Slim 293
George Smith (75)
There are a whole bunch of metrics that the ARU could rank the teams on to decide who gets the cut. Has anyone tried that?shreds and lets come up with something that can stand up to challenge.
There's probably a whole bunch of other important factors you've left out there farva..........
TV viewing figures for example, coaching development, and I don't think we can ignore a team's ability to develop test players that have come from interstate......... I'm sure there's more.
Also, using 2017 as the sole year for data is not adequate, and it would be far more cruel on a certain couple of teams if we'd used the previous few years in the same manner............
The Force in particular had spent the prior few years at the bottom of the table, with much smaller crowds, little sponsorship and very few test players both locally and from interstate.
Last year the Force were in such a rabble that the idea of cutting them would've been more accepted.