydney colts rugby 2019
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