They've said 8-10 teams and
ideally a PI team. There's a clear difference.
From what has been said/released it seems they've barely designed anything yet. All they seem to have are proposals for:
- Number of teams
- Number and nature of matches
- Ownership and regulation
As per this interviewfrom 10 days ago, Robinson himself has said:
"We're going to take a little bit more time as part of this consultation process with all of the potential different participants in this competition to work through and understand what their requirements might be. We've got some broad ideas, but to be fair to teams we want to work with we'd like to give them some input and insight into those ideas before we move too much further".
From this piece there's also a quote from NZR board member Bart Campbell explicitly saying they want RA as partners:
"[RA] will be our partners and fellow shareholders in this competition, if they so desire..."