Dave Beat
Paul McLean (56)
Is that annually or a once off?
Anyway, I would suggest a sizeable chunk of those funds go toward establishing more schools competitions in the region. Its the best place to reach as many kids as possible. Outside private schools weekly schools sport particularly at the primary level has really fallen away over the past 20 or so years. If the ARU were to come on board with these funds as well as the DOs to not only organise these competitions but to train teachers in coaching/referreeing then we could see some strong growth.
I'd even be so inclined to focus exclusively on kids in the pri,ary sector. Use 7s and 10s as a structure to get them involved have local club actively distribute literature among schools in their areas (I'm refering to village clubs etc) to capture as many as possible.
The goal would be to build a base at the primary level as a means of further developing demand at the secondary level as these kids progress.
To very similar threads topics running here, I like this point so dragged it across as it assists in explaining my example.
The success of this can ow be measured on myrugby, ref my posts above if clubs meet targets a form of grant is paid.